Monday, October 12, 2009

Re: excluding source files with Eclipse plugin

Hi Ed,

Sorry to hear your poor experience with the plugin.  Better integration with Maven is on our list of features to add.

Regarding your immediate questions, there are two options you have for excluding source:
1) Exclude the source folder in the GWT module that you're compiling.  This will only affect the GWT compile from the Eclipse plugin.  See for more details.
2) If you need to remove them from Eclipse's incremental compiler, you can either remove the source paths on the project's build path, or exclude specific files.  This is likely too strong of an exclusion for you, but just mentioning it anyway.


On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 6:31 AM, Ed <> wrote:

I just uninstalled the plugin.
I am sorry, but simple don't like it, don't see the added-value of
Maybe I am just old-fashion, have my own launch files, just changed
them a bit for 2.0, and off it goes again...
Compiling doesn't work well in my case with complex structues, as
explained above. And I don't really need it as I do it with maven, and
that works very well I have to say..

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