rec.crafts.metalworking - 25 new messages in 7 topics - digest
Today's topics:
* Glass baking tray explosion - 6 messages, 3 authors
* PayPal - 1 messages, 1 author
* Unhinged Right Wing - 4 messages, 2 authors
* OT Flag Burning.. should be of interest - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Obama's Olympic Failure Highlights Limits of His International Appeal - 8
messages, 4 authors
* Ping Larry Jacquesoff - 1 messages, 1 author
* Palin pleads guilty to burglary - 2 messages, 2 authors
TOPIC: Glass baking tray explosion
== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:33 am
From: Larry Jaques
On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 22:34:32 -0400, the infamous John Husvar
<> scrawled the following:
>In article <4ac80273$0$5000$>,
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
>> From information others have posted here, the material that Pyrex was once
>> made from, borosilicate, which is very resistant to heat stresses, has been
>> replaced by a common type of glass, and the strength and heat resistance has
>> been restored somewhat by tempering. But it sounds like Pyrex ain't what it
>> used to be.
>Well, that's my something new for today. :)
That and Prince Rupert's Drops are mine.
>I've got several glass baking dishes round the place. One for sure is
>Pyrex, but it's old as the hills, so I think it is borosilicate. I've
>shattered tempered auto glass and CRT fronts by heating one area and
>allowing it to cool naturally. After a while cooling, BANG!
>So I figured that would apply to the baking dish in question.
>It ain't what you know that gets you in trouble: Its what you know that
>just ain't so - Twain(?)
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-- George Bernard Shaw
== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:35 am
From: Larry Jaques
On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 20:12:08 -0700, the infamous Gunner Asch
<> scrawled the following:
>On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 13:16:57 -0500, Ignoramus2624
><ignoramus2624@NOSPAM.2624.invalid> wrote:
>>This glass baking tray (with a pie in it) exploded, when a electric
>>oven burner was turned on under it by accident (not by me). What is
>>interesting is that it exploded (shattered violently) all at once.
>>Utensils next to it were thrown to the floor by the force of the
>>What this story underscores, besides interesting physics implications,
>>is that trouble often comes very unexpected.
>Who the hell bakes apple pies in casserol trays?
Au contraire, mon ami! That was a larger dish than a simple pie
plate. Doesn't the concept "Mo fo me!" work for ya?
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-- George Bernard Shaw
== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:41 am
From: Larry Jaques
On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 23:09:12 -0500, the infamous Ignoramus2624
<ignoramus2624@NOSPAM.2624.invalid> scrawled the following:
>Here's an awesome webpage, a must read on the subject, from our usual
I'll bet the phrase "scarred heavily" came from a speaking weasel
(attorney) who took up the Righteous Fight for Justice Against Lime
Glass. ;) Feh!
WARNING: Glass can shatter. Use care around it!
'Nuff said? I think so.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-- George Bernard Shaw
== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:46 am
From: Ignoramus16938
On 2009-10-04, Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di> wrote:
> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 23:09:12 -0500, the infamous Ignoramus2624
><ignoramus2624@NOSPAM.2624.invalid> scrawled the following:
>>Here's an awesome webpage, a must read on the subject, from our usual
> I'll bet the phrase "scarred heavily" came from a speaking weasel
> (attorney) who took up the Righteous Fight for Justice Against Lime
> Glass. ;) Feh!
> WARNING: Glass can shatter. Use care around it!
> 'Nuff said? I think so.
Larry, read that snopes webpage. It does not just shatter, it exlpodes
for almost no reason.
I want to replace my Pyrex dishes with borosilicate ones now.
== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:47 am
From: Larry Jaques
On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 07:52:39 -0400, the infamous Wes
<> scrawled the following:
>Gunner Asch <> wrote:
>>Who the hell bakes apple pies in casserol trays?
>Mom has before. She normally makes round ones though.
I've decided that apple turnovers (humongous babies) are much easier
than making apple pies. That said, I need to go pick some apples. My
Golden Delicious are ready now. I picked/halved/froze about 20 lbs of
Santa Rosa plums last week. Plum Bisquick coffee cake is ta die for.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-- George Bernard Shaw
== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 10:18 am
From: "Ed Huntress"
"Ignoramus16938" <ignoramus16938@NOSPAM.16938.invalid> wrote in message
> On 2009-10-04, Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di> wrote:
>> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 23:09:12 -0500, the infamous Ignoramus2624
>><ignoramus2624@NOSPAM.2624.invalid> scrawled the following:
>>>Here's an awesome webpage, a must read on the subject, from our usual
>> I'll bet the phrase "scarred heavily" came from a speaking weasel
>> (attorney) who took up the Righteous Fight for Justice Against Lime
>> Glass. ;) Feh!
>> WARNING: Glass can shatter. Use care around it!
>> 'Nuff said? I think so.
> Larry, read that snopes webpage. It does not just shatter, it exlpodes
> for almost no reason.
> I want to replace my Pyrex dishes with borosilicate ones now.
> i
Given your proclivity for clever entrepreneurship, maybe you can make a
business out of importing them from Europe, eh?
Ed Huntress
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:33 am
From: "SteveB"
"Bob La Londe" <> wrote in message
> "SteveB" <> wrote in message
>> <> wrote in message
>>> My non-profit livestock registry association has a PayPal account. For
>>> the past week, it has been a one-way account; they will accept money
>>> but we can't access it. PayPal is sitting on $900 of our money.
>>> On September 25, they institiuted new rules for non-profits. They need
>>> a canceled check, a mission statement and an IRS letter of
>>> determination of non-profit status. Oh, and it must not be over 6
>>> months old.
>>> Well, that letter of determination isn't issued every 6 months; it is
>>> a one time thing. Our association has been in existance since 1929.
>>> We have faxed the material we have and now must wait for a
>>> determination review.
>>> Anyone else been through this BS?
>> If you allowed yourself to get into this position, you need to do EXACTLY
>> the following:
>> Cancel your non-profit organization. Wait for any and all money to come
>> back, and then distribute it according to the laws in your state. Never
>> do this again.
>> If you are that misinformed to misplace that much money people have given
>> you in good faith, then you have no business being in control of a
>> non-profit organization. If, tomorrow, someone asks for an accounting of
>> your funds, what are you going to say about the "frozen" money? People
>> do have the legal right to ask for an accounting of the money at the
>> present time, and your history before making the decision to donate. How
>> would YOU look at this as an outsider, or a potential contributor? And
>> you're kvetching about a letter of determination from the IRS that
>> someone asks you for before they will even handle your money? What's up
>> with that? Sounds to me like PayPal is doing their homework before
>> getting involved in a ton of money laundering schemes.
> So you think that if you don't have a law degree and a degree in
> accounting you should never do anything or try anything? Come on Steve.
> By the way, I have three Paypal accounts for different things, and I have
> run across some strange situations with them. I have the advantage of
> having an attorney who is also a CPA, and a phone call from him usually
> gets things sorted out when some organization gets stupid with my money.
> Yeah that phone call costs me a couple hundred bucks, but I don't usually
> have to deal with some organization trying to force their policy down my
> throat like it's the law.
> Paypal however is a force in and of itself. Not a great way to handle
> money, but the only alternative for some applications.
> I suspect PayPal policy in this case has nothing to do with the law, but
> is about collecting fees and holding money. They offer non-profits fee
> free transactions. (or atleast they used to.)
I have quite a bit of experience with 501 C3 NPOs. I have even done work
with John Walsh. I did absorb some things during those three years working
with a major missing child organization.
For this person to NOW come in and ask about a very basic
component/requirement/law of the organization is a reflection of
inexperience or oversight. To have any question about IRS requirements
makes as much sense as insulting your barber before a haircut. This is why
NPOs use professional grant writers.
Were I to be approached by this person or organization, because of this
situation, and the way it was handled, I would not contribute to them. But,
apparently, they have enough donors and know what they're doing so well that
they ask advice in Usenet newsgroups.
"Doing things and trying things"? Why does the name Bernard Madoff come to
mind? Plus endless scandals recently of charities having limousines and
expensive dinners and travels? I'm all FOR doing things and trying things.
In fact, if you'd like to contact me and pony up some money, I have lots of
ideas that are sure fire winners, and will make a lot of money.
No, I'm not a lawyer. But I did not just fall off the turnip truck, either.
TOPIC: Unhinged Right Wing
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:38 am
From: Gunner Asch
On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 09:39:17 -0600, wrote:
>On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 21:30:08 -0700, Gunner Asch
><> wrote:
>>>You need to pay closer attention.. it's less than 50% and dropping
>>Dropping like a lead sinker down a deep dry well.....
>So's your current event's IQ, stupid
>If the GOP had ANYTHING in the last 6 months to offer
>that was causing the shift BACK to them---it's simply
>not there
>Therefore, even a fucking moron like you should be able
>to figure out that Obama's "ratings" are being lowrered
>because he's not been able to do MORE to counter what
>you dumb assholes caused.
>That isn't a plus your your side, dummy.
That you claim Im a Republican ...again..makes you look even more stupid
than your normal drool and stare.
As to why Obama is dropping like a bad penny down a well....its because
he has not been able to do ANYTHING...except root on the coming Great
Depression Part Deux.
The one he started in the first place. Its fascinating to watch you
buffoons deny, swerve, avoid and proclaim that its someone elses fault.
If the Obamassiah was worth a shit...he would have had SOME effect on
the plunge. But no..he isnt worth a shit..and the train has left the
station, straight on the down track to hell.
And for that..the People will rise up and make you buffoons into
And Ill be applauding the end of each and every one of you.
So enjoy your imploding Nation while you still have the breath to giggle
like a loon.
It wont be long before you breath your last one.
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:39 am
From: Gunner Asch
On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 09:40:33 -0600, wrote:
>Yet when that amout is being spent by the very
>institutions that caused this mess in the first
>place---you don't seem to get it.
I thought you claimed the Democrats/leftists/socialists/progressives
DIDNT start it? And here you admit it.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:48 am
From: "RD (The Sandman)"
miguel <> wrote in
> On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 20:56:38 -0700, tankfixer <>
> wrote:
>>In article <ha8udv$ge9$>,
>> says...
>>> On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 10:31:32 -0700, tankfixer
>>> <> wrote:
>>> >In article <>, a6ahlyv02
>>> > says...
>>> >>
>>> >> On Thu, 1 Oct 2009 22:27:46 -0700, in the land of
>>> >> alt.usenet.kooks, tankfixer <> got double
>>> >> secret probation for writing:
>>> >>
>>> >> >In article <>,
>>> >> >a6ahlyv02 says...
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 21:32:07 -0700, in the land of
>>> >> >> alt.usenet.kooks, tankfixer <> got
>>> >> >> double secret probation for writing:
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> >In article <>,
>>> >> >> >a6ahlyv02 says...
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 18:15:20 -0700, in the land of
>>> >> >> >> alt.usenet.kooks, tankfixer <> got
>>> >> >> >> double secret probation for writing:
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >In article <>,
>>> >> >> >> >a6ahlyv02 says...
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> On Tue, 29 Sep 2009 18:22:10 -0700, in the land of
>>> >> >> >> >> alt.usenet.kooks, tankfixer <> got
>>> >> >> >> >> double secret probation for writing:
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> >As long as Obama allows health care reform to be called
>>> >> >> >> >> >"ObamaCare" with no objection then he owns it.
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> The wingnuts lie and it is Obama's fault because he
>>> >> >> >> >> won't recogize their lie.
>>> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >,9171,1914973,00
>>> >> >> >> >.html
>>> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >obamaca_b_ 294247.html
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> It is still an invention of the wingnuts, you retard.
>>> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >Better tell Arianna to stop using it then..
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> It is still an invention of the wingnuts, you retard.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >So Firmly taken root that even the major media uses the term
>>> >> >now.. That must just chap your hide..
>>> >>
>>> >> It is still an invention of the wingnuts, you retard.
>>> >
>>> >And it chaps your ass his grand sceme will go down in flames
>>> >because of it.
>>> You mean the grand scheme that 2/3ds of all americans support?
>>You need to pay closer attention.. it's less than 50% and dropping
> You're getting your facts from FOX news. FOX news is a no fact zone.
Perhaps, but the Rasmussen and Pew polls aren't.
Sleep well tonight,
RD (The Sandman)
"Fear is the foundation of most governments."
President John Adams
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 10:01 am
From: "RD (The Sandman)"
miguel <> wrote in
> On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 21:55:24 -0700, tankfixer <>
> wrote:
>>In article <ha97ip$iu2$>,
>> says...
>>> On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 20:56:38 -0700, tankfixer
>>> <> wrote:
>>> >In article <ha8udv$ge9$>,
>>> > says...
>>> >>
>>> >> On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 10:31:32 -0700, tankfixer
>>> >> <> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> >In article <>,
>>> >> >a6ahlyv02 says...
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> On Thu, 1 Oct 2009 22:27:46 -0700, in the land of
>>> >> >> alt.usenet.kooks, tankfixer <> got
>>> >> >> double secret probation for writing:
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> >In article <>,
>>> >> >> >a6ahlyv02 says...
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 21:32:07 -0700, in the land of
>>> >> >> >> alt.usenet.kooks, tankfixer <> got
>>> >> >> >> double secret probation for writing:
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >In article <>,
>>> >> >> >> >a6ahlyv02 says...
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 18:15:20 -0700, in the land of
>>> >> >> >> >> alt.usenet.kooks, tankfixer <> got
>>> >> >> >> >> double secret probation for writing:
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> >In article
>>> >> >> >> >> ><>, a6ahlyv02
>>> >> >> >> >> > says...
>>> >> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> >> On Tue, 29 Sep 2009 18:22:10 -0700, in the land of
>>> >> >> >> >> >> alt.usenet.kooks, tankfixer <>
>>> >> >> >> >> >> got double secret probation for writing:
>>> >> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> >> >As long as Obama allows health care reform to be
>>> >> >> >> >> >> >called "ObamaCare" with no objection then he owns
>>> >> >> >> >> >> >it.
>>> >> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> >> The wingnuts lie and it is Obama's fault because he
>>> >> >> >> >> >> won't recogize their lie.
>>> >> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >> >,9171,1914973
>>> >> >> >> >> >,00.html
>>> >> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >> >st-obamaca_b_ 294247.html
>>> >> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> >> It is still an invention of the wingnuts, you retard.
>>> >> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> >Better tell Arianna to stop using it then..
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> It is still an invention of the wingnuts, you retard.
>>> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >So Firmly taken root that even the major media uses the term
>>> >> >> >now.. That must just chap your hide..
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> It is still an invention of the wingnuts, you retard.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >And it chaps your ass his grand sceme will go down in flames
>>> >> >because of it.
>>> >>
>>> >> You mean the grand scheme that 2/3ds of all americans support?
>>> >
>>> >You need to pay closer attention.. it's less than 50% and dropping
>>> >daily.
>>> You're getting your facts from FOX news. FOX news is a no fact zone.
>>You would be wrong.
>>Rasmussen poll
>>"Public support for the health care reform plan proposed by President
>>Obama and congressional Democrats has fallen to a new low as just 42%
>>of U.S. voters now favor the plan. That?s down five points from two
>>weeks ago and down eight points from six weeks ago."
>>And that was early August..
> That poll has changed only 1 percent since then. On the other hand,
> look at this poll:
> You can see that the problem is that the propaganda wing of the
> Republican Party has been spreading fear and lies about such things as
> "death panels" and the like. Americans are clearly willing to be taxed
> more for better health care, but the liars on the right are fueling
> skepticism. Liars like you.
Miguel, are you among the ones that would government departments like
this entity to be running your healthcare plan?
Four drafty buildings that been fixtures of the Energy Department
complex in Oak Ridge, TN for more than a half century, burn energy like
1950s sedans. A deal was struck for a federal conservation retrofit
program that relied on private contractors that recieve a percentage of
the money they save. In 2001, the contractor reworked lighting and
heating systems, among other things and began collecting payments.
The project was counted among the Energy Departments "green" successes -
until auditors discovered that the building had been torn down several
years ago and the government paid $850,000 for energy savings at
facilities that no longer existed.
The problems are not exclusive to Oak Ridge. The auditors, from the
department's Inspector General's office, also determined that $565,000
had been paid over six years under the same arrangement to a contractor
in Texas for a high efficiency laundry that was no longer in use. The
department also paid out $3.4 million on another project without checking
whether the conservation measures worked - and $160,000 for measurements
that were never taken.
In July, Freidman's office reported that the department spent $11.5
million more than necessary on its utility bills because government and
contracting officials failed to use systems to automatically turn down
heat in buildings at night.
Source: Associated Press.
Currently, Medicare and Medicaid are 14% of our total budget and slated
to run out of funds in 2019. Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security and
interest on the debt is currently 62% of our budget. That doesn't leave
much for anything else and Obama is claiming to be deficit neutral.
Sleep well tonight,
RD (The Sandman)
"Fear is the foundation of most governments."
President John Adams
TOPIC: OT Flag Burning.. should be of interest
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:41 am
From: "HH&C"
On Oct 4, 4:48 am, Strabo <> wrote:
> Kirk Gordon wrote:
> > Gunner Asch wrote:
> >>> Lemme see if I've got this straight. We've sent brave men and
> >>> women to fight and die for the benefit of a country full of third
> >>> world minds that don't have a clue what freedom or rights are all
> >>> about. We tell ourselves, and our troops, that they're actually
> >>> fighting to protect OUR rights and freedoms, and things like the rule
> >>> of law, due process, etc. Then we think it's a good thing when
> >>> someone attempts to "honor" our troops by ignoring the rule of law,
> >>> forgetting about due process, and imposing a punishment that no US
> >>> court would order.
> >>> And the reason for all this is that a VFW post commander and Viet
> >>> Nam war veteran is worried about kids in a foxhole who have "no one
> >>> to set them free". He's right about that. None of us will ever be
> >>> free until we realize that patriotism is a rational, reasoned
> >>> commitment to something that makes sense, and not a license to use
> >>> slogans and flags to justify destructive nonsense.
> >>> KG
> >> Odd that you missed the fact that the kid did the punishment
> >> Voluntarily.
> >> Why did you miss that?
> > I guess because what you posted said "...the man was FORCED to sit in
> > the sun pilloried for six hours..."
> > The fact that the guy was contrite or remorseful doesn't mean this
> > was truly voluntary, or even close to it.
> > Since neither of us knows the details of the whole story, my guess
> > about what really happened is as valid as yours. And my guess is that
> > the guy was told either to accept the VFW's version of injustice, or
> > face prosecution. I'm no lawyer; but that sounds to me like blackmail,
> > which adds still ANOTHER crime to the list.
> Blackmail?
> Sounds to me like local people arriving at an agreement for restitution.
> The 'victim' wronged them. They offered to drop the issue if he would
> publicly relent. He did.
> It's called freedom and liberty.
> According to you that's not only wrong but it's illegal! Can't have
> a consensus of morality. Oh no. You demand a fishing trip to find the
> 'truth'. You want to impose Big Brother to threaten the evil doers with
> jail or death.
> How many lives are you willing to ruin to satisfy your sense of justice?
> How much are you willing to take from others to 'protect the community',
> $50,000, $100,000, $500,000, a million?
Damn!!! I should have read further down before replying. You're
exactly right.
> > And, as Ed pointed out so well, the commission (or even just the
> > allegation) of a crime isn't about what the involved parties agree to.
> > The law itself takes an interest; and the issue is protecting the
> > community as a whole, not just satisfying the victims' twisted idea of
> > "justice".
> Too bad they were all white heterosexual males. If only you could get a
> female, homosexual or black involved you could trigger a federal
> 'hate crime'.
Yikes! You couldn't be more correct. Aren't the elderly a protected
class? Lots of guys at the VFW are in their 80's.
> Yes sir, a 'hate crime' could trigger alphabet soup agents, high profile
> publicity and 4 AM raids to seize the perp's stuff after they're thrown
> in jail.
Think about all those Garands with plugged barrels. We're talking
about an "ARSENAL!!!"
And all those Vets trained in war tactics... that punk could have
triggered a revolution or sumptin.
> Surely you could find somebody 'guilty' of something. Then
> you could show 'em some real blackmail! Hey! Maybe one of the evil
> doers would object and get killed. That'd be a stroke of luck, huh.
Step 1: Lob incindiary grenades, errr, ah, smoke and tear gas
cannisters into a room with combustibles...
> Short of that you could arrange to have informants in jail with the
> evil doers. "Oh yes, your Honor, he told me they threatened the
> victim with torture." Guaranteed justice.
> > KG
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:43 am
From: "HH&C"
On Oct 4, 9:31 am, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> "Strabo" <> wrote in message
> news:uiZxm.21393$Fg7.1784@newsfe03.iad...
> > Kirk Gordon wrote:
> >> Gunner Asch wrote:
> >>>> Lemme see if I've got this straight. We've sent brave men and women
> >>>> to fight and die for the benefit of a country full of third world minds
> >>>> that don't have a clue what freedom or rights are all about. We tell
> >>>> ourselves, and our troops, that they're actually fighting to protect
> >>>> OUR rights and freedoms, and things like the rule of law, due process,
> >>>> etc. Then we think it's a good thing when someone attempts to "honor"
> >>>> our troops by ignoring the rule of law, forgetting about due process,
> >>>> and imposing a punishment that no US court would order.
> >>>> And the reason for all this is that a VFW post commander and Viet Nam
> >>>> war veteran is worried about kids in a foxhole who have "no one to set
> >>>> them free". He's right about that. None of us will ever be free until
> >>>> we realize that patriotism is a rational, reasoned commitment to
> >>>> something that makes sense, and not a license to use slogans and flags
> >>>> to justify destructive nonsense.
> >>>> KG
> >>> Odd that you missed the fact that the kid did the punishment
> >>> Voluntarily.
> >>> Why did you miss that?
> >> I guess because what you posted said "...the man was FORCED to sit in
> >> the sun pilloried for six hours..."
> >> The fact that the guy was contrite or remorseful doesn't mean this was
> >> truly voluntary, or even close to it.
> >> Since neither of us knows the details of the whole story, my guess
> >> about what really happened is as valid as yours. And my guess is that
> >> the guy was told either to accept the VFW's version of injustice, or face
> >> prosecution. I'm no lawyer; but that sounds to me like blackmail, which
> >> adds still ANOTHER crime to the list.
> > Blackmail?
> > Sounds to me like local people arriving at an agreement for restitution.
> > The 'victim' wronged them. They offered to drop the issue if he would
> > publicly relent. He did.
> > It's called freedom and liberty.
> > According to you that's not only wrong but it's illegal!
> Let's see if we can explain something that will get through your thick
> skull. Imagine the same circumstances, only instead of a 21-year-old young
> man, it was a 21-year-old young woman. Same transgression, same everything.
> Except that her "choice three" is to have sex with three or four of the
> barstool warmers at the VFW.
Is that what happened?
End of your fantasy, huh?
> She agrees; they have sex; she's physically fine afterward, and everyone
> goes on their way.
> Now, here's the question for you, Strabo: When they catch the guys, how many
> years do they wind up spending in prison?
> No fair peeking. Just give us your answer. Now we'll find out if you
> understand the principle of coercion, or if you're off your rocker. This
> situation is an exect legal parallel to the one you're talking about.
> I'll wait.
> --
> Ed Huntress- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 10:09 am
From: "Ed Huntress"
"HH&C" <> wrote in message
On Oct 4, 9:31 am, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> "Strabo" <> wrote in message
> news:uiZxm.21393$Fg7.1784@newsfe03.iad...
> > Kirk Gordon wrote:
> >> Gunner Asch wrote:
> >>>> Lemme see if I've got this straight. We've sent brave men and women
> >>>> to fight and die for the benefit of a country full of third world
> >>>> minds
> >>>> that don't have a clue what freedom or rights are all about. We tell
> >>>> ourselves, and our troops, that they're actually fighting to protect
> >>>> OUR rights and freedoms, and things like the rule of law, due
> >>>> process,
> >>>> etc. Then we think it's a good thing when someone attempts to "honor"
> >>>> our troops by ignoring the rule of law, forgetting about due process,
> >>>> and imposing a punishment that no US court would order.
> >>>> And the reason for all this is that a VFW post commander and Viet Nam
> >>>> war veteran is worried about kids in a foxhole who have "no one to
> >>>> set
> >>>> them free". He's right about that. None of us will ever be free until
> >>>> we realize that patriotism is a rational, reasoned commitment to
> >>>> something that makes sense, and not a license to use slogans and
> >>>> flags
> >>>> to justify destructive nonsense.
> >>>> KG
> >>> Odd that you missed the fact that the kid did the punishment
> >>> Voluntarily.
> >>> Why did you miss that?
> >> I guess because what you posted said "...the man was FORCED to sit in
> >> the sun pilloried for six hours..."
> >> The fact that the guy was contrite or remorseful doesn't mean this was
> >> truly voluntary, or even close to it.
> >> Since neither of us knows the details of the whole story, my guess
> >> about what really happened is as valid as yours. And my guess is that
> >> the guy was told either to accept the VFW's version of injustice, or
> >> face
> >> prosecution. I'm no lawyer; but that sounds to me like blackmail, which
> >> adds still ANOTHER crime to the list.
> > Blackmail?
> > Sounds to me like local people arriving at an agreement for restitution.
> > The 'victim' wronged them. They offered to drop the issue if he would
> > publicly relent. He did.
> > It's called freedom and liberty.
> > According to you that's not only wrong but it's illegal!
> Let's see if we can explain something that will get through your thick
> skull. Imagine the same circumstances, only instead of a 21-year-old young
> man, it was a 21-year-old young woman. Same transgression, same
> everything.
> Except that her "choice three" is to have sex with three or four of the
> barstool warmers at the VFW.
>Is that what happened?
Exactly. Only the sex and the particular coercion have been changed.
If Strabo believes in principles as much as he says, he'll recognize that
it's exactly the same principle. If he really doesn't, he'll try to evade
the issue, like you're doing here.
Ed Huntress
TOPIC: Obama's Olympic Failure Highlights Limits of His International Appeal
== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:43 am
From: steamer
--It's not a limit on *his* appeal; it's a limit on Chicago's. And
there were comments about difficulties foreigners have just getting thru
customs and DHS complications. Hell I wouldn't want to be a Canadian trying
to cross the border, let alone from one of dem Europeeeean countries...
"Steamboat Ed" Haas : Imagine what I could do if
Hacking the Trailing Edge! : I knew what I was doing...
---Decks a-wash in a sea of words---
== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:44 am
From: "Ed Huntress"
"Bill Noble" <nobody@nowhere.invalid> wrote in message
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
> news:4ac83360$0$22535$
>> "Bill Noble" <nobody@nowhere.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:ha9bsl$53a$
>>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
>>> news:4ac82949$0$22548$
>>> discussion snipped
>>> . I'm really
>>>> tempted to take the gloves off and see how much Adolescent can take.
>>>> d8-)
>>>> --
>>>> Ed Huntress
>>> the problem is, as we know that without more effort than it's worth,
>>> it's only words - and to go seek out Adolescent, or any of the other
>>> "special people" and to actually show them how annoying they are, would
>>> probably be a violation of some laws. Even in Texas, the "he needed
>>> killing" defense seems weaker when the intenet is in the middle. And,
>>> forensics being what they are, implanting a digital reward would
>>> probably not remain anonymous. But maybe we can take a lesson from
>>> Gandalf, in the Hobbit, where he saves Bilbo and the others in the party
>>> by tricking the trolls into arguing with themselves until the sun comes
>>> up, at which time they are turned into stone. Maybe some sunshine on the
>>> trolls...
>> Oh, shoot, I'm not talking about a physical confrontation. I'm talking
>> about discussing his intellectual and sexual inadequacies. <g>
>> --
>> Ed Huntress
> no, no - remember Gandalf - get a different troll to do that, you just
> provide the sunshine - a real name and address might make Adolescent grow
> up, and I don't think that discovering such a thing violates any laws.
You have a deep and transcendant faith, Bill. <g> I suspect he'd just get
> as an aside, out of 12 new topics/threads posted since I posted the thing
> you replied two, one is related to metal working, the remainder are all
> spam/OT, and they are all political.
> One more neuron, he'd have a synapse
Stand's time to flush!
Ed Huntress
== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:45 am
From: "Ed Huntress"
"Wes" <> wrote in message
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
>>Wes, take a look at a few patterns that have emerged lately. Adolescent
>>isn't responding with a list of NGs that happens to include RCM: he
>>new posts, one after another, with RCM in the list. He's actively
>>RCM into the distributions. That's why I have no respect for him, and feel
>>free to say anything to him that reflects my annoyance. d8-)
> I kill filtered CA a long time ago. Googling shows a pure troll as in no
> redeeming
> qualities.
> I know how you feel though. TMT iritated me enough that I used some
> rather foul language
> in reponse. That is problably what he wanted. He wanted me to lower
> myself. Perhaps CA
> wants the same from you?
>>And a few weeks ago you, or someone else, trimmed a distro from a thread
>>that Cliff had created, leaving just RCM on it, and Cliff responded with
>>of the other NGs pasted back on.
> Cliff could be a contributing member of some groups but he can't turn off
> his rants. I
> wonder how he would have tested on that narcissist test in an earlier
> thread?
>>Also note that Adolescent got no responses from RCM for a long time but he
>>continued to include RCM in his distro lists. He's operating like a
>>once a NG is on there, he keeps using it. It's a numbers game for him.
> The view from here is you, replying to yourself since most of his troll
> bait from the
> other groups have been filtered out. I fired up the laptop the other day
> and saw R.C.M.
> with the filters off. What a mess. I gotta transfer my current filter
> list to it asap.
>>There is no way that non-response is going to affect these people.
>>has morphed into something that's more like spamming. They aren't looking
>>for an argument so much as a forum for plastering their views up on the
>>wall, like posters in a subway. Cliff, Adolescent, and one or two others
>>creating threads to provoke and to insult other people, and they don't
>>when or if anyone responds from those groups. If they don't get enough
>>response to indicate that they're getting under someone's skin, they just
>>start new, more provocative threads.
> That is why we have kill filters. If we don't see them, we don't get
> tempted to reply. I
> know it is hard though. You can look up some of my earlier posts and I
> was prime troll
> bait. I keep trying not to bite. Hope I can keep my resolve come winter.
>>You aren't going to get rid of them, least of all by ignoring them.
>>just turn up the noise level until they get a response or two. That's all
>>takes to keep them going. And if no one responds, they just keep starting
>>new threads.
> The analogy of a screaming kid being ignored by the parent until the kid
> wears himself out
> applies. However, the screaming is hard on all the bystanders. ;)
> Wes
I realize that, and I'm sorry for contributing to the mess. But I love the
smell of napalm in the morning...
Ed Huntress
== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:48 am
From: "Ed Huntress"
"Compact Adolescent" <not_too@bright.duh> wrote in message
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
> news:4ac82949$0$22548$
>> "Wes" <> wrote in message
>> news:i1Sxm.6$
>>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
>>>>> Ed, what is with you and John lately? You both are sliding into the
>>>>> gutter with your
>>>>> responses.
>>>>> Wes
>>>>Testing Adolescent's cool. He reacts in a funny way. It looks like he's
>>>>it too easy for a while, and I'm just trying to provoke him. d8-)
>>>>This is Whac-a-Mole with righties, Wes. It's the only entertainment left
>>>>this place, thanks to Cliff and a couple of others who keep
>>> If Cliff and TMT left this world or found other interests, this group
>>> would come back to
>>> life. While I like the relative anonymity of Usenet, I'm starting to
>>> think maybe we
>>> should all declare who we are.
>>> I also wonder how many psychologists are researching Usenet and
>>> behavior. It seems to
>>> bring out the worst in some people.
>>> I'm even filtering right wingers out if they are not metalworking
>>> participants at RCM or
>>> AMC.
>>> If only we could learn to stop feeding the trolls. Myself included.
>>> Wes
>> Wes, take a look at a few patterns that have emerged lately. Adolescent
>> isn't responding with a list of NGs that happens to include RCM: he
>> CREATES new posts, one after another, with RCM in the list. He's actively
>> inserting RCM into the distributions. That's why I have no respect for
>> him, and feel free to say anything to him that reflects my annoyance.
>> d8-)
>> And a few weeks ago you, or someone else, trimmed a distro from a thread
>> that Cliff had created, leaving just RCM on it, and Cliff responded with
>> all of the other NGs pasted back on.
>> Also note that Adolescent got no responses from RCM for a long time but
>> he continued to include RCM in his distro lists. He's operating like a
>> spammer; once a NG is on there, he keeps using it. It's a numbers game
>> for him.
>> There is no way that non-response is going to affect these people.
>> Trolling has morphed into something that's more like spamming. They
>> aren't looking for an argument so much as a forum for plastering their
>> views up on the wall, like posters in a subway. Cliff, Adolescent, and
>> one or two others are creating threads to provoke and to insult other
>> people, and they don't care when or if anyone responds from those groups.
>> If they don't get enough response to indicate that they're getting under
>> someone's skin, they just start new, more provocative threads.
>> You aren't going to get rid of them, least of all by ignoring them.
>> They'll just turn up the noise level until they get a response or two.
>> That's all it takes to keep them going. And if no one responds, they just
>> keep starting new threads.
>> Adolescent has picked up one of Gunner's old habits, cutting and pasting
>> lengthy diatribes from the right-wing media. He's not looking for
>> arguments at all. You can tell he isn't really into that part of it. What
>> he's "into" is spreading his obnoxious polemics around Usenet.
>> I have several people, one from RCM, in my bozo bin and they've all been
>> there for over a year. But they keep "leaking" through. Often it's
>> because someone from another NG responded to them -- something which no
>> amount of discipline on our part will stop.
>> The effect, to me, is to seriously foul the air and the mood in this
>> place. It's really become obnoxious, especially since the right wing has
>> taken off on a rampage against the new administration. These people are
>> among the most loutish, juvenile, and selfish creeps I've ever seen. In
>> that atmosphere, good on-topic discussions tend to have a short life and
>> to go through a transformation into name-calling with amazing speed.
>> So I'm not really here in spirit. I welcome the few worthwhile things
>> that get through the noise, but Usenet is near death as it is, and I'm
>> getting ready to move out and find another place to talk. Maybe I'll
>> follow Jim Rozen. Meantime, I may hammer on the Whac-a-Moles from time to
>> time, because it really has no effect, except to relieve some annoyance.
>> I'm really tempted to take the gloves off and see how much Adolescent can
>> take. d8-)
>> --
>> Ed Huntress
> Whack a mole?
You're the mole.
>I have asked many times in this group to put your spammers on a shorter
We have one for you, Adolescent. You won't like the collar, though. It
tightens up as you hang there.
>I'm just throwing the shit back over the fence.
You're a lying slimeball, Adolescent. You're the source of much of it.
>Have a nice day.
It's time for you to drive your bus, Adolescent. There's a nice cliff over
on your right...
Ed Huntress
== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:51 am
From: "HH&C"
On Oct 4, 5:06 am, Strabo <> wrote:
> Jeff M wrote:
> > Compact Adolescent wrote:
> >> "Jeff M" <NoS...@NoNoThanks.Org> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> Compact Adolescent wrote:
> >>>>
> >>> [snip]
> >>>> If Obama can't sway Olympic officials, how can he wring concessions
> >>>> from Iran on its nuclear program, secure crucial support from allies
> >>>> to overhaul two wars or rebuild the U.S. image in the Middle East?
> >>>> [snip]
> >>> This is the about the single dumbest sentence I've read this year.
> >> You didn't answer the question.
> > How can you bake a pie if you can't kick a field goal?
> >
> These are not disparate tasks.
> Each involves having sufficient knowledge and acumen to sway the
> opposition to act in a predetermined manner.
> Obama used all the powers of the presidency plus his personal
> reputation to achieve a relatively minor task and failed.
> Obama screwed up big-time.-
I don't like the Office of the President used to bail out jerky
professors or lobby for Chicago. Welp, at least he fot to spend 20
minutes with McChrystal.
== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 9:53 am
From: "Ed Huntress"
"Phil Amint" <aphil@bulb.cfl> wrote in message
> "Compact Adolescent" <not_too@bright.duh> wrote in message
>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
>> news:4ac82949$0$22548$
>>> So I'm not really here in spirit. I welcome the few worthwhile things
>>> that get through the noise, but Usenet is near death as it is, and I'm
>>> getting ready to move out and find another place to talk. Maybe I'll
>>> follow Jim Rozen. Meantime, I may hammer on the Whac-a-Moles from time
>>> to time, because it really has no effect, except to relieve some
>>> annoyance. I'm really tempted to take the gloves off and see how much
>>> Adolescent can take. d8-)
>>> --
>>> Ed Huntress
>> Whack a mole? The only thing Ed whacks off is himself. I have asked many
>> times in this group to put your spammers on a shorter leash. That
>> includes TMT, Cliff, and now for some reason Ed Cunt in a dress. You
>> choose to spill your spam into m.s., I just forward it back here where it
>> belongs. I have never seen a post from this group reprimanding either TMT
>> or Cliff for cross-posting their racist bigoted crap into m.s.
>> Childish Ed Cunt in a dress freely admits that this is fun for him, good,
>> let him enjoy the fun. He's another troll that you let run off leash and
>> shit in m.s. I'm just throwing the shit back over the fence. Keep your
>> trolls on a shorter leash and you will see the cross-posting go away.
>> FWIW, r.c.m. is only experiencing a small fraction of what we experience
>> from your trolls. Have a nice day.
> I've been lurking, but I guess it's time to speak up. This CA character
> has a very good point. The m.s. group which is one of my favorites has
> been over-run with spam from this group. The suspects seem top be Cliff
> and TMT who post to many newsgroups at the same time.
> While I don't like seeing the spam here in rec.crafts.metalworking, I
> can't say that I blame the misc.survivalism crew from taking out their
> frustrations on us. Cliff, TMT and now Ed and John Carroll (not mentioned
> earlier, but is also a participant) are all belong to us, and we have
> ignored requests to try to keep them in check. So quit posting off-topic
> to their newsgroup and lets see if the spam eases up as CA seems to be
> saying it will.
I've never posted off-topic to "their" newsgroup. All I've ever done is
reply to the insulting provocations from the creeps, freaks, and k00ks who
post from there to here -- like the Perpetual Adolescent.
We don't control Cliff or TMT any more than we control the Adolescent, and
he should realize that. So taking out his frustrations by spamming here just
makes him another one of the jerks.
If he only replied to posts from here, I might feel a little differently.
But that's not what's going on. He's initiating it, taking out his
frustrations about Cliff and TMT by spamming everyone. In other words, he's
living up to his nym. He's an immature jerk who doesn't care about anyone
else but himself.
Tell him to knock off initiating posts to RCM, and it may quiet down.
Ed Huntress
== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 10:02 am
From: "Compact Adolescent"
"steamer" <> wrote in message
> --It's not a limit on *his* appeal; it's a limit on Chicago's. And
> there were comments about difficulties foreigners have just getting thru
> customs and DHS complications. Hell I wouldn't want to be a Canadian
> trying
> to cross the border, let alone from one of dem Europeeeean countries...
It is *his* appeal, or better yet, lack of it. He went as the front face of
Chicago. Europe did not like what it was looking at.
== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 10:19 am
From: "Compact Adolescent"
"Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
> "Phil Amint" <aphil@bulb.cfl> wrote in message
> news:haageg$jo2$
>> "Compact Adolescent" <not_too@bright.duh> wrote in message
>>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
>>> news:4ac82949$0$22548$
>>>> So I'm not really here in spirit. I welcome the few worthwhile things
>>>> that get through the noise, but Usenet is near death as it is, and I'm
>>>> getting ready to move out and find another place to talk. Maybe I'll
>>>> follow Jim Rozen. Meantime, I may hammer on the Whac-a-Moles from time
>>>> to time, because it really has no effect, except to relieve some
>>>> annoyance. I'm really tempted to take the gloves off and see how much
>>>> Adolescent can take. d8-)
>>>> --
>>>> Ed Huntress
>>> Whack a mole? The only thing Ed whacks off is himself. I have asked many
>>> times in this group to put your spammers on a shorter leash. That
>>> includes TMT, Cliff, and now for some reason Ed Cunt in a dress. You
>>> choose to spill your spam into m.s., I just forward it back here where
>>> it belongs. I have never seen a post from this group reprimanding either
>>> TMT or Cliff for cross-posting their racist bigoted crap into m.s.
>>> Childish Ed Cunt in a dress freely admits that this is fun for him,
>>> good, let him enjoy the fun. He's another troll that you let run off
>>> leash and shit in m.s. I'm just throwing the shit back over the fence.
>>> Keep your trolls on a shorter leash and you will see the cross-posting
>>> go away. FWIW, r.c.m. is only experiencing a small fraction of what we
>>> experience from your trolls. Have a nice day.
>> I've been lurking, but I guess it's time to speak up. This CA character
>> has a very good point. The m.s. group which is one of my favorites has
>> been over-run with spam from this group. The suspects seem top be Cliff
>> and TMT who post to many newsgroups at the same time.
>> While I don't like seeing the spam here in rec.crafts.metalworking, I
>> can't say that I blame the misc.survivalism crew from taking out their
>> frustrations on us. Cliff, TMT and now Ed and John Carroll (not mentioned
>> earlier, but is also a participant) are all belong to us, and we have
>> ignored requests to try to keep them in check. So quit posting off-topic
>> to their newsgroup and lets see if the spam eases up as CA seems to be
>> saying it will.
> I've never posted off-topic to "their" newsgroup. All I've ever done is
> reply to the insulting provocations from the creeps, freaks, and k00ks who
> post from there to here -- like the Perpetual Adolescent.
> We don't control Cliff or TMT any more than we control the Adolescent, and
> he should realize that. So taking out his frustrations by spamming here
> just makes him another one of the jerks.
> If he only replied to posts from here, I might feel a little differently.
Just a few minutes ago you responded to my post where I replied to a post
from here. So either you are a liar or just purposely being obtuse, or both.
I suspect both.
> But that's not what's going on. He's initiating it, taking out his
> frustrations about Cliff and TMT by spamming everyone. In other words,
> he's living up to his nym. He's an immature jerk who doesn't care about
> anyone else but himself.
> Tell him to knock off initiating posts to RCM, and it may quiet down.
A few lines up you state that you don't control Cliff or TMT. What makes you
think someone else controls me? Things will quiet down on their own when
your goons quit shitting in our group. I'm the stink that comes with the
shit. Certainly you never believed that your shit doesn't stink, did you?
I'll stop initiating posts here to see if it makes a difference in m.s. I'm
not a jerk like Cliff or TMT. I expect your reciprocation. Any shit is still
going to come back over the fence though.
TOPIC: Ping Larry Jacquesoff
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 10:04 am
From: Gunner Asch
Did you read my post about your welder?
If the guy coming over doesnt buy it...let me know and perhaps we can
work out some kind of deal.
Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional,
illogical liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an
unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the
proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
TOPIC: Palin pleads guilty to burglary
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 10:18 am
From: Jeff M
> Actually Carter is a full fledged idiot that should have been knocked in
> the head when he was a pup.
Carter graduated in the top 10% of his class from Annapolis, was a
qualified nuclear engineer in the submarine service, has an estimated IQ
of well over 150. He is the author of over 20 books, a Nobel laureate,
an honored senior statesman, international diplomat, and humanitarian.
He is no idiot, and the world is unquestionably a better place for his
being in it. Can the same be said of you?
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 4 2009 10:19 am
From: (Gray Ghost)
Jeff M <NoSpam@NoNoThanks.Org> wrote in
>> Actually Carter is a full fledged idiot that should have been knocked in
>> the head when he was a pup.
> Carter graduated in the top 10% of his class from Annapolis, was a
> qualified nuclear engineer in the submarine service, has an estimated IQ
> of well over 150. He is the author of over 20 books, a Nobel laureate,
> an honored senior statesman, international diplomat, and humanitarian.
> He is no idiot, and the world is unquestionably a better place for his
> being in it. Can the same be said of you?
You forgot virulent antisemite.
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