rec.crafts.metalworking - 25 new messages in 17 topics - digest
Today's topics:
* ping: gunner, iggy & "all the regulars" - quick "what's this spoolgun/welder
setup worth" type quest - 1 messages, 1 author
* Glass baking tray explosion - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Bushvilles starting to pop up across the country - 1 messages, 1 author
* Welders . JUNKY Longevity-inc - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Another Ancestor - 1 messages, 1 author
* Weighing Scales - 2 messages, 1 author
* OT - The Republican Party and their Politics of Spite - 1 messages, 1 author
* Dial Calipers - 1 messages, 1 author
* How to get shot - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Palin pleads guilty to burglary - 2 messages, 1 author
* The Party of No Neutrality - 1 messages, 1 author
* >>> HYUNDAI ELANTRA <<< - 1 messages, 1 author
* Surprising Admission From The Times - 2 messages, 1 author
* OT Flag Burning.. should be of interest - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT - Why the September Jobs Report Is So Brutal - 1 messages, 1 author
* Saw Horses used for assembly stands - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT - GOP...the Party of NO : Where's your health care plan? - 1 messages, 1
TOPIC: ping: gunner, iggy & "all the regulars" - quick "what's this spoolgun/
welder setup worth" type quest
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 6:29 am
From: dave
Larry Jaques wrote:
> Dave just bought a new digital camera, didn't he? <bseg>
well, no. but, admittedly, maybe "a few too many" photos, ay?
I do tend to overdo it at times...
TOPIC: Glass baking tray explosion
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:11 am
From: "ian field"
"Doug White" <> wrote in message
> "ian field" <> wrote in
> news:qBNxm.58441$6y1.46499@newsfe27.ams2:
>> "Ignoramus2624" <ignoramus2624@NOSPAM.2624.invalid> wrote in message
>>> This glass baking tray (with a pie in it) exploded, when a electric
>>> oven burner was turned on under it by accident (not by me). What is
>>> interesting is that it exploded (shattered violently) all at once.
>>> Utensils next to it were thrown to the floor by the force of the
>>> explosion.
>>> What this story underscores, besides interesting physics
>>> implications, is that trouble often comes very unexpected.
>> An amusing science experiment is using a blowtorch to melt drips of
>> molten glass from a glass rod and allow the drips to fall in a bucket
>> of water.
>> The glass drips are quenched in such a way that the glass 'skin' is
>> highly stressed, if you break one of these glass droplets it explodes.
>> A neat little booby trap - drop a handful in someone's toolbox.
> Ah yes. Prince Rupert's Drops. Lots of fun. We used to make them in
> the high school chem lab. A lot of them would explode in the water after
> zipping around a bit, but the ones that didn't were fished out &
> cherished. They had long thin tails, and they were amazingly tough. If
> you snap off the tail or crush it with pliers, kablooey!
> A friend of mine had a small box with a bunch stored in it. He forgot
> about them & found the box several years later. Most of them had
> exploded spontaneously at soem point in the past.
There was probably only one or two went spontaneously, the rest would have
been a chain reaction.
Years ago I read somewhere about chain reactions at CRT manufacturing plant,
one tube in the line would spontaneously implode and the flying chunks of
glass knocked off the tube either side, sometimes the effect would shoot
along the line in both directions like falling dominoes.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:44 am
From: John Husvar
In article <>,
Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/> wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 09:05:21 -0400, the infamous John Husvar
> <> scrawled the following:
> >
> >Damn you, I'm going to be craving fruit pastries all damn day now! :)
> Bwahahahaha! So, John, didja go out and buy one today? I still have
> some banana bread I made so I won't be making another plum coffee cake
> for a few more days.
Nah, dammit, I managed to control myself and keep to my weight-loss
program. Trying to keep from getting too heavy to handle my wheelchair
easily. It's great upper body exercise, until your shoulders give out.
Power chair's nice, but doesn't do a damn thing for your muscle tone.
However: Sometimes self-discipline SUCKS! :)
TOPIC: Bushvilles starting to pop up across the country
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:13 am
From: Iarnrod
On Oct 5, 6:31 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Oct 2009 14:51:12 -0700 (PDT), Iarnrod <>
> wrote:
> >> Im living in 2009.
> >Evidence is to the contrary, nitwit.
> Your buffoonery is hardly "evidence"
Your idiocy is boundless, rightard. You said Bush's recession ended in
2003. You're a fuckin' moron. He's had TWO and we're in his worst one
right now. Get a brain.
> >> >> Obamas is in full swing.
> >> >Yes, Obama's recovery from the Bush/GOP Recession is in full swing.
> >> Recovery?
> >Yep.
> So why are the Oboovervilles growing? Hummm?
You moron, because Bush and you redopicans really fucked over the
economy and it takes a while for us smart people to get it all fixed.
> >> Blink blink ROFLMAO.....its gonna be at least 3 Years before
> >> there is any sign of recovery..
> >Signs already are here. Yes, it may take three years to see full
> >recovery but after all, Bush and the redopicans have dug us into a
> >really really deep hole. That's why you are never getting anywhere
> >close to power again, Popgun. Eat the shit sandwich I made ya and STFU
> >now.
> 3 yrs you will be dead and you will not be in power..
I know that's your west dream but yo momma gonna hafta change your
rubber pants in the morning, Popgun. You're really just a pussy.
In three years we'll be re-electing your black president.
> nor
> will the rest of your Far Leftwing Extremist Fringe Kook ilk. They will
> be dead too. Shrug
BWAHAHHAHAAAAA!!!! You and what army!! We're in charge now, just eat
your shit sandwich and pretend you're GI Joe.
> >> Lay off the dope dude..your brain is becoming out of balance.
> >Wow. Rarely do we get a chance to see such classic projection.
> So you consider intelligent observation to be classic projection?
Not at all, but no one considers you to be intelligent.
> Ive never seen such a virulent case of denial in all my life as you
> display.
Projection. Classic. You're in utter denial.
> >> >> And you Lefties will be swinging in just a couple years.
> >> >Yes, at our Victory Dance in 2010 and 2012.
> >> >> Spandau Ballet
> >> >Dream on, impotent rightard!
> >> <VBG> Oh..I am...I am indeed.
> >Wear your rubber pants when mommy tucks you in tonight, goober, so she
> >won't have to change the sheets in the morning.
> <VBG> More denial from the Leftard carried out in insults.
BWAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!! It's fuckin' reality, dope. Your side screwed the
pooch and now people are paying the economic hardship price for your
incompetence. That's why we're now in charge and that's why you
kkklowns don't ever get back in.
> >> >> Glorious...absolutely glorious!
> >> >Yes, your ignominious defeat and impotence are glorious, coming as it
> >> >does after your kind ruined the nation. NEVER AGAIN!
> >> So how you going to stop those who will be coming to kill you?
> >You fuckin' pussy moron, I kill them first.
> 15 million of them?
BWAHAHHAHAAAAA!!! More like 15, Goober. You couldn't even get 70,000
to your tea party.
> Got that much ammo?
More than enough for you clods.
> I doubt you even own a
> firearm. Leftards seldom do.
You'd be guessing wrong, Popgun.
You know, you really are delusional if you think the people hurt by
your shit want you back.
> >> Think really hard before answering.
> >Didn't take much at all.
> Its obvious you are not capable of very much. Pity.
It's obvious you're a mental midget as well as an underendowed coward.
> >> <VBG>
> >Shit-eatin' no doubt.
> >> If you are capable of thinking.
> >Oh the irony.
> <VBG>
Shit-eatin' no doubt.
> >> Based on your postings..that appears to
> >> be a skill you lost long long ago.
> >Based on my postings I kick your stupid kkkooker ass on a regular
> >basis.
> More denial...
By you.
> very sad. are not out on a family visit
> this week, are you?
> Best becareful..they may be watching your posts and will be coming to
> put you back in the mental hospital if you are not careful.
Sounds like you speak from the voice of experience, Popgun!
> >> Enjoy the few years you have remaining.
> >More than you. You won't be back at all.
> Im back. <VBG>
And you don't matter.
> Gunner, taunting the mentally ill.
Popgun IS the mentally ill!! BWAHAHAAAHAHAAAA!!!!
> Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional,
> illogical liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an
> unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the
> proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
You really done swallowed the kkkoookspew, Popgun.
TOPIC: Welders . JUNKY Longevity-inc
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:24 am
From: KD7HB
On Oct 5, 10:57 pm, heytwo <> wrote:
> I bought a 518 , welder from Longevity-inc dot com .
> Transistors are soldered into PCB ,
> T' stand upright .
> T' are screwed into a heavy heat sink .
> Legs are breaking off .
> T' must be soldered to PCB , PCB must be screwed
> down to heat sink really solid , then a screw can pull T'
> against the heat sink for good heat transfer .
> Also the 518 uses 2 relays to handle 180 amps .
> Cant possibly last !
> The best welders use big switch on front panel .
> I cant fix it . cant glue nor solder the T' legs back on .
> Longevity JUNK ...
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 8:39 am
From: "SteveB"
TOPIC: Another Ancestor
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:27 am
From: Darrell Stec
Cliff inscribed forevermore utilizing silicon chips::
> On Fri, 02 Oct 2009 08:03:56 -0600, robert bowman <>
> wrote:
>>Cliff wrote:
>>> "It is not a chimp, and it is not human," said Dr. White. "It gives us a
>>> new perspective on our origins. We opened a time capsule from a time and
>>> place that we knew nothing about."
>>> ]
>>> Fundies will still claim that water flows uphill .....
>>And Libs will still claim Lucy was the mother of us all...
> ??
Wingers are linear thinkers with blinders on. They can't tell the
difference between some imagined straight line of descent from the bush
(tree) of life as espoused by evolution.
TOPIC: Weighing Scales
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:34 am
From: hamidilyas
we have solution of weighing problems. we know what are the your
needs.latest models with images and complete description of all kinds
of weighing scales.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:35 am
From: hamidilyas
we have solution of weighing problems. we know what are the your
needs.latest models with images and complete description of all kinds
of weighing scales.
TOPIC: OT - The Republican Party and their Politics of Spite
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:42 am
From: Curly Surmudgeon
On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 03:34:58 -0800, "John R. Carroll"
<> wrote:
> ...God's punishment...
Regards, Curly
Beats the Rose Parade:
TOPIC: Dial Calipers
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:46 am
From: Joe
Recently I bought a dial caliper at the flea market. It's a Mitutoyo,
and the dial is graduated in .001" increments, but it will make a
complete revolution once every 0.2", instead of the usual 0.1". What
is the purpose of a dial graduated this way (Zero is at both 12 and 6
o'clock)? It's a bit of a test of my vision to read it, but it was
worth the 5 bucks the kid wanted.
Also, thanks to Michael Koblic for the link to Long Island Indicators.
I replaced the almost opaque crystal, and now I can fail to see the
small graduations a little easier. I ordered on Friday, they
(supposedly) shipped it US Mail on Saturday, and it was waiting in my
PO box Monday afternoon!
TOPIC: How to get shot
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:58 am
From: §ñühw¤£f
In message <Xns9C9B97492F6AChopewell@>, "RD (The Sandman)" wrote:
> §ñühwø£f <> wrote in news:hadnj6$fjq$
> > On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 15:10:02 -0500, Fred B. Brown pinched out a
> > steaming pile of:
> >
> >> <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On 5 Oct 2009 04:40:02 -0500, "Fred B. Brown"
> >>> <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> [
> >>>>> Packing heat gets you shot, say profs
> >>>>> Likelihood of cold dead fingers rises with gun ownership
> >>>>
> >>>>Stay out of drug infested areas and you won't get shot.
> >>>>
> >>>>> [
> >>>>> Medical researchers in Philadelphia have conducted out a study
> >>>>> which indicates -
> >>>>> according to their interpretation - that carrying a gun causes
> >>>>> people to get
> >>>>> shot more often. "People should rethink their possession of guns,"
> >>>>> say the
> >>>>> medics.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> "This study helps resolve the long-standing debate about whether
> >>>>> guns are
> >>>>> protective or perilous," says University of Pennsylvania
> >>>>> epidemiology prof
> >>>>> Charles Branas. The Penn announcement is headlined "Gun Possession
> >>>>> [is] of
> >>>>> questionable value in an Assault
> >>>>
> >>>>Sara Brady has been pedaling that nonsense for years.
> >>>>
> >>>>> [
> >>>>> The Penn researchers carried out their study by randomly selecting
> >>>>> 677 people in
> >>>>> Philadelphia who had been shot in "assaults".
> >>>>
> >>>>677 of Phillys most sterling citizens I'm sure. All probably had rap
> >>>>sheeta
> >>>>a yard long.
> >>>>
> >>>>> [
> >>>>> According to the profs, six per cent of the shooting victims were
> >>>>> packing
> >>>>> heat
> >>>>> when they got plugged. They compared that to a control sample of
> >>>>> Philadelphians
> >>>>> who had not been shot, and concluded that "people with a gun were
> >>>>> 4.5 times more
> >>>>> likely to be shot in an assault than those not possessing a gun".
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The research techniques used were the same as those previously
> >>>>> used "to establish links between such things as smoking and lung
> >>>>> cancer or drinking
> >>>>> and
> >>>>> car crashes". The message is: you smoke, you'll get cancer; you
> >>>>> drive drunk,
> >>>>> you'll crash your car; carry a gun, you'll get shot.
> >>>>
> >>>>I have carried one for years without getting shot.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Your gun, like many or most others, must be defective and sent back
> >>> to the manufacturer for repair or replacement. If you haven't been
> >>> shot or your gun hasn't killed someone, especially a friend or
> >>> acquaintance, then it must be defective.
> >>
> >> Come on over, stick an apple on top of your head and I'll blast off
> >> a few rounds, I guarantee the gun ain't defective, my aim might be.
> >
> > Brilliant. You're the poster boy for why guns should be agressively
> > regulated.
> And you are the poster boy for why the internet should not be used for
> sarcasm and humor.
And you are the poaster boi for goat sex.
Proof of Americas 3rd world status:
Cash for *who*?
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 8:01 am
From: §ñühw¤£f
In message <4acb442d$0$302$>, "Fred B. Brown" wrote:
> "§ñühwø£f" <> wrote in message
> news:hadnj6$fjq$
> > On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 15:10:02 -0500, Fred B. Brown pinched out a steaming
> > pile of:
> >
> >> <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On 5 Oct 2009 04:40:02 -0500, "Fred B. Brown" <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> [
> >>>>> Packing heat gets you shot, say profs
> >>>>> Likelihood of cold dead fingers rises with gun ownership
> >>>>
> >>>>Stay out of drug infested areas and you won't get shot.
> >>>>
> >>>>> [
> >>>>> Medical researchers in Philadelphia have conducted out a study which
> >>>>> indicates -
> >>>>> according to their interpretation - that carrying a gun causes people
> >>>>> to
> >>>>> get
> >>>>> shot more often. "People should rethink their possession of guns," say
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> medics.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> "This study helps resolve the long-standing debate about whether guns
> >>>>> are
> >>>>> protective or perilous," says University of Pennsylvania epidemiology
> >>>>> prof
> >>>>> Charles Branas. The Penn announcement is headlined "Gun Possession
> >>>>> [is]
> >>>>> of
> >>>>> questionable value in an Assault
> >>>>
> >>>>Sara Brady has been pedaling that nonsense for years.
> >>>>
> >>>>> [
> >>>>> The Penn researchers carried out their study by randomly selecting 677
> >>>>> people in
> >>>>> Philadelphia who had been shot in "assaults".
> >>>>
> >>>>677 of Phillys most sterling citizens I'm sure. All probably had rap
> >>>>sheeta
> >>>>a yard long.
> >>>>
> >>>>> [
> >>>>> According to the profs, six per cent of the shooting victims were
> >>>>> packing
> >>>>> heat
> >>>>> when they got plugged. They compared that to a control sample of
> >>>>> Philadelphians
> >>>>> who had not been shot, and concluded that "people with a gun were 4.5
> >>>>> times more
> >>>>> likely to be shot in an assault than those not possessing a gun".
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The research techniques used were the same as those previously used
> >>>>> "to
> >>>>> establish links between such things as smoking and lung cancer or
> >>>>> drinking
> >>>>> and
> >>>>> car crashes". The message is: you smoke, you'll get cancer; you drive
> >>>>> drunk,
> >>>>> you'll crash your car; carry a gun, you'll get shot.
> >>>>
> >>>>I have carried one for years without getting shot.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Your gun, like many or most others, must be defective and sent back to
> >>> the manufacturer for repair or replacement. If you haven't been shot
> >>> or your gun hasn't killed someone, especially a friend or
> >>> acquaintance, then it must be defective.
> >>
> >> Come on over, stick an apple on top of your head and I'll blast off
> >> a few rounds, I guarantee the gun ain't defective, my aim might be.
> >
> > Brilliant. You're the poster boy for why guns should be agressively
> > regulated.
> >
> > Now go stand in the corner you gormless fucknuckle.
> Don't recognize sarcasm when you see it, dimwit?
> What's your degree in, Basket Weaving or Finger Painting?
Making "fake" threats of gun violence promotes the publics acceptance of gun
ownership how, dimmy?
You fucking dopes dont see that text on a screen is easily misinterpreted.
Now tell me about this 1337 sarcasm font you've developed.
Proof of Americas 3rd world status:
Cash for *who*?
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 8:58 am
From: (Gray Ghost)
heytwo <> wrote in news:d8c9ae9e-737d-49af-be6c-3e0d746d2128
>> Here's an interesting article I like to post when people say the
>> citizens shouldn't be allowed to carry weapons for self defense:
>> Hide quoted text -
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Shouldnt be allowed by who !! Themselves ?
> The Crime syndicate ( police ) or the
> crime syndicate Fed Congress ,
> or the Mafia ..
> The community says there are NO laws , only ethics ( aka customs)
> and the customs in USA , are to carry a gun , if you need to .
> Never mind what the govt written Constitution says .
> The Community says you shoot any mob , gang , or uniformed
> humans , carrying guns .
> Uniformed humans carrying guns , are
> certainly going to harm individual Americans , steal their property
> etc ..
> Like Waco Texas . The mob could not seem to steal
> the property , so they burned it and the properties owners to
> death .
> A syndicate is allways criminal , for the power it "discovers"
> even UNARMED , they see the opportunity to steal property .
> Democracy is a mob . Its "majority" is allways wrong .
Didja bother to READ the item?
TOPIC: Palin pleads guilty to burglary
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 7:55 am
From: Jim Alder
Cliff <> wrote in
> On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 15:12:07 -0500, Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>Cliff <> wrote in
>>> On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 10:42:01 -0500, Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>>>"Compact Adolescent" <not_too@bright.duh> wrote in news:4ac91e79@news.x-
>>>>>> Wow. That dodge didn't even make any sense.
>>>>> His posts seldom do.
>>>> He's new to me, but he's getting old fast.
>>> Wanker spin comes to mind when Palin comes "up".
>> Leftwing hate is all that spews out when her name comes up.
> The rethugs needed a comic.
> Now they have one. Palin.
If they ever need a moron, they'll call you. Now go away.
So, how's that whole "hopey - changey"
thing working out for you so far?
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 8:16 am
From: Jim Alder
Cliff <> wrote in
> On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 15:14:40 -0500, Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>Cliff <> wrote in
>>> On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 15:16:46 -0500, Jim Alder <> wrote:
>>>>Cliff <> wrote in
>>>>> On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 02:12:05 -0700, BottleBob <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>Cliff wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 22:10:39 -0500, Jim Alder <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Cliff <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>> guilty-to- burglary-released-for-treatment
>>>>>>>>> I love conservative family values.
>>>>>>>>> Don't you?
>>>>>>>> Wow! Her husband's half-sister! Maybe you cn impeach Sarah over
>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>> Golly, that would be cool!
>>>>>>>> How do you know she's conservative?
>>>>>>>> Oh, that's right. You don't.
>>>>>>> video/ "Palin also asked the church members to pray for a $30
>>>>>>> national gas
>>>>>>> pipeline ... "
>>>>>>> Plus her holy wars ....
>>>>>>> "... sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God." "
>>>>>>> "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that
>>>>>>> is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."
>>>>>> And that addresses the point of *DIANA* Palin's political or
>>>>>> religious
>>>>>>views just how?
>>>>>> Surely you don't think everyone with the last name of Palin thinks
>>>>>> exactly the same way, do you?
>>>>> Have you seen or heard Palin on witchcraft?
>>>> Wow. That dodge didn't even make any sense.
>>> Is she for it or against it?
>> So you don't know anything, but you want to use it to discredit her
>> anyway?
> AFAIK She's never needed any help & always does a fine job
> of it on her own.
>>And you want me to look it up for you?
> "Have you seen or heard Palin on witchcraft?" is a thing we call
> a "question" in English.
>>Or is this just more hatefilled gibbering from a leftwing lunatic?
> Have you seen or heard Palin on witchcraft?
> Is she for it or against it?
> What about you?
> (NOTE: That is a second "question". As in 1+1=2.)
A pox on thee, troll.
So, how's that whole "hopey - changey"
thing working out for you so far?
TOPIC: The Party of No Neutrality
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 8:00 am
From: Curly Surmudgeon
On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 05:24:24 -0400, Cliff
<> wrote:
> [
> GOP to FCC: analysis first, then net neutrality rules—maybe The
> Republicans have declared themselves the Party of No Neutrality with a
> series of statements and Senate amendments trying to block the policy at
> the FCC. The latest pushback comes from Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL),
> calling for the agency to do a "market failure analysis" before enacting
> any non-discrimination rules.
> ]
That's just the latest scandal concerning the FCC. Michael Powell began
deregulating the FCC in 2001 and it's been all downhill since.
Regards, Curly
Beats the Rose Parade:
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 8:13 am
From: Cornell Warner
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TOPIC: Surprising Admission From The Times
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 8:23 am
From: "Ed Huntress"
"Compact Adolescent" <not_too@bright.duh> wrote in message
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
> news:4ac83ba9$0$22548$
>> "Compact Adolescent" <not_too@bright.duh> wrote in message
>>>>> The water phobia is your problem, old man, I frankly don't even know
>>>>> what you are talking about,
>>>> Of course not. That's because you have a memory like a seive and
>>>> because you're been whacking off too much, thinking about TMT's mommy
>>>> and Sarah Palin's ass. You're too dumb to read the Times, and so lazy
>>>> that most of your posts are nothing but cut-and-pastes from media
>>>> written in very large type and with very short words.
>>>> Other than that, Adolescent, what makes you think you deserve to have
>>>> an opinion, anyway? d8-)
>>>> --
>>>> Ed Huntress
>>> Oh yeah, you remind me now...
>> Holy cow, Adolescent, you're really slowing down for such a young guy.
>> How many times does your mommy have to remind you to pick up your socks?
>> Who reminds you to zip up your fly?
>> Yo must be a hopeless case for your folks to deal with. You can't
>> remember, you can't read anything over a FuxTheNews level, and you're
>> suffering from delusions of adequacy.
>> It's a good thing you're self-employed, or you'd have a hard time getting
>> through life. Lucky for you, as you say, you "drive your own bus."
> I have people who pick up after me and drive for me too, but I pay them.
Well, that's good. It's eased the shock of leaving mommy's little nest for
you, then. d8-)
Ed Huntress
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 8:28 am
From: "Ed Huntress"
<> wrote in message
> On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 21:21:15 -0400, "Ed Huntress"
> <> wrote:
>><> wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 13:33:29 -0400, "Ed Huntress"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>"Curly Surmudgeon" <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 12:43:30 -0400, "Ed Huntress"
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> "Compact Adolescent" <not_too@bright.duh> wrote in message
>>>>> <snip>
>>>>>> Hey, Adolescent, instead of chewing the cud with FuxTheNews, why
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> you post and read the real thing? The Times may use a few big words
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> give you trouble, but at least you'll get the full story:
>>>>> scp=3&sq=acorn&st=cse
>>>>> Do you teach pigs to sing too?
>>>>I haven't tried that, but it would be a heck of a challenge. <g>
>>> But perhaps not a greater one then several you have undertaken :-)
>>I'm always taking on hopeless causes, JB. For example, I think I can cure
>>Adolescent's brain disease and his obsession with other people's mommies
>>his phobia about having wet feet. I don't know what will do it yet, but
>>thinking about a pre-frontal lobotomy, going in behind the left eyeball
>>a pair of pliers to take some of the pressure off of his cortex. d8-)
> Your problem is that when you were just a little boy your parents told
> you, "Edward, when someone tells you some far fetched story don't just
> repeat it. First research the story to discover all you can about the
> facts of the matter and then, disregarding what every one else is
> saying, repeat only things that you know to be true."
> But what a dinosaur you have become with your fetish for discovering
> truth.
Thanks for the reassuring comment, JB, but it wasn't my parents who drove me
to question things and to research anything that looks suspicious. It was
some pretty brutal college professors who essentially raked me over the
coals whenever I made an assumption instead of checking the facts. And then
they made me write papers that contradict things I believed to be true, to
see whether I was fooling myself. That was a real eye-opener. And I still
have scars. <g>
Ed Huntress
TOPIC: OT Flag Burning.. should be of interest
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 10:17 am
From: "John R. Carroll"
SteveB wrote:
> "Gunner Asch" <> wrote
>>> Gunner Asch wrote:
>>>> Sometimes one simply has to kill the enemies of America.
>>> Gunner:
>>> And just who gets to decide who lives and who dies. And what gives
>>> them the authority to make such a decision?
>> Ask that of those that fought against the British in bloody
>> revolution and those that lived and died.
>> Who gave THEM the authority?
>> Ill be waiting for your response.
>> As for me...shrug...Ill have to make the same decisions that the
>> Founders did. Lets hope I, like them, will do the right thing. And
>> for the right reasons. To rid the nation of tyrannts and enemies of
>> the People is a last resort..and the time isnt here quite yet..but
>> it will be...soon..very soon.
>> "God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
>> The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which
>> is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of
>> the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such
>> misconceptions,
>> it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
>> And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
>> warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
>> resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
>> to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
>> in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
>> time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
>> It is its natural manure."
>> Thomas Jefferson, 1787
> Thank you. I recently saw the tree of liberty quote on a t shirt,
> and liked it, but had not heard it in context.
Context is it that you want?
Here is the context surrounding Shay's.
The American revolution, it seemed, had almost gone too far. General George
Washington wrote:
"I am mortified beyond expression when I view the clouds that have spread
over the brightest morn that ever dawned in any country... What a triumph
for the advocates of despotism, to find that we are incapable of governing
ourselves and that systems founded on the basis of equal liberty are merely
ideal and fallacious."
Others in the political elite held the same opinion -- even Massachusetts'
onetime Revolutionary agitator, Samuel Adams:
"Rebellion against a king may be pardoned, or lightly punished, but the man
who dares to rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death."
Only the young Thomas Jefferson -- reflecting more philosophically and from
a safe distance in Europe -- disagreed:
This is what Shay's bought for his band Steve.
The critical point of the rebellion was Shays' march on the government
arsenal at Springfield in January 1787, the only means of standing off
troops who were advancing from Boston under General Benjamin Lincoln. At the
arsenal, the defending militia commanded by General William Shepard
unexpectedly fired their cannons into the ranks of the advancing rebels,
killing four and wounding 20.
Crying "murder" -- for the insurgent farmer-veterans never supposed their
neighbors and fellow veterans would fire on them -- the Shays men retreated
in disarray, pursued by Lincoln's government soldiers. (See the Bibliography
at the bottom of the page for a link to a new, downloadable study of the
Springfield fight.)
Well into 1787, the farmers' resistance took the form of isolated flareups
of violence against men such as lawyer and future Federalist statesman
Theodore Sedgwick, who was briefly captured by those he called "violent
desperadoes." Sedgwick's reaction was to organize an independent county
force and defend his town against insurgent attacks, though his home was
ransacked and his law apprentices taken hostage in their underclothes.
But the rebellion was now broken. Shays himself fled to Vermont, not yet
part of the union and therefore not bound to heed Massachusetts' appeals for
extradition of offenders. Some other insurgents followed him there,
including Jason Parmenter.
Trials for treason, 1787
Shays' Rebellion was over, but Massachusetts' officially declared state of
insurrection continued. A special court indicted more than 200 rebels --
including Parmenter, who had been caught returning to Massachusetts one
night -- and prosecuted them in formal trials. Parmenter's court-appointed
defenders included conservative attorney Caleb Strong, a prominent state
senator who was almost as hostile to the rebellion as the prosecution. In
April 1787, five Shays men charged with treason were condemned to hang
In the election of June 1787, Governor Bowdoin was roundly defeated by the
state's most popular politician, John Hancock, famous signer of the
With a new administration in place, the question of clemency was now a
symbolic issue debated by a divided public. General Lincoln himself, the
subduer of Shays' Rebellion, came out in favor of mercy. On the other hand
Samuel Adams, the influential Revolutionary patriot and head of the
governor's advisory council, called for the execution of convicted traitors
to the republic.
John R. Carroll
TOPIC: OT - Why the September Jobs Report Is So Brutal
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 8:41 am
From: "Ed Huntress"
"Buerste" <> wrote in message
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
> news:4aca51a6$0$4994$
>> "Buerste" <> wrote in message
>> news:oXiym.38304$bP1.180@newsfe24.iad...
>>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
>>> news:4ac97738$0$22519$
>>>> "Buerste" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:Ideym.77553$4t6.33916@newsfe06.iad...
>>>>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:4ac95df5$0$32579$
>>>>>> "Buerste" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:il9ym.126263$Y83.16792@newsfe21.iad...
>>>>>>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:4ac8ed1b$0$31258$
>>>>>>>> You don't have your shop-made equipment on your books?? How do you
>>>>>>>> report your assets when you go for a loan? Don't you have business
>>>>>>>> property taxes in Ohio? Tom, Tom...have you undervalued your
>>>>>>>> assets? <g>
>>>>>>> My accountant states that I can't take $2k in steel and $2k in parts
>>>>>>> and $5k in labor and capitalize it as a $50k machine...which is what
>>>>>>> it would cost to buy it or have it built. We write it off as shop
>>>>>>> expense, perfectly legal. As far as assets for loans, the building
>>>>>>> and property, paid for, more than cover any loans we would want.
>>>>>> If $9,000 is all you invest in a machine, then, it doesn't sound like
>>>>>> you're inhibited in your investments by whatever it is you're
>>>>>> complaining about.
>>>>>> I still don't get how you're claiming that costs are keeping you from
>>>>>> investing, but I don't think I'm going to learn much from this
>>>>>> go-around.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Ed Huntress
>>>>> It's PERCEIVED costs if the Democrats get their way and tax the shit
>>>>> out of everything...and they certainly will if they have their way.
>>>> In other words, you're not investing because of taxes you think are
>>>> coming. But how does not investing improve that picture for you? Are
>>>> you expecting losses? Are you expecting your market to decline?
>>>> And if those are reasonable expectations, why are people offering to
>>>> buy your company from you? Are they stupid? And if you expect losses
>>>> but there are people ready to buy your company RIGHT NOW, why in hell
>>>> aren't you selling?
>>>> None of the complaints seem to hold together.
>>>> --
>>>> Ed Huntress
>>> The Democrats will be out of power in 2010, I'll hold out. If I sell
>>> now, what would I do? Sit at home?
>> You could go practice with your Mini-14, for the revolution Gunner says
>> is coming.
>> What if you hold out, and you're wrong? By then, if you're right, your
>> business will be worth nothing, right? Where will the buyers be then?
>> Where will the customers be?
>> --
>> Ed Huntress
> Well, if libtards have their way, it won't matter. After the nuclear
> exchanges that Obama and his minions will cause, after half the country is
> living in tent cities due to Democrats destroying the economy further,
> after domestic manufacturing is either owned by the government, shut down
> or moved out, after libtard cheese-checks loose their value to buy 40s and
> drugs, after everybody has free health care but nobody to pay for it,
> after CO2 production is eliminated(with all jobs, heat and
> transportation), after all that...I will be long gone out of the US...just
> like the rest of American jobs.
> I shouldn't have sold my Gibbs, it could "pink-mist" at 1,000 yards,
> although I would have needed to upgrade the optics. I saw a nice Zeiss
> for about $1,000 at Midwest, I wonder If I could get a government grant
> for improving the environment?
I doubt it. But after those two paragraphs, you could look into getting one
for some personal counseling. d8-)
Ed Huntress
TOPIC: Saw Horses used for assembly stands
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 9:14 am
From: spaco
That sounds like a good idea, too. I already have 2 B&D workmates, so
that would be easy for me to do.
Pete Stanaitis
Jim Wilkins wrote:
> I used planks held in B&D Workmates to weld scaffold frames on a
> rutted and sloping driveway. With the tops of both planks level and
> parallel the frames built on them were flat even though one plank was
> half a foot lower than the other.
> jsw
TOPIC: OT - GOP...the Party of NO : Where's your health care plan?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 6 2009 9:22 am
From: Deucalion
On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 06:54:11 GMT, Curly Surmudgeon
<> wrote:
>On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 11:37:41 -0400, Deucalion <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 07:07:14 GMT, Curly Surmudgeon
>> <> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 00:54:47 -0400, Deucalion <>
>>>> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 16:33:06 GMT, Curly Surmudgeon
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 10:43:10 -0400, Deucalion <>
>>>>>> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 03:57:51 GMT, Curly Surmudgeon
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>On Fri, 02 Oct 2009 22:45:09 -0400, "Buerste" <>
>>>>>>>> "John R. Carroll" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> Buerste wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:4ac614a3$0$22509$
>>>>>>>>>>> "Buerste" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> news:3voxm.225602$cf6.147511@newsfe16.iad...
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:180bb6f1-
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So wingers...where is your plan for health care?
>>>>>>>>>>>> <snip>
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Democrats' plan will be unveiled 20 minutes before "You
>>>>>>>>>>>> have to vote on this NOW or the world will end!". And, it
>>>>>>>>>>>> will be full of pork and "Gotcha's" that nobody but the fringe
>>>>>>>>>>>> left wants or needs and nobody can afford.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The conservatives have presented numerous plans that the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Democrats refuse to consider and the State Run Media refuse to
>>>>>>>>>>>> report.
>>>>>>>>>>> They looked at them, but they thought they were some kids'
>>>>>>>>>>> letters to Santa Claus.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Ed Huntress
>>>>>>>>>> Especially those stupid ideas about torte reform, standardized
>>>>>>>>>> medical forms and crossing state lines for insurance! Damn
>>>>>>>>>> those stupid conservatives for their stupid ideas!
>>>>>>>>> The crossing State lines thing is a real Red Herring Tom. You can
>>>>>>>>> do it now - even here in California, as long as your provider
>>>>>>>>> will register and abide by reserve requirements and so forth.
>>>>>>>>> What's up for grabs, and important, is letting individuals
>>>>>>>>> organize and purchase coverage as a group.
>>>>>>>>> Even a retard like you ought to understand the value of that to
>>>>>>>>> individuals.
>>>>>>>>> Organizing individuals to form the largest and most influential
>>>>>>>>> group possible is the smart business model. That group would be
>>>>>>>>> constituted from any American that wanted to participate. If they
>>>>>>>>> didn't, they would be free as a bird to overpay for rescission or
>>>>>>>>> whatever other fate they would be dealt. There isn't a single
>>>>>>>>> prohibition being proposed to preclude that.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> John R. Carroll
>>>>>>>> Speaking of retards, how does the loss of all your stupid
>>>>>>>> investments feel? Still stings I'd bet! Sucks to be you! Good
>>>>>>>> thing you still get your cheese-check...which I pay for. I wish
>>>>>>>> you'd stop using MY money to buy booze and drugs.
>>>>>>>Yet more evidence that you are too stupid and childish to be rich.
>>>>>> Wasn't he the one who was going to give gunner a good paying job,
>>>>>> with insurance, and a free house for gunner's brood? What ever
>>>>>> happened with that?
>>>>>Yes, Buerste was. I also gave him an opportunity to double his riches
>>>>>when he "bet" that the Republicans would win in a landslide in 2012.
>>>>>Which he weaseled out of.
>>>>>> Yeah, I've got gunner filtered, so I wouldn't see his bragging about
>>>>>> the new job. However, I didn't filter Buerste, so I should be
>>>>>> seeing him crying about how he has been paying gunner for the past
>>>>>> four months or so and has yet to see gunner at work.
>>>>>Buerste is about to join Gunner in the Bozo bin. Another lamer
>>>>>fabricating an on-line persona, hurling invective that he is unable to
>>>>>back up and claiming to be "rich." As if that gives his childish
>>>>>grunts any authority...
>>>> I keep him around so that I will know when gunner goes tits up again.
>>>> He says that he offered gunner the job again, but gunner likes being
>>>> unemployed. For that, he commends gunner on his strong work ethic.
>>>> I think that he and gunner have at least one thing in common. Neither
>>>> have a two dimes to rub together, so they have to fabricate a life to
>>>> give them a reason to wake up each day.
>>>I no longer find any of that ilk amusing. Pitiful, on a good day,
>>>disgusting most days. Lying hypocrites are not humorous, pathetic at
>>>best. They're like having the blind around and moving the furniture
>>>every night.
>> Oh come on. It's like a soap opera. You have Stormon setting gunner up
>> to get the welfare woman. He doesn't even know that the welfare woman's
>> dead boyfriend had to break up that little triangle way back when he was
>> alive.
>> You never know, it could be another Luke and Laura of General Hospital
>> fame. The welfare man gets the welfare woman. It's kind of a poetic.
>> Even you have to admit that.
>I haven't seen the Mor(m)on trying to set Gummer up. Is he offering one
>of his 11-year old brides?
No, they are swaggering and beating their chests over Sue. Must be
pretty good though. I've got two of them filtered and it's still easy
to follow.
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