Saturday, November 7, 2009

" doGet"

Good day,

I'm a newbie to both GWT and GAE and I am currently attempting to
create a prototype of a mashup with these 2 framework(w/o knowing if
this is a good idea) for my desired webapp. But I stumble on a problem
(my bad maybe) that took me already 2 days googling but still didn't
see any exact solution for this. I hope somebody could help me or
correct me of what I'm doing. Based on further readings and research,
I found google's webapp frameworks the best for starting a very simple
webapp, not to mention very cheap.

Here is my setup by the way,

1. I created a webapp project using Eclipse Ganyemade 3.4 and named
my project as "handytongue", and a package with the same name.

2. Before everything I decided to create a simple prototype for a
"create user account" UI. And then I modified the generated files,

a.) Handytongue.gwt.xml - changed the entry point to
b.) replaced to
(difference is very minimal)
c.) replaced to
(difference is very minimal)
d.) I had a class called HTUserDAOImpl that simply returns a static
object of PersistenceManagerFactory type.
e.) I had a class called HTUserServiceImpl that extends
RemoteServiceServlet and implements IfHTUserService, and simply gets
the PersistenceManagerFactory object from HTUserDAOImpl and does a
simple operation called "addHTUser" - which just simply saves an
object of type HTUser using JDO.
f.) I modified my web.xml file to define a servlet called,
htuserServlet and mapped it to the url pattern "\handytongue"
g.) modified the generated Entrypoint class Handytongue to
instantiate IfHTUserServiceAsync that will be used to add HTUser(s)
when the user clicks on the "submit" button.

IfHtUserService by the way has an annotation @RemoteServiceRelativePath

Everything compiles smoothly but when I run my webapp in hosted mode
an error like this occurs,

Nov 8, 2009 2:55:31 AM doGet
WARNING: No file found for: /handytongue/handytongue

When opened it in my chrome browser at localhost, error like this
Nov 8, 2009 4:04:14 AM doGet
WARNING: No file found for: /favicon.ico

Who's looking for these files? What could be the problem here?

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