Wednesday, November 18, 2009

[jQuery] Re: Unordered List question!

On Nov 17, 6:02 pm, szuwei <> wrote:
> Thanks a lot! And no, this is not a homework. I'm just new to JQuery, and
> it's a work problem.

Well, if you're just learning, the suggestion above was more clever
than pedagogical. I would really suggest that you use something more
like (code

This puts the actual formatting in CSS, where it belongs:

.special {text-indent: 2em;}
.odd {color: red;}

And doesn't do any complicated .find()-.end() switching of the jQuery,
using instead a simple:

$("#myList li:odd").addClass("odd");
$("#myList li:eq(4)").hoverClass("special");

This uses a minor plug-in to jQuery which I use so often I would
choose to put it in core if I could:

$.fn.hoverClass = function(className) {
return this.hover(function() {$(this).addClass(className);},
function() {$(this).removeClass


-- Scott


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