Friday, November 6, 2009

Re: [android-developers] Re: Issue with playing audio or video from Remote URL (RTSP/HTTP)

dileep wrote:
> Is mp4box only concerned with converting the video codecs?

I have no idea. It is merely a recipe for fixing the moov/mdat atom issue.

> Then what
> about audio codecs how to take care of audio codecs or infact how to
> convert it into android supported audio codecs (like I have done it
> for converting video codecs)

That would be a question for whoever wrote whatever software you are
using to work with your video content.

> Or can you mail me the video file to
> that contains both audio and video codecs that android understands.

This edition of a 2009 Google I/O conference presentation streams nicely
over HTTP.

> And also what should be wrong with rtsp.. why am I not able to see the
> video... when it is visible if I am using http source....

I have never used RTSP and so cannot comment.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

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