Friday, November 13, 2009

Re: **Various** issues with extended characters.

On 13 nov, 13:38, Julia <> wrote:
> Thanks to all for your answers, however:-
> @John Andersen: I know the CakePHP book, section about
> Internationalizing your application (
> Internationalizing-Your-Application):-
> I use __() function, .po files .etc...   I did not mention it to keep
> my initial post short. The wierd behaviour is the same either I use
> "direct" strings of use __()).

That's inevitable because it's functionally identical.
> @AD7six: Thanks but I am now familiar with this I am convinced the
> issue is not there, the pages are in the right encoding.
> After some more digging I did not resolve the issue but found out
> something even less reinsuring about the level of maturity of CakePHP
> code ...
> Look:-
> // Following displays "éàôù" OK
> echo $form->input('username', array('label' => "éàôù" ) );
> // Following displays "éàôù" OK
> echo $form->label("éàôù");
> // This does not display anything at all :-(
> <?php echo $html->link( "éàôù", array('controller' => 'users',
> 'action' => 'passwordreset'));
> // This does not display anything at all :-(
> echo $form->end("éàôù");

Invalid characters will cause that sort of problem.

> // Also as stated in my initial post none of my validations containing
> accented characters display at all which made me waist a lot of time
> thinking the issue was related to logic / codding  as opposed to silly
> "cosmetic" of a string simply refusing to display for unexplainable
> reasons.
> I guess I can show my demo on monday by removing any accented
> charcters, it should work OK but is not correct in Fench language and
> it will be noticed :-(
> Can you take a few minutes and try this on one of your existing forms
> to see if you have a spontanuous rational explanation?

I'd still suggest you start from: You're using none-UTF-8 chars in a
function expecting UTF-8 or vice versa.

As with many other users, I write internationalized (be it single
language but not English, or translated) apps in cake every day.

If you want to work in reverse find where in your call to $html->link
the title goes "missing" by following which functions get called until
you arrive at a PHP function. I.e. start here

It will be no surprise if you end up here:

> To be frank I am not that sure about Cake anymore, I fear other wierd
> similar issues make my team's life a nightmare if we go for it...

Ah the I-will-switch blackmail philosophy. I hear CI has a smiley
helper that's pretty hot.




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