Tuesday, December 22, 2009

[jQuery] Re: Plugin development: Defaults & options: Questions?

Hi Scott! Thanks again for the help. I really appreciate it. :)

> Looks right to me.  One alternative, which wouldn't break the chain if
> target is not supplied properly, would be this:

Ah, right. That is a smart solution. Thanks for the clarification!

> I don't think it's overkill for your initial jQuery object.  I would
> ...<snip>...
> matched element.

Ah, very interesting. Thanks!

I will probably stick with jQuery.each(), but it is nice to see
alternative syntax.

> But this leads to a more fundamental question, of why would this be a
> ...<snip>...
> You could still use jQuery inside the function.

Interesting... That is a great observation! Lol.

You know, I will probably end up using a function now that you point
it out... But this has been a great learning experience.

Here is my actual code (simply splitting a ol/ul into two divs):


$.fn.splitList = function(id) {

var $target = $('#' + id);

if($target.length > 0) {

// Traverse all nodes:
return this.each(function() {

var $this = $(this);
var $clone = $this.clone();

$('li:odd', $this).remove();
$('li:even', $clone).remove();


} // $target





> Perhaps it's just to learn jQuery plug-ins, and there's nothing wrong
> with that.  But if it doesn't work on multiple elements, should it
> really be a plug-in?  Food for thought, anyway.

Definitely food for thought. Seems like a simple function would do the

I would love to figure out how to make it work on more than UL/OL...
For example, I am using the call twice:


Might be cool to do something like this:

$('#catList, #venList').splitList({ 'catFlow', 'venFlow' });

But, hehe, that might be overkill and/or just plain silly! :D

Thanks again for the help Scott! I owe you one.

Have an excellent day!


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