Friday, January 15, 2010

Re: Make markermanager non-clickable?

On Jan 15, 4:24 pm, carled <> wrote:
> > How many markers are you talking about?
> > I'm not sure this would work, but one thing to try might be to keep
> > two marker managers around and maintained in parallel, one containing
> > clickable versions of the markers and the other containing the inert
> > version, then switch between then with your "add poi" toggle.
> > I think whether the above makes sense and works without impacting the
> > current functionality will depend on how many markers you get from
> > your datasource at a time.
> >   -- Larry
> Interesting idea...  no. of markers ranges from 20 or so to up to 1500
> in some cases, depending on what map page is loaded... haven't
> experimented with the one with 1500 yet.  I am also currently getting
> all markers and letting the manager decide what to display, as that's
> what it's meant to be good at...   however, I could look at doing a
> viewport + border bounds-based query instead and therefore have the
> smaller number of points loaded (unless someone zooms way out when
> they have huge loads of markers...)  hmmm. I feel some experimentation
> coming on. Thanks for the idea, Larry.

Let us know how it goes. I would think that the MarkerManager that
isn't active wouldn't do more than impact the memory used and the load
time slightly. Displaying markers is what is the resource hog as I
under stand it, so the performance would vary directly with the number
of markers displayed, and less directly by the number loaded.

-- Larry


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