Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Re: Project optimisation stage: Advice to boost speed of database queries across tables?

On 4 Sty, 07:30, Sam Walters <mr.sam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tomasz
> Yes, i have followed a raw sql approach now im looking at my test data
> to see which objects have multiple rows and cleaning that up.
> Its a shame that '__in' has limited use under these scenarios:
> directories = search_querySet.distinct()
> addresses = Address.objects.filter(directory__in=directories)
> addresses.values('directory__id', ..... *some other relevent fields*)
> this certainly allows me to select the related sets of addresses for
> each directory however i need to be able to relate each address object
> back to its directory (by id would be great) trying to get the
> directory 'id' packaged in the values() gives me an error saying
> invalid field even though 'directory' is listed as a valid field.

I'm not 100% sure, but AFAIR you can only take values of fields
contained directly in models.

> If i could do that then i could iterate through each dictionary and
> zip related items together based on their directory id's or something
> nice like that.
> "
> Re those VIEWs, they are SELECTs with JOINs, which effectively
> produce up to a few rows for single object (e.g. if you have person
> with 3 phone numbers,
> you're getting 3 rows), but it turns out to be much more efficient to
> process/merge
> that in Python code than to issue hundreds of SQL queries.
> "
> Yes this seems to be the best way, do you have any links where i can
> see how various people have implemented this? Would be good to write a
> 'pythonic' solution

I wrote simple function that works for my purposes, I suspect that
you use-case also doesn't require anything fancy, but I agree
that 'pythonic' solutions are good for morale :-)

Tomasz Zielinski


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