Saturday, February 20, 2010

Michael Jackson You Tube

Michael Jackson You Tube

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Posted: 20 Feb 2010 04:17 AM PST


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Wh'ite C*hron.ographP*ortugu+ese ,Chronog-raph,Al.uminium+ Ch-ronograph*Lo_uis Vuit+ton_ Bags &' Wall'ets.Nicol-as R_ieussec* Chron'o.graph _Platinu*mDiag-ono Sc* Ch_ronogr*aphFer+rar'iLouis Vu_i-tton Ba,gs '& Wall-etsF+ive Time .Zone 'Wat-ch S+tainless- Ste,'lingLo_uis +Vuitt,on Bag+s & Wal*le'tsSlytech' Ch,ronog,rap.hChopard'Piaget'Scha'ffhaus'en' Chron_ograph,Louis .Vuit'ton B+ag*s & Walle*tsJ12. Whit_e* Chronogr-aphHa+ppy. Di-amonds Sp+iri*t Editi'on+Loui_s Vui*tton +Bags & W_allets+J.12 Two- tone C.hrono+graph,Neckl_ace,Facet-oSeam_aster +Aqua T-erra. Rai*lmast'erAdm.iral_'s Cup C,ompeti*t'ion Vic.tory Ch'allen-ge*Long _Island C+hr*onog+raphL-ouis V+uitton ,Bags+ & Wal_lets_Full 18'K _Gold Yac_h,tmaster_ IICali'bro- 303 Ch.r_onograph*Chr.istia-n Di*or Key,chain'sCla+ssic Chr*ono,graphS T. D-upont' Repl*ica Col-lec*tion 2+006Compl*i-cation M,oonp-hase- Chr*onograp.hSe,amaster -Aqua +Terr.a Railm,aste.rJ12+ Two t*one ,BlackMo'on*phase Au.t'omatiqu,eSport*s Chro_nogr.aphPr'eside+nt Wh_ite Go_l*dDoubl.e Eagle ,C*hronomete'r -Mid S.izePa_sha De' Ca+rtier Po.wer _Rese+rveC-alatrav,aMille-na,ryNeckla+ceMast* White G,ol+dGucc,iTorino _Chron'ogra'phBr+ittThe *Marin*e*rMigl-ia Gran 'Tur'ismo XL*Torin_o Chr.onogra'ph_Louis, Vuitto_n ,Bags & _Wallets-Link' serie,s ,Chro_nographPe*ndant-Lang-em*atik P+erpetu+alBR ,Gra*nd Com+plicat_ion_ Chron,ogra+phTechno.mari.neAdmir_al S_ L-imite*d Editio.n18Kt/*S_S Two *Tone Oys'ter D'ate'jus.tNavitim_er*Tiffan+y & CO' Brace'letsAq'uar_acer To.ur+billon- Chr*onog_raphGC Di+ver .Chic C,hro_nograph,Louis* V,uitto*n Keych-ai+nsAdm-iral _S Limite*d Edi_tionP.earlma.ste'r W*hite Go'ldTwe.nty +4Milg*aussG'ucci 'Roll_erFull St.ain'less St_eel' Da*tejustGol,den _Tou_rbillo+n Pa_nora-miquePano+mat-icJub'ile Qua-rt*z Men W,ith D.ia*mond Be+zel*nPensLou*i_s Vuitto.n Ba-gs &, Wallets,San.tos 100' S-keleton_Compli*c*ation+ Moonphas*e Chr'o'nograph*Herme*s C'uffli*nksBR01, 96Fu*ll S.ize 'Five -Time Z+one W+atch*es 47m-m Leathe-r+ BandLou,is Vu'itt+on Bag+s & W_all.etsOmeg,a Seama*st_er Pl.anet Oce_an C+hron_oSup+erlegger,a _J12 *Black Tac-hy-metre C_hronog+rap*hSt *Dupon.t Foun+tainN+avitime,r Chr.on+oMaticC_asabla_nca. Chro+nogr_aphForm+ula 1_ Serie_s- Formul-a 1 C_hrono_grap_hJ12 Tou,r.billonMas,t_er Coll,ect*ion Au-tomat_ic Chr+onog,raphDo'ub+le E.agle Chr-onomet'erAs*sio_ma Chron_ogra.phOm,ega _Seamast'er_ Spec+ial E,ditionGra,nde .Sonner'ie_ Tour*bill'on Mo*onphrase *C'hrono,graphLo'uis. 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Sot-irio Chro_nog'raphCas.ab+lanca To-u'rbillon* Chro*nogra,phFi-eroM-ilgaussSp*eed-mast*er B.road Arro-wRol+ex ,new -models.Chris,tal Di+amond ,Brace*letCra+zy C-ol'or Dreams*Bai*gno-ireTachy+metre* Chron-ogr+aphSpor,t XXL. Chro*n*ograph Au,t-omatic*Bvlgari _Pend'antJ1*2 Two +tone- Black*Con*qui*stadorS'port's Chron+ograph+Gr'and Co_mpl_ication .Chro_nogr_aphSub'mersi*ble 1.973'Link seri_es Ch,r+onogr+aphOyst-er Date*just' SSImp,er_ial T'ourbillo_n Mo+onp'hrase'J12+ Blac_k Tou*rbilli'onFe,rrari. Grant,urismo -R-attrapan-teDe 'Ville 'CoA,xia'l CoAxia-l _Rattrapan,t.eF1 Dual. Ti,me Ch,ronogra,ph'Euro 20_08 Limi.t,ed Ed'ition ,Chron.ographG,irar+d Perr'egau.xLeat.her ba'nd D.atejust.Fran-ck .Mull+erHappy' Diamon'dsS- T +Dupont Re-pli,ca *Lighte-rs C*ollect.ion 2+006Lo*uis Vuit,ton ,Bags &_ W-alletsG,rand-e S-onnerie+ Tour_bill'on Moon.phras.e Chro.nogra.phTes,l_arTiffa+ny '& CO Eari_ngsL+ouis- Vuit'ton Bag+s & +Wal.letsLink+ se-ries 'Chro,nograp+hNa_vitim-er Moo-nphase. Chr'onogr,aphR.otonde To.urbil'lo_n Perp'etual _Ca*lendarCas-ab,lanca To,ur,billon' Chr*onogra'phErgon.VI.NTAGE 1,26R.oadst_er Ch-rono.graph,KiriumTw'ent.y 4Tan+k Fran+caiseC,h.ronograp+h In-dicator_ by- Exte,rna*Polic,eAyrt*on SennaT_achym*eter_ Chro-nogr-aphLou'is V_uit*ton Bags. & W'all.etsLouis. Vu*itton, Bags & _Wal-letsAq'uanaut. 5066,aChr_onoma,tic+ Certif*ie C'hronom'etre-Nav.itimer ,Range,Lou*is Vui+tton B'ags &+ Wall.ets+Louis +Vuitton' Bags +&. Wall,etsDual .Ch*ronog-raphJ_12 Class,icIns'tru-ment+ BR A*irborne +Limi+ted Edi_tion,Jaeg_er LeC.oul-treTes*lar (*Diam-ond 'bezel)J12, .White _Chronogr-aphRe*ttang_ol+oLong _Island_ Autom*atic+Assiom+a C*hron'ogra.phFull St_ainle'ss St,eel. Dateju,s*tCalatrav'a Ch,ron+ogra*phMon*ogram Pe-rfo+Mast'erpiec+e White .G,oldRi-chard Mil*l'eTwen,ty 4C,ortina C+hronog,raph *(Leat+her. stra-p)Mer*cedes, Benz+ SLR Ch,ron'ogra*phCh-ristal B'race'letSpor.t+ Classi,queChr_on-ographL,ouis Vu'itton+ B*ags & W+allet+sAla*in S-ilberste*inLou_is _Vuit+ton B*ags &* Walle_tsLo-uis Vu-itt,on Ba,gs & W'allet*sLouis .Vu*itton & ,Wallet_s*De Ville' Co Ax,ial C+hron*omet+erBaig_noir+eTank. Am'ericai,ne18*84 Hercul,es Se.ries+Louis 'V'uitton C.uff,link*sSchaf,fhausen _Mark +XVLo'uis V.uit-ton Ba+gs ,& Wal*letsSp,eedmast_er. Professi+onal .Chr,ono+graphV.egas A'utom'atic, Rol_lerRoto,nde d*e Car'ti-er To+urbill*ion_ Chronog*'s Au'tomaticD-ia-gono T.itanium-Rotond*e To+ur-billo,nThou.sands o,f F+eet AS *Seri'esTr,adition T_ou-rbill'on Coll,ec,tionLum,inor -Mar,inaWelder_L-ouis Vuit,ton' Bags' & .Walle.tsBR0_1 96Aq'uarac+er Autom+atic -Ch-ronogr,aphO+mega' De Ville' +Co Axi+al GM.TCla+ssic -Tourb*illio-n Ske*letonC'arre-ra Calib_re 1Ba'i'gnoireC*o_Axi'al Pow_er -Rese_rveBR01 ,96Do+lce &, Gabb,anaLou,is ,Vuitton .C_ufflinks*F1 Du*al- Time Chr.on'ograp,hSuper.legg_era .J12 B_lack Ch_ronogra_p*hGucciV'egas 'Autom_atic'Omega _Seamas.ter R'ailm*aster .Chro.nograp-hCon'quista_do,rChrista_l D_iamo_nd Bra*celetEDC_ION. Limit-ada+ Chronog'ra*phboxse+tsO-risC.alibre *360 A+uto_maticDe+epsea S'ea* Dwelle,rAdmi-ral's 'Cup_ Tou-rbillion' 48Lo'ui,s Vuit,ton 'Bags .& Walle*ts'Crazy H*ours Co'lor ,Dreams_ Tour-b+illonMa.ster_ Con*trolPre*siden*t 18k -& _SSTT3 _Chronogr-aphM.ille +Mig-lia GM+T Ru*bber S*trapB-entl,ey Moto_rs -TPatek *Ph-ilippeJub,i*le Quart.z Men ,Wit+h Dia.mond, Bezel- Option+Adm_iral's_ Cup -Com,peti+tion 40D+ou+ble Eag'le A'utomatic, Ch.ronogra.phOme.g'a Speedma,st-er R_acing _Chron,ometer.Ferrar-i Scu,deria *GMTA.dmira-l's 'Cup. Compet'iti.on Vi+ctory ,Chall,engeT-ankAqu'aracer* A_utomat,icSan_tos 100, Chro,nogra.phLoui's Vu'itt*on B.ags & Wal,l_etsNavi-time_r Moon*phase_ Ch+ronogra,phL+angema'tik Bi-g Dat_eRa+diomir To,urbi+ll_ionClas,sicLou'is Vu*itton. Bags ,&_ Wallet.sAlum*iniumTT+1-Haute H+orloger'i*e Tourbil.lonA_ssi*oma +Heures Re_tro ,Chrono.graph_Lo-nginesPr'e,cious M,etal C-lass+ico *Golden, Crow.nMont +Blanc *Ro-llerball_Hu-blotMig,lia, Gran -Turis,mo X,LSubmer+si+ble Mo*onphas-eDu'pont Limi.ted ,Edit'ion S+eriesF,ull ,Sta,inles,s Stee+l Jubil-ee, Datej,ustLad-ys Qu+art'zThou_sands of+ Fe,et CS3_ Chr-onograph+Chro,no B+ankerR-ichar+d M*illeTa'g He.uerGrand.e 'Complica_ti.ons Pe,rpetual, C+alender+ Chron_og.raphT.achym,etre* Chro.nograp+hFerra.ri S.cuderia 'Ch-ronograp,hLou'is Vui_t'ton Bags '& +WalletsD'am_ier C.anva-sChron,omati,c 49Port,ofi_no ,Automa'ticPasha, _de Ca+rtierF.ormula* 1 Seri_e*s Chronog_ra+phPre'cious ,Metal F-li'ght *Deck C+hronogr'aphS_t D*upont _RollerP*as_ha de Car'tie*rTank F+r+ancais-e Chrono*grap'hBe_ll & Ros,sA*udace C'1 .Chronogr_aph*Slim ,Quar'tzGira_rd Perr.egaux-Chopa*rdMa_ster _Banker* Tourb'ill,on Chr,ono+grap+hBregue-tGC Di.ver 'Chic C,hron-ogr,aphSkelet+on, Auto_maticL_oui*s Vuitton* *Bags &, Walle-tsCh_ronom'eter' Moon'phase L'imite*d Edi+tionC,o_Ax-ial P+ower .Reser-veLo'cketA.dmirals_ Cup -Chr-onograph+Di,gital Ser+iesM' Au,tom.ati,queNautil.usLo*uis Vu,itt.on ,Bags +& Walle'tsFran-ck Mul,lerFu-ll S+ta_inless St+e*el Da-tejustFli-ght _Deck *Ch' Tou-rb-illonL.ouis V-uit*ton Bags ,& Wal'let.sPicc.adi_ly (D.iamond b-ez-el)Ja.quet *DrozFer*rari Gr_ant,urismo -G'MTLou-is Vui+tton *Bags, & Walle'tsJ.aquet- Dro.zLuminor _Marin+a Rub+be'r BandS.eam,aster Pr*o 300*m- Seamast'er +300m G'MTLou-is V,uitton +Bags, & Wa'llet+sLum.inor _SS Bra,cele.tDamier+ *CanvasP.earlm+ast+er 18k Go,l-dCarrera_ Ca_libre_ 1Spec.ialiti_es .Olympic_ Col+lec.tion Ti,meless_Arc,hitect-e GMT+Tur_nograph S-SRadi'omi-rMaster* C'ontrolC,uf-flink.sDamier C.anv-asLo,uis Vu_itton. Ba_gs & Wa_lletsRo,yal *Oak ,Chro+nogra+phBreitl-in+gCurve'x Autom,ati-cCrazy+ Ho-ursGran, T-urismo C+hron-ograph+Louis +V*uitto'n Bag-s & Walle-tsP+anoma,tic Chr*onog.rap.hRed .Devil _Bang' Lim*ited E+ditio-n Ch*ronograp'hS 'T Du_pont L.ighters _G*old Ser_iesTiff-any _& CO. Brace+letsBr_ittVe_rsace- +Cuffli.nksWa*tches _Weld,erBe,ntley GT_ 47mm ,Ed_itionMi.glia- Gra_n Turi*smo .XLBR+01 94, Chron_ogra*phBvl,gari C-uffli'nksSp+ort 'Classiq.ueChro.nogr.aph*Sarcar.Carre+ra Cal*ibr'e 1Fe-rrari* Gran,turism+o GM'TSuperl+eggera -J-12 Whi_te Chr.onogra.phAl+ain Si'lb_erstei'nLouis, Vui.tton +Bags_ & Walle+tsCla_ssi,c Tourb+il*lion _Skele'tonLoui-s V-uitton 'Bags' & Walle.tsL_ouis V*uit-ton Bags- & 'Wall_etsSenat_or. Navigat*or C_hron'ogra,phAdmira'ls Cu+p Ch'ronogr,aphTo'rtue. Seri_es+J12 Clas'si_c Diam-onds C+hrono*grap'hFace_toSubmer_sib.le Moon+phase'B.raceletD.atogr.aph- Perpetu'alSar*a'togaS+kyracer R-a,ven Chr.onogr'aph-Platinum/*White' Gol*d Oys'ter 'Datej,ustO-mega Sea.m*aster 300' 'M Racing- Chr'onomete.r*Twent.y 4Dewitt+Mas+terpiec.e +Whit-e GoldTo-rt*ue Series,Lo,uis V'uitton. Bags &- Wal'letsPa-sha +de +Cart*ier C*hronograp_hFo_rmula 1* Se.ries F-orm_ula 1R'oyal' OakC*hrista_l Dia,mond B,race'letAd_miral'.s Cu,p Compe_tit+ion V_ictor-y Chal_len,geTan*k Amer'icaine_Mill*e Migl.ia GMT' St-ainl*ess St-eel'ont+ Limited 'Editi+on 'Ser+iesMo*ney Day .dat.e 18_k Gol+dCartier, Pen-dant.Ori_s18Kt/S_S Tw*o To-ne Pr' _Datejus-tMaste.r Ba*nker -Tour,bill,on Chron.ogr,aphBen,tley+ Mot.ors Chro'no+graphSc+haffha_usen 'Reg'ulateur,Mari'ne +Chrono+grap+hLou-is Vuitt-on ,Bags & ,Wal_letsCra,zy +Hours *Tourbil-lo*n Pow-er Ind_ica'torSu.perlegg,era *J12 W.hiteC+onquista*dor K-in,gJubi,le Quar_tz Me.n With, Diam+ond .Bezel, Opt+ionCas-abl.anca, Leathe+r Band'Ome_ga Seam_as+ter Pla*net Oc_ea.n Chrono*Mont_ Blanc _Key,chainsF'er+rari' Scuderia+ GM+TEuro_ 2008 L_im'ited_ Edition_ Chron-o'graph.Oval 'SeriesTur_nog+raph. SSJ12 _Whi,te Tou,rbil'lionF+ull 18K- Go_ld Ya-chtmaste_r IID'e V'ill-e CoAx,ial CoA*xial R+att-rapante_Lo-nginesP'endant-Limi'ted F-F 'Edition +Chron-ograph'Br.ittT.ime Walke'r* GMT A,utoma.tic Ch_ronog-raphSpo.rts+ Col_lection- Co.nquestR.ic,hard Mil.le*LocketC_ufflin+ksNB+A S+tar Yao Limit*ed Edi.tio.nGran+de S,onneri*e Tourb_illo+n Moo*nphras+e Chr'onogr.ap_hPreciou,s +Metal -Fligh+t Deck _MBL,ongit-ude Chr_onog'rap.hSport-ivo Ch.ron*ograph+Admira-l S L+imit-ed E.dition-Tourb-illi'on C*hrono.graphLo*uis -Vuitto.n B*ags & Wa'lle.tsSeamas't.erMas,ter Bank+er _Tourbil.lon .Chron,ogr'aphCala_travaBr_eg+uetGu+cciLo,uis Vuit.ton* Bags &_ .WalletsL'ink C'ali,bre 5. Automa_ticJa_eger .LeCoul_t_reStar P'lat,inum, Chronogr_aphR'ic'hard Mill_eSlim+ Ca+se A,utom,aticEnic_arMoon,phas+eGuc,ci Bal'lpoin.tChron+om-atic +49Master* Coll+ecti,on Ma+ster- Automa_tic- Big D-ateT_orino C*hro.nogra+phV-ersace K,eychai+nsPh+ilip S*tei*nFerrar_i Gr.anturi-smo -Rattra_pan-teFor-mul-a 1 Indy' 500, Ed,itionPrec,i,ous Met-al Fli'ght D_eck 'MBLouis. *Vuitto.n Bags &* Wall-et+sTort+ue Chron.ograp_hMil+le +Miglia C_hrono,graph' St+ain.less .Steel -Bracel+etPo,rtofino *Auto+maticA*ca.demia C_hronog'raph,Lou'is Vu-itton -Bags &. Walle,tsTa+chym.etre C.hron+ographL_e-ather *band *Datej'ustChron-omati_c 49C_a_sablanc*a To+urbi'llon Chr'onog.rap+hEDCION -Limi-tada +Chro_nographR.olex_ Spo.rts *ModelsRo'yal- Oak C_hr_onogra-phOmegaG.ran_d Compl-icat_ion' Moon-phase, Chronog*rap,hMaste'r Cl'ass,ic Au*tomati*cLoui-s Vu-itton 'Bags &+ Walle*tsGra-n +Turism,o Chr,onogr+aph

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Posted: 19 Feb 2010 08:20 PM PST


6t6yeu8i9 'Class*ic Qu*artzCalib+ro+ 303 Ch*ro.nogra*phAdmiral, S Li_mited+ Edi'tionC*razy _Hou*rs Tourb,ill-on Pow,er In-dica*tor.J12 Class+ic_ Diamon.ds'J12 B*lack L-ouis Vu*it,ton Bag-s & Wa_llet*sLin,k Automa+tic .Chron+ogra.phJ12 +Class_icLo_uis Vui*tto-n Ba-gs & W*alle,tsOmega_ S,eamaster +Rai_lmaste'r .Chronogr,aph.White Mu-rakam,iR+ichard .MilleL+o.uis V_uitto*n Bag-s & Wal+letsSa+nto,s 100 Ch'ronog-rap.hLou+is Vuit,ton Ba,gs & *Wall'et.sJubil.e Quart*z *Men Witho_ut D*iam-ond B+ezel Opt'i.onChop_ardRoya+l *Oak Ch,ronograp+h L.imit.ed E.ditio+nFerr+ari Scud'eria 'Ch+ronogra-phL*ouis -Vuitton *Key,chainsLo-uis *Vuit.ton_ Bags &' Wallet's+Limit-ed FF* Edition .C-hronog-raphLea*ther -band' Dat_ejustS-ubme+rsib-le 1973C'razy ,Col,or Dre'ams'MovadoS_ T Du_pont ,Lighte+rs G_old Ser+i+esFormu_la +1 Ind+y 500 E_diti,onJ12 T+wo ton.e Bl*ack'Crazy_ Hours C,olor +D*reams Tou+rb.illo,nTortue* Ch'ronog*raphBentl_e+y Motors .C+hronogr_aphLang'e+matik Per'petu,alRett+ango.loSoti'rio- Comp_licatio.ns To*urb,ill.onChrono-ma.t Chrono,gr-aphPearl,mast+er 18'k GoldL*ou*is Vuit.ton Cu+f_flink,sTortue C.hrono'grap,hLa*ngemat.ik Pe-rpetual+Sea+master *Aqua -Ter*raFul+l 18K -Gold ,Presi.denti-al Da'y Dat'e, F'ull+y Iced D-ia+lCort+ina Chron+ogr'aph (Le'athe_r *strap)_Pearlmas-t*er 18_k Gold_Louis- Vuit+ton & Wa-llets+Easy. Div_er Chr'onogr+aphCla's_sique +Complica+t.ionsMo+onphase,Dia,gono Sot'ir+io Chr_onog_raph18Kt'/S,S Two -Tone* Oyste*r Date.just*J12- Classi*c Ch.rono_graphB'entl_ey GT 47-mm* Editio,nDe Vil-le Co, Axia,l Ch-ron,ometerJ1_2 Cl_ass-ic D-iamondsHa'ppy+ Diamon-ds Sp.ort Pl*atinum C*hro_nogra-phC,asabl+anca SS ,Brac_eletSE-Ne'cklac.eOmeg,a Seama,ster Pl-ane-t Oce+an C*hrono_Hermes, Cuff'links*Cla'ssic Chr_onog'raph,Moonph,ase Aut+omati+queM,il'le Miglia. +Rubber+ Strap'Admiral,'s Cu,p T*ides 48_Royal* Oak. O*ffshore .T3Ra+ttr*apant.eSotiri-o Co*mpli+catio-ns Tourb_ill+onCu.rvex Auto+matic+J12 'Wh,ite T,ourbi_llionRoto*nd.e de. Tou.rbil,lion Chr+onogr+aphS'ena+tor Nav+igato-r Chro*nogr-aphM-onaco 'Chr_onogra*phRett,angolo, Ch,ronog+raphB,aignoir+eAl*uminiu*mGra+nd Ca_rrera .Calibr.e Ch+ronogr'aphJ'ou,t & Nuit. Au,tomaticE-asy D-iv_er Ch+ronogr.aph.Watch*es St Dup,on,t Ballpo,intBR+0,1 97 -Power Res+erve'Seam'ast+er Pro 3,00-m Seamas'ter 3+00'm GMTRoya*l O-ak Chro'no'graphMas'ter G,eogr,ap+hic A-utoma'ticLimi_ted & _Number-ed E.diti-onsAqua,r'acer Au_tomat,icPo-rtuguese- FA +Jones ,Edit+ionPe-nsTo-urbi'llion, Moonph'ase-Louis V_uit.ton Bag,s &_ Wall+etsCo,ncord*Aquati'mer Chr.onogr,a*phLouis' Vui_tton B-ags_ & Wal*letsRoya_l Oak- Chr*onogr-aphGra-ha_mFull St,ainl'ess St.ee_l Da.tejustM*aster -Banker' Tou+rbi'llon Ch.ronog.ra'phMonogra_m. Perfo_Happy+ Diamon-ds S+port Ov.alMo*nt Bl_an_c Ballpo+intR+oyal O+ak To,urbi_llon 'Chronog.raphN+aut*ilusBre'g*uetSport* XX,L Chr.onograph, Auto.m'aticJ12* Class.ic Dia*monds. C.hronog*raphSe,rena+deOmeg*a De *Ville -Co *Axial -Ch+ronogr.aphHa'ppy 'Diamo+nds Spiri't E.ditionS.port 'Cla'ssiq_ue Chr_onograp-hPa'nom.atic Chr*onogra,phRol,ex Sp*or.ts Mode_lsA*dmiral+'s C_up Comp*et,ition 40'Money ,ClipL_ink s' Chro+n.ographLo*uis_ Vuit,ton B_allpo'intLou_is Vu*itton -Ba'gs & Wall*et*sBlanc-pai-nNavitim_er M.oonpha-se Chr,ono_grap+hFull* 18K' Gold _Yachtmas_te*r IIB*entle,y GT 4,7mm E-ditionG*i+rard 'Perreg*auxLu'ggage S+trap*Pre-cious Met*al, Flig-ht Deck _MBCla'trav.a -Classi*cPlatinu-m/Whi'te Go+l,d Oyster 'Date,just'Luminor_ Ma-rina-Louis V_uitton. B.ags &. Walle'tsb.oxsetsPen_d*antRo*ger Dubui_sAyr+ton S'en'naMille M-igli*a GMT ,Ru_bber *Stra-pGucci _BagsLe -Grand.e Cl-assiq,ue Qua'rtz* 37mmL* Vui*tton 'Bags &+ Wa+lletsSena+tor N_aviga*tor 'Chro_nograph.T,he Ma.rinerSen*ator. Na'vigator 'Chro.nogra-phRol+ex Sp-orts 'ModelsS+p,orts Chro.n+ographPr_of'essional *G'olf Wat.chEDCI'ON_ Limit.ada Chro_nog*raphG.ran _Turismo 'C,hronogr-aphJ12, Tourb+il*lonMon_aco .24 Calib_re +Automa'tic. Chronog.raphC,alatr* Chron*ograp+hB*MW Oracl.e +Tourbill'on Chr*onogr.a.phSup,erlegge-ra J12. Whit-eL+ouis V_uitton +Ba*gs & W_alle'tsPreciou's .Metal* Flight *Dec-k M_BDual tim*e Ch+ronome*t*erDewitt-Guc_ci Keyc.hain.sBR.01 97 P-ower' Reserve+Tan-k Fra,ncaise_ Chro-nogr+aph+Cartier- Pend,ant_Luggage .Str'apSli*m Case ,Aut'omatic_Royal+ Oak C-hro,nograph- Li-mited Ed,ition+Prec.ious+ Met'al Fligh't D+eck Ch+ronogr.ap-hKing. Conq+uistado*r Co,rtez C'hr'onogr.aphCa-rtierJ12. Two t'one C,hr,onog,raphTommy* H+ilfiger_ Chr+onog,raphNaut.ilu_sMille_na'ryLongin-es,Oyster -Day da+te *White G+oldG,ran_d Carre*ra Ca*libr-e Chrono'g.raphOyste+r Day* -date 1*8k Go'ldOmeg*a De V,il_le Co A*xial Ch_ro,nomete-rD & G ,Keych_ain.sTour,billio,n -Chron_ograph_sLoui.s Vuit+ton Bag_s +& Wal-letsTi,ffany _& CO 'Br'aceletsTo*urbil,l.on Re'gulatorCa+rbo+n Chron*o'graphOme*ga S_eamaste-r_ 300 M Ch+rono-me-terGC +SE 1 Ch*ro,nographCr_az_y Hour,s T*ourbill'on Po.wer I*ndi_catorL'uminor, Auto-mati-c To+urbillion.Ti.mewalker. Chro*no_graphTo+urbil-lonCl-assiq'ue C'omplica.tion *T+ourbillon,Calat-ravaC_asa_blanc_a Chr'onogra+phOv*al Se.riesJ.acob *& CoLa.dys Q,uartzJ*12 *Class,ic .Diamonds' Chr+onogr,aph+Grand' Comp,lication _C-hrono-graphHa.ute Hor-log-eri.e Tourbi-llonM+ont_ BlancAl.lon_gee .Ceintur*e18Kt_/SS T+wo 'Tone Pr+eside.nt.ial Datej+us_tMon.ogram Col-le+ctionMov_adoB-ent*ley .GT 47mm, Ed.itionB* Zer-oDupont L.i'mited E-dition _Se'riesFly-back_ Sp-orts C.hron,ographMig+lia*le G.TLouis *Vuitto.n Bags' -& Wallet-sMo*naco- Chronog*ra,phNavit_imer C*hrono_MaticP+ash-a de .Car-tier Ch_rono-graph_Neckl,aceAc,adem+ia Chrono,grap+hBR'01 9'2 Automat*icGMT_R*attrapan,te Chr+o'nograph I-Gucc.i Cuff_li_nksExc*alibu'r Ch,ronogr*aph+J12 Bl-ack T_ourbilli_onLa,ur,eato _EVO Chr.ono*graphSe'amas+ter A,qua Terr_a Chr-on-omet,erRattra.pante_Turno,graph 'S+SChrista,l B,raceletL*imit-ed +FF Ed*ition* Chr,onograph'Super+legge*ra J12* Oak, +Chronog,raphGr.and' Com-plicati,onLo_uis Vui_tton+ Bags &* Wa.llet,sCasabla_nca. Chr-onog,raph1884 _H'ercule_s Seri+es18Kt/-SS T*wo+ Tone. Oyst'er Datej-ust*Chopa+rd Pen+dan,tMont Bla_n'c Ballp+ointS.eamas_ter Aqu'a Ter,r_aSpeed*master B-road 'Arro.wMa-ster C*oll,ection -Maste*r Aut.omatic. Chro*nogra-ph_Ferra*ri Gran,tur+ismo R*attrapa,ntePa-risOys,ter -Perp*etua+l SSLoui's V,uit_ton Bal,lpoi,ntExcal.ibu'r Chrono-gra+phMi_lle Migl,i.a Rubbe.r Strap.O'yster Day* dat.e 'White Go.ldPrec.ious, Me*tal Cl'assico *Gol.den .CrownJ_12 -Two to'ne -Hil'figer. Chro_nographP.olice+Neckla_ceM*onz-a Calibr+e 36Ad+mira+l S _Limit,ed Ed+iti+onMonza _Ca'libre 361'884 _Chr,onogra-phJ1,2 Two to_ne' Whi*teKiri-um Fo+rmul'a 1Lou-is V_uitton B*ags & +Wall-etsO_mega S-peedma*ste.r Chr+on-ometerM.aster +B-anker, Tour'billo*n Chron+ogr.aphChro_nograp-he Ce-rtifie- C.hron+ometreC'latra-va Cla'ssicWh.i*te Murak+ami_Radiom.irCr.azy _Hours_Radiomi*r Tou+rbillio,nVint,a+ge 1945 X'XL Ch,r,onograph,Ske'leton, Autom'ati_cLuminor, Mar-ina L_eather- Ban'dJewelr-y '& Acce*ssories* Cla+ssi-c Rou_ndAquar-ac_er Calib*re 5 'Au'tomati*c Ch+ronograph,Chri,stian ,Di*or K,eychains_Louis. Vuit.ton Ba-gs &. Walle_tsPre'c*ious Me+tal Fl*ig-ht De,ck MBNoma-deG-rand' Compli*cati+on Moon+p,hase C,hron-ographL'ange,matik+ Big. DateL*ongitu,de -Chronog+rap,hBall_on Gl_ass Lim*ite+d Sports ,Ed'ition Ch+r.onogra-phSport' Evo'lution ,C-hrono.graphA*igner_Louis V+uitto-n Ba-gs & Wa_llets*Por'tuguese- Cl'assicJ,aqu,et DrozF*ull '18'K Gol+d Yach,tmast-er IIJ12* Bl_ack_ Chronogr+aphL-aur*eato- EVO Chr'on,ograp.hAquarace,r Cal'ibre, S Ch,ron-ograph .La,ptimeMus+t _21 Se_ries Mu,st 21 .Qu'artzOyst-er Da*y da_te Whit+e+ GoldAdm.iral+'s Cu-p C.hrono,graphSup+er,leggera J+12 B+lack_ Ta*chymet*re Chr,onogra-ph+Royal* Oak Chro_nogr-aph L_imited+ Edi'tion+Titan ,Chro'nogra*phExcal,ibur_ Chro,nog.raphLink+ +Calibre- 5 Aut'oma+ticGra-nd C*ompli-cation 'Mo*onpha_se Chron,ograp-hDig_ital Se.r-iesEspera.nzaA'qu+aracer ' 5 *Automa,tic.Suns-etAquarac-er_ Tour_billon- Ch.ronograp'hFlyb.ack_ Sport*s Ch+rono.graphAqu.arac+er Ca'libre +S Chr*onogra.p_h Lap.timeNoma.deLo*uis Vu-itt,on Bag-s & +Wall+etsCh+ristal Di*amo'nd Brac, Vuitt.on+ Bags' & W'allet*sBR01 92 ,Aut-omatic_Dat-ograph +Pe'rpetual*Erg-onJewelr'y &. Acces_sories. Gucc+i Bal_lpoi+ntMigli-a *Power_ Control* +Gran T_urismo X*LL+ouis, Vuitto_n Bags -&' WalletsL*umino+r- Autom_atic T-ourbill*ion*Mon+ogram Co_ll+ectionGl+ashutt'eOy'ster D,at-ejust, White *GoldLo,ui,s Vuitto_n Bag,s & W+alle.tsMerc-edes- Benz S-LR* Chr+onographB_rus'hed Ste'el Se.r_iesAyrton- Sen.naCala_trava- Ch_rono_grap_hUtah Le+ath.erJ12 _Tourbil*lon,Master _C*ontro+lAdmiral''s Cup, Co'mpe_tition V.ictory* _Challenge-To+rtue 21 Seri-es -Must .21 Quar-tzLo,uis Vu-i*tton B'ags &* Wal+letsLum,inor C'la*ssicLouis_ V-uitton +Bags +& Wa-lle-tsSpeedma,ster 'Bro,ad _ArrowSa+ntos_ 100 Sk_eleto*nGran*d -Complic*ation- Chron.ogr'aphPash+a De C, Po*wer *Reserv*eLi,nk Cali-bre 5+ Au'tomatic-Arc'hite-cte Aut+omat'icMone,y ClipD.e,epsea S-ea Dw,ellerC*omp-licati-on Perp,etual- Cale,n,darAd+miral's -Cup Ti_de's 48.Louis Vu,itt_on Bags -& W+allets'Portug,uese -F-A Jones, Edit.ionLumi,nor+ Regat,ta_Louis Vui'tto*n B.ags &_ Wall_ets1884 H*ercu.les +Ser+ies18K*t/SS, Two Ton'e -Datejust_Lo.uis Vui_tton, Bags &+ Wa-llets+Sport -Classiq_ueCh+rono'graph,Rol_ex Dat'ejusts-BMW O+racl-e To+urbill+on Ch-rono+graphOv-al Seri+esFer*rariR,oto-nde. Tour*billo,n Perpe*tua,l Cal-endarLoui,s Vu+itt'on Roll_er'ballSal*vatore 'Ferr_agamo* Ke,ychain.sLouis. Vuitt,on B'ags &* W.alletsP-ash,a De Car_tier- Power ,R.eservePi'cca+dily Lou*is V*uit_ton Bag's & W.allets_Dior'Day D,ate- Tou.rbillonS+eamast,e+r Co_A-xial.Ferra'ri Scuder,ia G_MTA_dmir,al's C+up T_ides 4.8Langema'ti+k Big Da'teGu_cci* BagsJu*bi_lee Dat-ejust ,SSBrus-hed *Steel_ Serie_sF1 -Dual T+ime, Chron-ogr+aphJ12+ Two t_one B,lac-kOyste,r D'ay date' Whit_e Go*ldDior-Subme'rsibl-e Moonp*ha-seLumi_nor Ark_tos+Spo,rt Evol'utio+n Ch,ronogr+aphOm-ega De +Vi.lle Co_ Axi_al Chro_nograph_Her*mes* Watc-hesRol+ex Da_tejust_sFull' 18K' Gold Y+acht-mast*er II*Variant_es ,Tour.billo.n SportsL+ouis -Vui.tton Ke-yc-hains+Roya'l Oak Of+fsh.ore T3Be'll &- Ross_Techn'omar_ineF-ormu'la 1 S-eries- Formu'la 1 Ch.r-onograp+hLongi,nes+Ferra.riOyste*r Pe,rpetu*al S*SLea*ther b_and D+ateju_stLou+is Vuit,ton Ro*ll_erballLo_uis 'Vu-itton+ Bags & W.a,lletsSe*amaster- Aq,ua Te+rra C*hronom+eterS*anto*s 10*0 Chrono,gra*ph1815 'C_hronog.raphGu-cci- Roller1*932 .Moo+nphaseL*umin_orEr,gon Chro*nogra+phIW-C181+5 Chro.nograph_Po'rtug+uese FA J.ones. Ed*itio-nCrazy Co_lor 'Dr'eamsEDCIO.N- Limi.tada C,hron.ographBe*ll & +RossB_ru-shed Ste'el _Series-OrisPi.ccadil+y P*icca_dily -(Diamon'd _bezel)Den-im Co,ll_ection_Grande -C*omplicati.ons 'Per'petu_al Ca'lende_r Chr-onograph-Movado-Chris*tal* Diam'ond *Bracelet_P_asha S,eatimer* 2.006Lo.uis Vuit'to,n Key.chainsSc*ha+ffhau,sen Pilo+t's. Watch'es Spit,fir.e Chron.ogra,phCart'i-er Pen'dantTag' Heu*erS+chaffh,ausen _Pilot'_s Wa*tch-es Spit-fire Ch+r_onogra*phBentl-ey Mot-or*sboxsets,Mil-le Migl_i+a Chronog.r-aph Stain,less .Stee_l Brac_e+letCa,rrera Cal-i*bre 1Oval- Se-riesOy'ster *Day, date W.hite+ Gol'dJ12 Bla_ck Ch-ro-nogr'aphJubil,ee- Datej.ust SSS-t Dup-ont* Rolle*rRed De+vil *Bang L.imite_d Edi.ti.on Chro'no-graphTif.fany &* CO B,racel_etsMi'lgaus.sS-eamast.erLo'uis Vui.tton B'a+gs & .Wallet,sMova_doTa_g Heuer'Master+ Colle,c'tion Mas_ter Au_tom+atic. Chron,ogr'aphRetta,ngo*loOme*ga S*eamaster' 3,00 M -GMTCraz,y Co'lor D_reamsLu+mino.r M+arinaGra+hamPe*nd+antCl,assicMu_st De C'arti_erB'entle.y Motor-s *Chrono,graphLo'ui+s Vuitto.n B.ags & Wa_ll,etsCompl,icati,on-sTT1_Navit.imer Moo.nphase* C+hrono_graphGr-an .Turi-smo Chro,nogra-phG+C SE 1 C,hron*ograp,hPhi,lip _SteinSe,amaste*r- Co_Axia,lL*ouis Vuit*ton* Bags. & Wa_llet-sJubile.e D*ateju_st 1.8k & SSCo*mpl*icatio*n +Perpetual' Cal*endar'Naviti'mer,Richar-d Mill'e18+15 Ch+ronogra-ph'Pasha *Seati-mer 200+6*Naviti'mer He.rita+geMil*le M-iglia C,hro.nograp*h Stai-nle*ss St,eel B,racelet,De Vi.lle CoA*xia'l CoAx_ia'l Ratt,rapante-Ha.ppy Diam_onds S*port +Oval_Uly.sses +NardinO-mega, Seama'ster 3_00 M ,Raci*ng Ch_rono'mete,rSuperle'gger-a J1'2 White-Ret,tangolo' Chr.onog-rap_hOmega+ Sea_master 3*00 M- GMTD'iag-ono Rubbe_rBR -SZenit'hTit*an' Chro'nograph'Maxi- Marine ,Ch.ronomete*rMoon-p*haseRolex. Spo.rts .Models+Mig_lia Gr_an T*urismo -XL .Chronog_ra_phMaster .Cont-ro*lTourbill-on Re_gulat+orPo_rtu-guese P_er-petual Ca.l-endar_President. Wh.ite G+oldC'razy' Hour-s Tourb'illon*Curv.ex Aut.omat'icLouis -Vui+tton Ba'gs ,& Walle+tsPia*ge'tCorumAq,uarac_er *Calibr_e S+ Chrono+gr+aph Lapt+im_eLange *1 Moon+phase*Omeg'a Sp-eedm'aster Rac*ing_ Chro+nomete'rC*lassic Sa.ntos +Serie*s San_to_s Clas'sic,Master Co*ll.ectio_n Mas_ter Auto'mat,ic C_hronog-rap,hWelder*St Du'pont* Fountai_nD.amier C.an_vasBrei-tlingRo_yal. Oa'k Offshor*e T3*Lou_is Vuitt'on *Bags .& Walle.tsL,ange- 1Ome*ga Speed'ma'ster -Snoop+y Edit+ion_Louis Vui+tton +Bags .& W-allets.

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 05:21 PM PST

Sexual Health

Restore your sex life,
or just give it a little kick.

Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently.

This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever.

With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well.

What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you.

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Always be ready.

If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra.

When the time is right, you'll always be ready.




If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Relax and take your time.

CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes.

With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time.


Acai Berry Elite Review

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 04:16 PM PST


Acai Berry Elite Review

Acai Berry Elite is one of the capsule types of extracted Acai berry. There seem to be a lot of these types of Acai supplement available but don't forget the juice type of supplement's that are also available if these suit your lifestyle better they can be quite a refreshing drink full of nutrition and goodness.

People are getting some great results with Acai Berry Elite that are normal for Acai based supplements. With users reporting some great weight loss figures people loosing 22lbs in a short space of time, looking great and feeling fantastic.

But remember the Acai berry is not just about weight loss. It is about a whole lot of other things besides and has some miraculous benefits for us. These benefits are in many areas of the body, a lot of these benefits are due to the amount of antioxidant's that the fruit contains. Clearing out the toxins that are in us and helping our body to do what it is supposed to do.

The Acai berry and the supplements that are based on it like Acai Berry Ultimate have received some great praise from celebrities and normal everyday people alike. The fruit has undergone some scientific research to see if it is possible to do what the claims say it can. Short term studies have shown that it can have some serious benefits for us even helping to weaken and kill cancerous cells. Longer term studies are ongoing which will be interesting to see.

Click here to get a FREE Bottle of Acai Berry Elite!!!

Anti-oxidant cleansing is all the rage right now. The popularity of Acai Berry is steadily increasing thanks to many hight profile stars in Hollywood. Celebrities are now using Acai Berry to give them the anti-oxidant fighting superpower they need. Acai is now becoming the berry of choice amongst the celeb elite!

Doctors Explain: What's Wrong With Angelina's Face

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 03:43 PM PST

Angelina Jolie was photographed in Venice, Italy Wednesday afternoon with two protruding muscles where her chin meets her neck.

The photo was not altered, as Jolie, 34, sported the same facial protrusion at the BAFTA awards in February 2009 (see bottom photo, at left).

See stars' plastic surgery nightmares

consulted a number of plastic surgeons to find out what's really going on because, as Beverly Hills-based Dr. Gabriel Chiu tells Us, "it's unlikely that the banding can occur from strong facial muscles alone."

Dr. Elie Levine, who has not treated Jolie, says that it appears she's "received Botox to her face and likely her neck" because she shows "no wrinkles along the sides of her eyes (the crow's feet) despite that very large smile... and her forehead is smooth."

See what Jolie used to look like in her old modeling shots

Botox paralyzes muscles, causing one to "recruit other muscles that are not regularly used to twisting the neck and smiling widely" to compensate, he adds.

Dr. Chiu believes Jolie may have had a "minimally invasive procedure" to lift and suspend "the tissues in her neck, jaw line and lower face."

Dr. Brian Glatt concurs. "Angelina appears to have had a procedure done to tighten her lower face, neck, and jaw line such as a mini or lower facelift," he says.

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QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What is the Torah's View on Abortion?

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 07:27 AM PST
Adar 5, 5770 · February 19, 2010
What is the Torah's View on Abortion?


What does the Bible say about abortion? Is a child's life worth less than an adult's? Does life begin at birth or conception?


Judaism contains a lot more wisdom than what you can read in the Bible. There's a very rich tradition that tells us how to understand the Bible and how to apply it. That tradition has been passed down from teacher to student in an unbroken chain since Moses. Eventually, much of it was written in the Mishnah and the Talmud, along with many of the discussions and later enactments that were based on these traditional teachings.

For example, the Bible tells us "Thou shalt not kill." But what does that mean? What if someone is going about killing others? What if he is trying to kill me?

So our tradition tells us that the Bible is not talking about those cases. If someone is out to kill you or other innocent people, you need to protect those innocent lives, even if it means killing the murderer.

This applies to an abortion, as well. A fetus is a potential life, so we are not allowed to kill a fetus. However, if the fetus is endangering the mother's life and the only way to protect the mother is by taking the life of the fetus, then we must do so.

However, this is all only as long as the fetus is a life-in-potential. Once the baby's head has emerged from the birth canal, s/he has become a full-fledged human being of the same status as the mother. Even though the mother has a family to take care of and has proven herself viable and valuable, we consider this a matter of one life versus another. At that point, we can't give precedent to either life. Life, according to our tradition, is not something to which you can apply relative values.

There is a very large literature on this topic. And as in all areas of complex halachah (Jewish law), every case needs to be individually evaluated by a rabbi -- who when necessary will consult with medical professionals and/or rabbis who are experts in this particular field of law.

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Rabbi Tzvi Freeman heads's Ask The Rabbi team, and is a senior member of the editorial team. He is the author of Bringing Heaven Down to Earth. To subscribe to regular updates of Rabbi Freeman's writing, visit Freeman Files subscription.
Rabbi Freeman is available for public speaking and workshops. Read more on his bio page.

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