[android-developers] Re: General lag issues with real-time games
One thing to watch out for with MediaPlayer is that the format matters
a lot. I've seen the G1 go from 60 FPS to 50 FPS just because I added
MP4 music, then act fine once I converted it to highly compressed,
mono OGG or substituted it with MIDI. I suppose other apps playing
music in the background could similarly really hurt frame rate.
There are a lot of other threads re leaving a finger down. Lots of
things have been discussed for that like blocking the UI thread until
the input is handled by the game thread or adding a short sleep on the
UI thread, upping the priorities on your game/render threads, and
catching the event early on dispatch instead of on touch.
On Mar 14, 6:26 am, Yahel <kaye...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My two cents,
> In my game I noticed two things :
> 1) Media player is killing my frame rate in two player mode : from 50
> to 20. So I had to remove music for that part of the game. Sounds
> triggered by the soundpool works fine.
> 2) Touching the screen kills my frame rate as well, short press are
> ok, but if one of the player leaves is finger down, then I drop to
> 10-15 frame/secondes.
> Is it not possible as Lance stated, that user are not using touch
> screen control the way you expect, long touching the screen or
> something similar therefore giving the feeling of a lag ?
> I've been thinking for a while about doing something that feels nasty
> but could be an answer :
> Allocate as much memory(12M ? 24M ?) as you can during the loading of
> the game. This would force Android to look for memory somewhere else
> and therefore kill as many non useful process as possible.
> That sounds evil doesn't it ? But I'm not sure if it would work
> anyway, I didn't try yet :)
> Yahel
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