Thursday, March 18, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 25 new messages in 13 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* I got a stalker - 1 messages, 1 author
* DECLINE AND FALL - 2 messages, 2 authors
* The Palin Theocracy - 4 messages, 4 authors
* What is it? Set 328 - 4 messages, 4 authors
* US History Lessons - 1 messages, 1 author
* WAY OT [OT] Speak Landscaper - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Rush to flee US - 1 messages, 1 author
* Obama to Approval Ratings: DIVE! DIVE! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Eklind hexagon keys - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT More examples of generosity from President Obama - 1 messages, 1 author
* Speaking of aluminum cylinder bores... - 4 messages, 4 authors
* DIY Two-Stroke Engine Construction Methods - 2 messages, 1 author
* OT-Open Carry in Santa Fe - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: I got a stalker

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 7:34 am
From: "Steve B."

On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 06:21:16 -0500, Pong Lrick wrote:

> "Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message
>> On Mar 15, 11:07 pm, "The Real Steve B" <> wrote:
>>> Apparently, someone has been using my name and munged e mail addy to make
>>> some rude vulgar posts in newsgroups. So, I have changed some of my info
>>> to
>>> bypass this clown.
>>> If you have me killfiled, do it again if you want. Or read a few of my
>>> posts. I've toned down since being sick.
>>> If you know how to do it, trace the paths of this stalker, and compare it
>>> to
>>> my long history of posts here, and you will see that they are not the
>>> same.
>>> Anyone can copy your information into their ACCOUNTS tab and imitate
>>> anyone.
>>> The Real Steve B, in Utah
>> Only one? ;<)
>> At times it seems like I have the whole insane asylum following me
>> around Usenet.
>> TMT
> Naw, it was just your two mommies. It seems like a whole lot more because
> they are both so fat.

Yea, But this stalker scares me. He knows what a liar and dipshit I really

The real Steve B. will be posting Political bullshit for you all to enjoy
here in the metalworking group because he is made fun of at political
groups. Keep your eye open for this dumby and his copy and paste crap.
"Mighty Casey" comes to mind as the latest bullshit post.

The Real Stevey B. in Utah
Now I will go wash my face because of the tears that are smearing my
makeup. The real steve B. The B is for butthole by the way.
I'm the one that knows all about metalworking too.

HA! Ha! Ha! So there! Made you look!


== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:13 am
From: "§nühw¤£f"

"Mort Davis" <> clouded the waters of pure
thought with

> "Cliff" <> wrote in message
>> "The Troubles"
>> [
>> Declinists have always projected America's imminent demise.
> Obama's doing his best to destroy America.
Thats just fucking stupid and simplistic.
Obama is a corporatist. He's not a socialist.
You however are an ignorant cuntflap due to your daily dose of
wingnut talking points spewed by the whore media.


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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:25 am
From: Darrell Stec

Mort Davis wrote:

> "Cliff" <> wrote in message
>> "The Troubles"
>> [
>> Declinists have always projected America's imminent demise.
> Obama's doing his best to destroy America.

That would be a nearly impossible task. Not much left of it after Bush got
through taking away our liberties and strapping us with enough debt to choke
not only America but other nations as well.


TOPIC: The Palin Theocracy

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:17 am
From: "§nühw¤£f"

Cliff <> clouded the waters
of pure thought with

> "Heads Up: Prayer Warriors and Sarah Palin Are Organizing
> Spiritual Warfare to
> Take Over America"
> "The New Apostolic Reformation, the largest religious movement
> you've never
> heard of, aims to take control of communities through 'prayer
> warriors.'" [
> Imagine a religious movement that makes geographic maps of where
> demons reside

Soon to be an add-on for g00gle maps: Demon Finder.

Fucking hilarious!
I keep hoping these christo-fascist cunts will get raptured and leave
my fucking planet.


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== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:20 am
From: "Scott"

"Mort Davis" <> wrote in message
> Cliff" <> wrote in message
> Palin must really be something the way left fringer morons rip their own
> nuts off over her.


== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:27 am
From: Darrell Stec

Mort Davis wrote:

> Cliff" <> wrote in message
> Palin must really be something the way left fringer morons rip their own
> nuts off over her.

What is it about our Founding Fathers' warning about being ever vigilant
about government did you not understand?


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:22 am
From: Cliff

On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 11:27:38 -0400, Darrell Stec <> wrote:

>Mort Davis wrote:
>> Cliff" <> wrote in message
>> Palin must really be something the way left fringer morons rip their own
>> nuts off over her.
>What is it about our Founding Fathers' warning about being ever vigilant
>about government did you not understand?

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." - George

The conservative Texans are fixing the problem.

They are altering history.
Jefferson did not exist.
"The Texas twist: textbooks unfit for consumption"

Texas Gov. Rick Perry knew what he was doing when he declared with a straight
face that he might lead a Lone Star State movement to secede from the rest of
the United States and go it alone because of Washington policies. Such brash,
wacky talk helped him beat the far more moderate, even-keeled Sen. Kay Bailey
Hutchison in the GOP primary.

Perry offered more big talk, which Texans relish. Yet, it's not big talk, but
lunacy that's happening over at the state's Board of Education. The 10-member
majority consists of unabashed far-out conservatives who are vowing to help
create a new national group-think tilted toward their politics by approving
social studies textbooks they deem historically correct and ideologically pure.
The five-member minority's opposition has been futile.

Don't scoff. As the largest state buyer of school textbooks, Texas, in effect,
forces publishers to adopt the Lone Star versions that are also sold in other

So, reasons the Texas education board, if other states teach young people what
Texans believe about American history, in a generation or so the adult mindset
will be canted toward conservatism.

Not all Texans are sanguine about this attempt to twist, rewrite and blur

Dallas Morning News columnist Jacquielynn Floyd, among others, writes that "this
whacked-out troop of under qualified ideologues ... embarrass us, humiliate us,
make us look like a bunch of goobers."

A list of inclusions and omissions as well as twisted history suggests the board
is unapologetically racist, revisionist and obsessed by what they consider

The board eliminated listing eight Tejanos (Texas Mexicans) who died alongside
Davey Crockett at the Alamo 174 years ago. It de-emphasized Thomas Jefferson and
ordered more history about Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

The board also included data suggesting it agreed with Sen. Joe McCarthy's
allegations that the U.S. State Department was crawling with communists in the
1950s (never proven by McCarthy).

Hip-hop, mostly a black phenomenon, also was rejected for inclusion in the
textbooks as an influence on culture.

The board majority also rejected requirements that teachers and textbooks cover
the late Sen. Edward Kennedy and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, but
increased textbook attention to President Ronald Reagan. The board has until May
to change its mind. Not likely.
"Anything But Straight: Texas Fool Board"
Last week, the Texas Board of Education voted 10-5, along party lines, to
replace history textbooks with right wing political propaganda. The vote
followed a separate, contentious scrum over whether creationism should be taught
in science courses.

Would it not have been easier to have simply jettisoned all textbooks and
replaced them with episodes of Glenn Beck and Pat Robertson's 700 Club on a
continuous loop during school hours?

In defending his bid to jam creationism into the school science curriculum and
rewrite history, ultra-conservative board member, Dr. Don McLeroy, said,
"Somebody's gotta stand up to experts."
Of course, many fundamentalists have long disdained experts, such as historians,
because they have a tendency to reveal men like McLeroy to be agenda-driven
amateurs. The extremism of the Texas School Board is evident by the guidelines
they voted for.

For example, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, the Eagle Forum's Phyllis Schlafly
and the National Rifle Association have replaced Thomas Jefferson. This is in a
despicable effort to marginalize the man who coined the phrase, "separation of
church and state", while elevating America as a right wing "Christian Nation."
(Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein were also eliminated to make room for these

Newt Gingrich's flash-in-the-pan Contract with America and Rev. Jerry Falwell's
short-lived Moral Majority are elevated as historically important, while the
supposed religious roots of the American Revolution will be now be studied.

"I reject the notion by the left of a constitutional separation of church and
state," David Bradley, a conservative school board member from Beaumont, told
The New York Times.

Social conservatives have created an entire industry to twist our nation's
The bloc of seven fundamentalists on the Texas Board of Education doesn't really
care about public education. In fact, several members either home school their
children or send them to private schools.


TOPIC: What is it? Set 328

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:18 am
From: "Paul K. Dickman"

1883 is a Victorian chimney pot.

It works kind of like a venturi to increase the draft in your chimney.

Paul K. Dickman

"Dave__67" <> wrote in message
On Mar 18, 6:16 am, "Alexander Thesoso"
<> wrote:
> 1881 Big soldering-iron tip.
> "Rob H." <> wrote in message
> >I need some assistance identifying two of them this week:
> >
> > Rob

1881- punches through an aircraft skin to fight a fire inside the

1883- decorative cap for a sewer vent

1884- well dang, found some details on this but got me no closer to
figuring out what it is. The4re is a key piece of it not depicted.


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:05 am
From: "Carl G."

"Rob H." <> wrote in message
>I need some assistance identifying two of them this week:
> Rob

My guesses:

1879 Soldering tips.
1880 Wood fastener for logs/beams.
1881 I would have said soldering tip, but I saw the correct answer.
1882 Hook/eye with screw broken off.
1883 Space heater.
1884 Rivit fastener gun.

Carl G.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:16 am
From: "Steve W."

Rob H. wrote:
> I need some assistance identifying two of them this week:
> Rob

1879 - Looks like the pin from some types of racking. I have also seen
something similar on sprinklers.

1880 - Double nail? Looks like a way to attach two large beams together
without being visible.

1881 - Piercing nozzle. Used to fight fires by punching it through the
wall or floor and pumping in the water. Still found in many departments.

1882 - Hose strap. Can be used in many ways. Wrapped around the hose to
provide a handle, wrapped around the hose and hooked to a ladder rung to
support the hose up the ladder.

1883 - Smokestack off a small boiler or small steam locomotive?

1884 - Looks like the handle off an old caulking gun?

Steve W.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:53 am
From: whit3rd

1880: shopmade scribe

1883: a chimney pot? Decorative tile pipe that tops off a
smoke exhaust, adding to the draft and keeping corrosive
smoky products from the nearby masonry. Perhaps also
diverts rain from the orifice.

TOPIC: US History Lessons

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:27 am
From: "§nühw¤£f"

Cliff <> clouded the waters
of pure thought with

> "the words of former Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska: 'If [the
> Pledge] was good
> enough for the founding fathers, its [sic] good enough for me . .
> . '""
> "The Texas twist: textbooks unfit for consumption"
> [
> Texas Gov. Rick Perry

Hes a retard...

> knew what he was doing when he declared with
> a straight face that he might lead a Lone Star State movement to
> secede from the rest of the United States and go it alone because
> of Washington policies.

Too bad he didnt keep his promise. He should take floriDUH along too.

> Such brash, wacky talk helped him beat the
> far more moderate, even-keeled Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in the
> GOP primary.
Right, she's not k00ky at all.

> Perry offered more big talk, which Texans relish. Yet, it's not
> big talk, but lunacy that's happening over at the state's Board of
> Education. The 10-member majority consists of unabashed far-out
> conservatives who are vowing to help create a new national
> group-think tilted toward their politics by approving social
> studies textbooks they deem historically correct and ideologically
> pure. The five-member minority's opposition has been futile.

I bet they invoked Jebus...

> Don't scoff.

Too fucking late. Everything coming outta texASS that didnt involve a
guitar is pretty much worthless.

> As the largest state buyer of school textbooks,
> Texas, in effect, forces publishers to adopt the Lone Star
> versions that are also sold in other states.

What a fucking scam.

> So, reasons the Texas education board, if other states teach young
> people what Texans believe about American history, in a generation
> or so the adult mindset will be canted toward conservatism.

Translation: the spread of ignorance continues unabated at the hands
of our corporate overlords.


> Not all Texans are sanguine about this attempt to twist, rewrite
> and blur history.
All six of them with I.Q.'s above 100, sure.

> Dallas Morning News columnist Jacquielynn Floyd, among others,
> writes that "this whacked-out troop of under qualified ideologues
> ... embarrass us, humiliate us, make us look like a bunch of
> goobers."

Old News.

> A list of inclusions and omissions as well as twisted history
> suggests the board is unapologetically racist, revisionist and
> obsessed by what they consider "liberal."

So its all good...

> The board eliminated listing eight Tejanos (Texas Mexicans) who
> died alongside Davey Crockett at the Alamo 174 years ago. It
> de-emphasized Thomas Jefferson and ordered more history about
> Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

Its got more piccys of the REBEL FLAG and pickups in it too!
Its "Aryan Approved"!

> The board also included data suggesting it agreed with Sen. Joe
> McCarthy's allegations that the U.S. State Department was crawling
> with communists in the 1950s (never proven by McCarthy).
McCarthy was a known alcoholic who died of liver failure.

> Hip-hop, mostly a black phenomenon, also was rejected for
> inclusion in the textbooks as an influence on culture.
BUAHAHAHAHAHA! Fear of uppty blacks, yep.

> The board majority also rejected requirements that teachers and
> textbooks cover the late Sen. Edward Kennedy and Supreme Court
> Justice Sonia Sotomayor, but increased textbook attention to
> President Ronald Reagan. The board has until May to change its
> mind. Not likely. ....
Fuck Reagan. That shitdrip was asleep for most of his presidency.


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TOPIC: WAY OT [OT] Speak Landscaper

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:27 am
From: "Denis G."

On Mar 17, 7:47 pm, Winston <> wrote:
> It is all my fault because I am a lousy communicator.
> I say:
>    "At the end of the project, the soil must be no higher than
>    it is right now. Same or lower grade at the end.
>    If that means we lose a couple of inches of height,
>    that's fine. Err on the side of lower rather than greater height."
> He hears:
>    "I would like you to use a mattock to break up the clay and
>    leave 3" diameter clumps on the top of the existing grade.
>    Bring in a ton of dirty fill rock and dump it on top, raising
>    the grade three inches."
> I say:
>    We need this area to direct runoff into the french drain
>    along here. A gentle slope will do it. If we have interference
>    with the top of the drainage rock, use a shallow step to
>    accommodate it.
> He hears:
>    I want the runoff to flow back over the top of the new pavers, so
>    slope the soil away from the drainage system.
> I say:
>    Here is a sketch of the new landing in front of the sliding
>    glass door.  It is 5" wider than the door on the left side
>    and 14" wider on the 'opening' side.
> He hears:
>    Let's think *really tiny* here.
>    I want this landing to be as small as possible because I have really
>    microscopic feet.  Think 'Barbie and Ken', only *small*.  Ignore the
>    sketch.  I don't even know why I spent so much time on it.
> Grrrr.  :)
> --Winston

Reputation counts too. My wife uses Angie's list and I like to hear
the "word of mouth" recommendations. I also try to judge people on
how they answer open-ended questions before saying what I'd like
done. What would you do here? Have you come across a job like this
one before? Etc.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 10:14 am
From: Steve Ackman

In <>, on Thu, 18 Mar 2010
05:46:39 -0700, Larry Jaques, ljaques@diversify.invalid wrote:

> But he's licensed and insured, right? Take him up on it and/or don't
> finish paying him.

Standard disclaimers about teevee, but...
"Holmes on Homes" (HGTV) would seem to indicate a
fairly standard contractor response would be to slap
a lien on your house.


TOPIC: Rush to flee US

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:33 am
From: "§nühw¤£f"

Aratzio <> clouded the waters of pure
thought with

> On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 20:39:43 -0400, in the land of
> alt.usenet.kooks, "Ala" <> got double secret
> probation for writing:
>>"Aratzio" <> wrote in message
>>> On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 10:46:29 -0500, in the land of
>>> alt.usenet.kooks, "§nühw¤£f" <> got double
>>> secret probation for writing:
>>>>Aratzio <> clouded the waters of pure
>>>>thought with
>>>>> On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 09:58:50 -0600, in the land of
>>>>> alt.usenet.kooks, "RogerN" <> got double
>>>>> secret probation for writing:
>>>>>>Why shouldn't he, what they are trying to do with the health
>>>>>>care bill is unconstitutional. Can't get enough votes, skip
>>>>>>votes and abuse budget reconciliation for the health care
>>>>>>bill, still can't get enough votes so skip voting altogether
>>>>>>with the Slaughter solution. Could it be any more obvious,
>>>>>>the government funded abortion health care bill is being
>>>>>>forced upon us with the Slaughter house solution! These
>>>>>>people don't have a clue when it's right in front of their
>>>>>>face. As one said, the only thing bi-partisan about Obama's
>>>>>>health care plan is the opposition to it. Looks like Rush is
>>>>>>right again!
>>>>> Whoopsie, misinformed rightwing mouth breather:
>>>>> ess- pass-senate-health-care-bill
>>>>> The National Catholic Reporter says you are all wrong, as
>>>>> usual.
>>>>> Is there anything that you actually know for yourself? That
>>>>> you have actually researched to insure that some wank badger
>>>>> with an agenda didn't lie to you? Seriously, spewing the
>>>>> talking points of politicians just makes you look as dishonest
>>>>> and untrustworthy as the politicians.
>>>>> But you keep sucking that swill and spewing the remains if
>>>>> that is what makes you think you are informed. I quite enjoy
>>>>> watching you spew and rant.
>>>>Really? Its enjoyable to be reminded daily that people are
>>>>stupid to the point where it will hasten our collective
>>> Long as I get to watch, sure. I think we need to create some
>>> really cool time capsules that will last for millions of years.
>>> The cockroach might be able to learn from our mistakes.
>>> Sea Life
>>> Early land life
>>> Dinosaurs
>>> Mammals
>>> Insects
>>> Seems about right.
>>>> Nihilist side says "yay" but my...hmmm...looks
>>>>like theres no opposition now.
>>>>Carry On!
>>> Trash the dump.
>>Assumes I will be around.
>>Thursday is definitely out for me and Wednesday is looking bad
>>too. Friday at the earliest?
> I feel we need to take our time and trash the dump properly. The
> whole Rock Ban/Hotel thing is so over done.
What makes you think humans will fail at this?
I'm entirely confident they will succeed.

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TOPIC: Obama to Approval Ratings: DIVE! DIVE!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:47 am
From: "Karl Townsend"

PSALM 2010

Obama is the shepherd I did not want.
He leadeth me beside the still factories.
He restoreth my faith in the Republican party.
He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party's sake..
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line,
I shall fear no hunger, for his bailouts are with me..
He has anointed my income with taxes,
My expenses runneth over.
Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will live in a mortgaged home forever.
I am glad I am American,
I am glad that I am free.
But I wish I was a dog .....
And Obama was a tree.

TOPIC: Eklind hexagon keys

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:50 am
From: James Waldby

On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 00:49:22 +0000, Christopher Tidy wrote:

> Anyone own a set of Eklind hexagon keys? If so, what do you think of
> their accuracy and durability? I notice they're made in Illinois, pretty
> close to Igor I think.
> I want a set of hexagon keys that are long arm and come in a box or
> sturdy holder, not on a keyring (I hate those rings). [...]

Although one can use a hex key (Allen wrench) while it's attached
to a ring, it only takes a moment to remove the key from the ring,
for more-convenient use.

Pull on the key while turning it as if unwinding the spring that
holds it, and it will come right off. To put it back on the ring,
push on it while turning the same direction.


TOPIC: OT More examples of generosity from President Obama

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 8:57 am
From: RBnDFW

Ignoramus15323 wrote:
> There are pundits that say "since most people have health insurance,
> they will not support broadening of insurance coverage".
> There is something that needs to not be forgotten, which is that most
> people who have insurance (except seniors), at some point will not
> have it, due to job loss, ill health, or having a legally bad
> policy. And when they do not have it, they will wish they did have a
> "public option".
> I have great health insurance now, but if, God forbid, things go badly
> in my life, I will not have it when I will need it. I try not to
> forget that.
> If Obama administration stressed that point, it would get a lot more
> support for broadening of insurance coverage.

You are confusing health care and health insurance.

My sister is a 40-something deadbeat, no job, not looking, never has
held a decent job for any length of time. Lives with Mom all her life.
In December she had surgery for a torn rotator cup.
Cost to her? Nothing.
County hospital. She gets plenty of good treatment there, prescription
drugs for a chronic illness, as well as allergy meds.
No cost to her. My property taxes pay for it.

This is available nearly everywhere in the country. The indigent have
health care, what do they need with health insurance?

Of course, if the health insurance lobby has a vested interest in your
political future, then we absolutely must have 100% coverage, not

TOPIC: Speaking of aluminum cylinder bores...

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:15 am
From: "Robert Swinney"

Anyone, please. Now that we have very good explanations of a process which is well beyond the scope
of the average home-shop machinist; my question is this: Can someone speak to the efficacy of
merely machining ordinary aluminum parts for the cylinder and piston of a small engine, and long
term durability of same? I understand the need for a good bearing pair relationship between those
parts, say differing metallurgy (even if alum) between cylinder and piston. For instance, a
difference which would be achievable in the home shop. Basically, is there a way to do it without
iron and aluminum, using aluminum components only.

Bob Swinney

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:27 am
From: "Steve Lusardi"


"Robert Swinney" <> wrote in message
> Anyone, please. Now that we have very good explanations of a process which is well beyond the scope
> of the average home-shop machinist; my question is this: Can someone speak to the efficacy of
> merely machining ordinary aluminum parts for the cylinder and piston of a small engine, and long
> term durability of same? I understand the need for a good bearing pair relationship between those
> parts, say differing metallurgy (even if alum) between cylinder and piston. For instance, a
> difference which would be achievable in the home shop. Basically, is there a way to do it without
> iron and aluminum, using aluminum components only.
> Bob Swinney

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:31 am
From: Tim Wescott

Robert Swinney wrote:
> Anyone, please. Now that we have very good explanations of a process which is well beyond the scope
> of the average home-shop machinist; my question is this: Can someone speak to the efficacy of
> merely machining ordinary aluminum parts for the cylinder and piston of a small engine, and long
> term durability of same? I understand the need for a good bearing pair relationship between those
> parts, say differing metallurgy (even if alum) between cylinder and piston. For instance, a
> difference which would be achievable in the home shop. Basically, is there a way to do it without
> iron and aluminum, using aluminum components only.
> Bob Swinney
Home shop hard anodizing?

I have given thought to a piston made of an aluminum core that forms the
piston top and the wrist pin bearings, pressed into a thin steel sleeve.
It'd be heavier than an all-aluminum piston, but considerably lighter
than an all-steel one.

And the bearing surface should work with a hyper eutectic silicon
aluminum cylinder.

But I have no clue about how well such a two-piece piston would work --
ideally you'd want to be able to press it apart, even if you had to soak
it in acetone and dry ice first. Whether you could make the sleeve thin
enough to make the weight saving reasonable, strong enough not to break,
and make the press fit strong enough to hold up to normal engine
stresses while light enough to be pressed apart -- I dunno.

Tim Wescott
Control system and signal processing consulting

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:39 am
From: RBnDFW

Tim Wescott wrote:

>>> 3: Hyper eutectic aluminum cylinder, etched so the silicon
>>> particles are exposed, iron piston (the Vega way --
>>> interesting story on the Vega in Wikipedia:
>> I didn't read the Wikipedia article, but the pistons were iron PLATED
>> aluminum. I don't know what Porsche used, but the rebuilders are
>> offering Alusil and Nikasil coatings on the cylinders.
> That's the key words that I was looking for. Do you know what the
> process is, or should I just do a web search?

Process for the cylinder, or the piston?

The block was cast with silicone beads in the metal. Somehow they
arranged the cast so that the cylinder area had the highest, and most
uniform concentration of silicone. Then it was machined as normal.
The final step in the cylinder wall prep was acid washing of the
aluminum, leaving the silicone proud of the surface by a microscopic amount.

Of course, the aftermarket rebuild involved iron sleeves and compatible

TOPIC: DIY Two-Stroke Engine Construction Methods

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:35 am
From: Tim Wescott

Steve R. wrote:
> I think what some are talking about is a linerless eutectic
> aluminium-silicon cylinder. The only really successfull one was the process
> used by Ferrari. Most engines failed miserably in North America, due to
> sulphur in the fuel. There are repair kits available that re-coat the bores.
> These may work for model sized engines.
> If you plan on a common crankcase, both cylinders must be at dead centres at
> the same time, i.e.,both at top or bottom, unless you have a separate way of
> supplying mixture. Otherwise there will be no crankcase compression unless
> there is a central division, and journal so that the halves are sealed from
> each other. A vertical twin, might just as well be a single cylinder, unless
> you have to squeeze it into a narrow space.

Most vertical twin model airplane engines have a bulkhead in the case.
Since the crankshaft needs to be long to accommodate the two cylinder
bores there's no loss in overall engine size, just the mechanical
complexity of the engine.

You end up with a rocking couple to the engine, but it's a better
balance than a single cylinder.

Tim Wescott
Control system and signal processing consulting

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 10:45 am
From: Tim Wescott

Steve R. wrote:
> I think what some are talking about is a linerless eutectic
> aluminium-silicon cylinder. The only really successfull one was the process
> used by Ferrari. Most engines failed miserably in North America, due to
> sulphur in the fuel. There are repair kits available that re-coat the bores.
> These may work for model sized engines.
> If you plan on a common crankcase, both cylinders must be at dead centres at
> the same time, i.e.,both at top or bottom, unless you have a separate way of
> supplying mixture. Otherwise there will be no crankcase compression unless
> there is a central division, and journal so that the halves are sealed from
> each other. A vertical twin, might just as well be a single cylinder, unless
> you have to squeeze it into a narrow space.

There's _also_ an engine layout from the 1920's that improves scavenging
significantly if you're using an open exhaust. It involves two parallel
bores running off of the same crank pin, communicating at the top. The
transfer is into one cylinder, exhaust out the other. The advantage is
that the exhaust piston leads the transfer piston considerably, so the
exhaust can close before transfer opens, or at least with significantly
less overlap.

Apparently it was The Thing for a year or two. Then they figured out
tuned pipes, and this layout is just Absolutely Wrong for tuned pipes
because with pipes you _want_ the transfer and exhaust to be open
simultaneously. It was way outperformed by piped engines, and died a
quiet death.

Tim Wescott
Control system and signal processing consulting

TOPIC: OT-Open Carry in Santa Fe

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 18 2010 9:48 am
From: "Robert Swinney"

I know the driver was merely protecting his privacy in accordance with the "letter of the law". It
showed a terrific amount of forbearance for the officers to let him go, undetained. The overriding
question is why did he refuse to present ID confirming his citizenship and thus confirming his right
to carry? IMO, irrespective of "letter of the law", officers should have every right to demand ID
when there is the slightest chance the driver might be a felon. Civil liberties run amuck at times.
We should be ever vigilant not to extend them to felons.

Bob Swinney


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