misc.consumers.frugal-living - 3 new messages in 3 topics - digest
Today's topics:
* Unlikely event - 1 messages, 1 author
* Healthcare: We helped Germany rebuilt, now let them help us - 1 messages, 1
* America's Top 50 Bike Friendly Cities --damned lies! - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Unlikely event
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 8 2010 10:15 pm
From: Scott in SoCal
Last time on ca.driving, The Real Bev <bashley101+es@gmail.com> said:
>On 04/08/2010 09:59 AM, jgar the jorrible wrote:
>> On Apr 8, 6:45 am, "Bill"<billnomailnosp...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> "The Real Bev" wrote in message
>>> >I stopped at the 99-Cents-Only Store today. When I came out there was a
>>> >Boxster in the parking lot -- taking up two spaces, of course.
>>> Well I always say there might be two possibilities when you see an expensive
>>> car parked in front of a mansion...
>>> 1. They are rich because it is an expensive car and house.
>>> 2. They are poor because they spent all their money on the expensive car and
>>> house!
>> Of course, if it is at the 99-cent store, they are rich because they
>> are cheap! Oh sorry mcf-l, I mean frugal.
>That seems like a possibility, but I would have to question why anybody with
>enough brains to be frugal/cheap would be dumb enough to invest serious money
>in such a car and then park it in a bad neighborhood (yeah, this store IS in a
>relatively bad neighborhood) where somebody might key it or pee on it or steal
It was obviously stolen. You should have called the cops.
The MFFY Litmus Test:
If your maneuver forces another driver WHO HAS THE RIGHT-OF-WAY
to alter course or speed, what you did was probably MFFY.
TOPIC: Healthcare: We helped Germany rebuilt, now let them help us
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 8 2010 10:32 pm
From: "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"
On Apr 8, 10:30 pm, "Jeff Strickland" <crwlrj...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Shit in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one filles up faster.
Shit flies like boomerang, then wishes come back.
TOPIC: America's Top 50 Bike Friendly Cities --damned lies!
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 8 2010 11:30 pm
From: bullshitsurveys
"TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit"
<nolionnoproblem@yahoo.com> wrote in
> On Apr 8, 3:54 am, SMS <scharf.ste...@geemail.com> wrote:
>> "http://www.bicycling.com/topbikefriendlycities/home.html"
> "There are lies, damned lies and statistics." -Mark Twain
> Well, this map must be based on statistics, not someone
marking a
> point at random in the map... HOW THE HELL CAN MIAMI BE
> And I may grant you that YES! There's quite a few bike
lanes and bike
> paths out there, but they are never connected. Choose any
point in
> Miami, say downtown Miami, and try going East or West,
North or
> South.
> My closest path is a mixed path that goes for some mile and
a half,
> and it makes it quite challenging to avoid hitting dogs and
> darting into your path. But this same path must have cost
over a
> million bucks and counting! It has some glaring flaws in
design as
> well, where the lights (some juicy contract there) blind
you at night,
> too many, too bright, aiming at your head.
> I've been blocked from the local forums where I was
addressing those
> issues.* They simply don't want to hear about it. So now
> * A couple of issues were solved, one halfway, possibly due
to my
> MAKING NOISE. The lights, on the other hand, were being
changed the
> other day for the same design because they were peeling,
not because
> they were blinding. Over 1,200 people have read that and
still they
> couldn't address the issue that affects them! But if go out
to walk
> your fancy dog for it to do poo-poo, what do you care about
> or skaters!?
> So here's the strategy: MAKE NOISE AND THROW THE SHIT!
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> "You got nothing to lose but your cage!"
> http://webspawner.com/users/BANANAREVOLUTION
Yeah, it's total bullshit. Tucson ranked high and it has one
of the highest death rates from senile, druggie, drunk and
maniac drivers riding over bicyclists than any city in the
Kuntry. Very dangerous place to ride and the streets are
terrible, potholes everywhere, cracks. They recently passed a
bond supposedly to finance roads and that money I am sure
must have gone into someone's pocket. Corrupt, bullshit, low
class town and certainly no haven for bicyclists. You take
your life in you hands everytime you ride here.
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