Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Re: Passing events to Google Maps

On Apr 27, 5:58 am, Francisco Tolmasky <franci...@280north.com> wrote:
> I have a situation where there is a div on top of the map I am
> displaying, thus preventing any events from reaching said map. Is it
> possible to "forward" events to the map, either by creating synthetic
> browser events or using google.maps.Event.trigger perhaps? I've played
> a little with both with little luck.

Yes, but it's not trivial. You would need to capture the event on your
div and then trigger a click on whatever is on your map underneath
that point. The hard part is determining which object you need to
trigger the click on.

It would be far easier to redesign your page so you don't have to
click through something else to get to your map.

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