Sunday, May 23, 2010

[android-developers] Re: samsung app store

They did announce the 'Web Store' at IO which is most probably the
shared future with Android Market.
i.e. Buy your web apps or your android apps from the same store, the
store that runs in HTML5 on your desktop, and therefore most probably
will also run on your Android (and 'soon' your Google TV too). It
sounded like this time around, Google is really committed to making
the Web Store a truly international store like the web itself, 'soon'.

You've got to start realising that these Java programs we are writing
are just a part of 'the transition path' to web apps proper.
The Web Store will probably cater for both the new breed of
applications and the legacy Java apps too. If we make our apps run in
the Browser instead, then we can reach a far, far larger marketplace.
Sure, there'll be some serious competition from the Flash programming
community and the high schools kids too (particularly on the games
front), but we'll always be able to do better system-oriented stuff in
Java then them - the system stuff that Android itself doesn't cover or
do well at, at the moment. However, the greatly expanded future
marketplace (i.e. the 'world-wide' web, and TV too) should make it
feesible for us all to make a decend living.


On May 21, 9:25 am, Gabriel Simões <> wrote:
> Talking about Android Market .... I don´t know if anyone here attended
> to Google I/O, I haven´t so I have no news, maybe you do ...
> What about Google Checkout? Any news on when developers from other
> countries will be able to sell apps on AM?

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