Needs Scroll Panel and Resize Help
Hey, I'm trying to make a program that is very similar to Google
Calendar. One of the things I'm currently trying to implement, is I
want the top line in the grid to maintain stationary, while the rest
of the calendar is scrollable (this way the dates over the columns are
always visible. So I broke the first row of the calendar off into it's
own Object called weeklyHeader, and set it to the same style so that
it would match, but now since it's apart I have to have it resize, and
the way I've currently figured out how to do that, I'm not very happy
with, as it's laggy. I've also noticed that now since I've added the
resize handler, the entire browser lags when I resize it (Make the
browser window small, and play around with it and you'll see what I'm
talking about). What else can I do to fix this?
My second issue that I'm dealing with is I'm trying to add a scroll
panel to the actual calendar part, however the only way I've gotten
this to work is through setting an actual pixel height rather than a
percent, and I think I need it to be a percent. I can't have it as a
percent though because their is one other widget that takes up 19
pixels above it. What can I do to make the scroll panel have dynamic
height in terms of browser height?
Here is a link to my program so you can see what I am talking about:
Here is my EntryPoint code so you can understand how I have things
currently set up:
public class Scheduler implements EntryPoint {
public boolean timerSet = false;
public void onModuleLoad() {
VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel();
final WeeklyHeader weeklyHeader = new WeeklyHeader();
ScrollPanel scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel();
WeeklyAbsolutePanel weeklyPanel = new WeeklyAbsolutePanel();
final WeeklyGrid weeklyGrid = new WeeklyGrid(weeklyHeader,
final Timer resizeTimer = new Timer() {
public void run() {
weeklyHeader.onLoad(); //this calls a an overridden onLoad() where
I have the super.onLoad() called and
setWidth(weeklyGrid.getOffsetWidth() + "px");
timerSet = false;
// Handle window Resizing
Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() {
public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) {
timerSet = true;
ANY help would be greatly appreciated. I'm a GWT newb pretty much
trying to figure things out as I go along, so please don't assume I
may have done something I should have. Thanks!
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