Friday, June 4, 2010

[Rails] Re: Ruby breakpoint has weird idea of what local_variables a

Hi Marnen,

> ActiveScaffold is dead simple to use. Perhaps if you were to ask
> questions about the problems you're actually having, we could help.

It probably is, but I've run into problems a couple of times, so I
shelved the idea for the time being. Anyway, writing some Ruby to
manipulate a Rails app is fun. And I did post my question on the Ruby
NG and Robert Klemme was helpful there.

Talk to you soon, no doubt,

On May 31, 3:44 pm, Marnen Laibow-Koser <> wrote:
> RichardOnRails wrote:
> > Geez, Marnen,
> > I don't see why people on  a list focused on the most famous Ruby app
> > would view it beneath themselves to address a fundamental Ruby
> > question.
> It's not that they see it as "beneath themselves".  It's simply that
> this is a forum for Rails issues, and only for Rails issues.  A simple
> issue with the Ruby debugger is off topic here.  Please ask your
> question where it is on topic -- it will get seen by Ruby experts who
> are familiar with the debugger but don't necessarily use Rails.
> > Incidentally,  my question is, in fact, related to a Rails - a Rails
> > application.
> No.  It came up *in the course of* Rails development, but it is not a
> Rails-related question as you've presented it.
> >  My client for the Rails app wants to change a bunch of
> > the app's field names.  This is a job for a machine, say
> > ActiveScaffold, for example.  However,  despite the documentation from
> > and folks in the ActiveScaffold newsgroup,  I still
> > don't have that running.
> ActiveScaffold is dead simple to use.  Perhaps if you were to ask
> questions about the problems you're actually having, we could help.
> In other words, please explicitly ask the questions you actually want
> answered.
> > Hence, I wrote my own tool (in Ruby, of course), which I hope to
> > finish by tomorrow.  But it's gotten complicated, which led to try
> > introducing Ruby Debug rather than puts debugging statements.  For
> > this purpose,  I was guided by Ruby Cookbook, O'Reilly, 2006.
> > I thought the RoR community might be sympathetic to a poor soul trying
> > to build a Rails-app administration tool.
> It might.  But your proximate problem is not with Rails.
> > Best wishes,
> > Richard
> Best,
> --
> Marnen Laibow-Koser
> --
> Posted via

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