Thursday, July 1, 2010

Re: JavaScript Debugger & Tutorial / user manual

On Jul 1, 10:30 am, novitonics <> wrote:
> I've been unsuccessfully searching for a step by step debugger for
> JavaScript. So far so long I encountered Firebug (for Firefox) and
> IEDeveloperToolbar for Internet Explorer.
> I'm wondering if there's any other option which would be able to run
> for any web browser.

This isn't really a maps issue, and would be better asked in a general
scripting/development forum.

Firebug Lite will work with lots of browsers, but it requires a script
to be included in the page concerned. The other debuggers you mention
plug into the browser itself, which necessarily means they are browser-
specific. You didn't mention Microsoft's IE Script Debugger (although
I think the Developer Toolbar depends on it); but that doesn't really
allow stepping through code.

> I'd also like to find some kind of tutorial which teaches how to
> execute step by step. I still don´t get how to debug and introduce
> breakpoints using these tools.

(a) Trial and error -- for Firebug use the script tab and click in the
left-margin; add watchpoints to the right-hand pane
(b) Ask in the relevant user group

> As a programer I've used Netbeans for Java programming/debugging and
> VisualStudio for C# and allong with VB6. What I want is a
> similar tool. Any IDE which helps the developer trace errors and avoid
> having to plot alerts all arround to be able to trace the the
> execution of a code, to be able to introduce break points and add
> watches to variable values. This is the only way I know to program and
> I hate having to develop using alerts besides, you can't control
> what's held in a variable.

Firebug does all of this, although I haven't been able to get it to
handle asynchronous callback functions very well (actually, at all).

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