Tuesday, October 26, 2010

[android-developers] Re: Application still Running After Exit

I would have to strongly disagree with this first statement. Lots and
lots of very popular Windows applications do NOT provide any
indication of background activity. In fact, I would say it is
relatively rare for them to do so. It's less serious on Windows,
because the effect on battery life is less.

You also assume that background work is done in a service on Windows
-- often this is not the case. Often you will put all the windows in
the background (which is the equivalent of what happens on Android)
and the application will still continue actively or periodically
running, consuming CPU and memory.

Further, if the user disables a service, the service will NOT run if
the application is showing. There is no connection here whatsoever.

There are a few backup apps and such that behave as you describe
(minus the option), but I can think of very few others.

It is far more common to have an option to start up in the background
on startup ("start with windows", or "start on loogin"), but that's
not what we're talking about.

On Oct 26, 1:52 pm, Miguel Morales <therevolti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Every popular application on windows that does anything in the
> background has options within the app to control all of this.
> Settings such as 'always keep service running/start with windows'
> The user can disable that and the service will run as long as the
> application is showing.  You can easily implement this in your app.

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