Re: ACL and multiple groups
I'm going to roll my own and if I am successful (which I have to be because I need this to work) I'll publish the code.
Jeremy Burns
Class Outfit
On 4 Oct 2010, at 19:39, calzone wrote:
> I wondered about that user row as well. But the reasoning is that to
> determine the permissions for the user, it looks up the user record to
> find the complete permissions path in the ARO table and it does this
> without knowledge of what group the user is in until it starts this
> process.
> What really irks me is that given the use of two hierarchical trees:
> * you would think that ACOs could live at multiple levels in multiple
> places... and you would especially think that AROs/Users could live at
> multiple levels in multiple places. Real world permissions are not a
> simple factor of which group you're in, but a combination of factors
> that often includes department, seniority, job function, clearance....
> * you would think that for every model A that "hasMany" model's B, all
> permissions for models B would inherit from those for model A... and
> likewise, for every _id that shows up in the user table, for which the
> corresponding model has an actsAs requester, complex permissions would
> be made to take membership in all those groups into account. And in
> your user model you could link them together as "AND" or "OR' so that
> the user either must belong to A&B&C in order to access AROs mapped to
> all three, OR that the user can belong to X or Y or Z to access a
> record if it belongs to any of the three.
> * you would think that you could make any model actsAs both a
> requester and controlled so that projects could be assigned to
> departments and users too and ACL permissions would allow access based
> on belonging to the department
> * you would think that for every record created by a user, ACL would
> by default assign full CRUD permissions for that record to that user,
> but that this could be overridden by the presence of a var $create =
> array('read','edit') in the model.
> * you would think that a user would by default be barred from creating
> or editing a record that belongs to a record the user has no access.
> * you would think that indexes and select menus would by default
> populate with filtered data so that if you don't have access to those
> records, they don't show up in an index or a select menu.
> But ACL can do nothing remotely like this. Frankly, I have trouble
> understanding what the point of the tree-stucture with the bridge
> table is, since as soon as you try leveraging it, you run into ACL
> limitations. The best you can really do is setup a bunch of groups
> and put any user into each group once. That's not normalized or DRY
> since the relationships already exist in the Users table.
> A much simpler method, one that wouldn't have caused so much hope,
> consternation and disappointment, would have simply been to make ACL
> use one special table called groups and in it, and one called
> groups_models, which defines which models each group is explicitly
> denied access to, and then have four columns for create, view, edit,
> or delete per definition. Anything not appearing here is granted
> permission.
> No MPTT needed. And easier to parse and understand and setup. And no
> one would get their hopes up that ACL was some lofty complex and
> powerful permissions tool.
> On Oct 4, 10:06 am, Jeremy Burns | Class Outfit
> <> wrote:
>> I'm generally with you on that - although it's a shame. I love the concept but to my chagrin I have never got it working and haven't had the brain space to root through the code and queries to understand why. It also seems really odd to have to have a User row in the ACL tables when the User already belongs to a Group - and it is the Groups that I usually want to assign permissions to. Am I just being dim (it is possible!)?
>> Jeremy Burns
>> Class Outfit
>> jeremybu...@classoutfit.com
>> On 4 Oct 2010, at 17:55, calzone wrote:
>>> The most maddening thing about ACL is that it is so close yet so far.
>>> If ever there was something you could call half-baked, ACL is it.
>>> What you seek is the kind of thing it should handle easily out of the
>>> box, yet it can't. Cake's ACL feels like it was a brilliant thought
>>> started by someone on the team who never finished it and no one else
>>> wanted to touch it. ACL is so limited in practical real-world
>>> applicability that it's not worth your time to fight with it.
>>> If you want a flat permissions scheme that hardly justifies using a
>>> two tree models and a bridge table, go ahead and use ACL... but it
>>> will be faster to handle it yourself in app_controller.php or
>>> app_model.php and probably perform better than invoking an MPTT
>>> system. And if you want something as robust as you seek, sadly, you
>>> have no choice than to roll your own.
>>> On Oct 4, 1:47 am, Jeremy Burns <> wrote:
>>>> I am building a site where a user can be assigned one or more roles
>>>> within an organisation; for example org unit manager, regional
>>>> manager, Head of Function and so on. I want to create a permissions
>>>> model - ideally using ACL (although I've never really 'got' ACL before
>>>> and have never successfully deployed it <embarrassed>) - that mirrors
>>>> this structure.
>>>> My constraints are that:
>>>> - each user can be assigned more than one role
>>>> - each role has different rites on objects in the system
>>>> - if a user is in two roles that have different permissions on the
>>>> same object he/she gains the most privileged rites
>>>> - the permissions apply at a row level (e.g. an org unit manager can
>>>> manage his/her org unit, but no others)
>>>> I have successfully built this in another system in ASP where I rolled
>>>> my own permissions model that did exactly what I wanted it to do and
>>>> it was easy to administer.
>>>> Is this achievable with Cake out of the box, or should I roll my own
>>>> again? If it can be done with Cake's ACL, which is the best guide to
>>>> refer to (not the online book - I know about that)?
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