[Google Maps API v2] Re: arrowheads on polylines from a select box
> http://www.xelawho.com/map/zonesarrowstest.htm
> As you can see, one arrow appears when each line is selected. From
> what I can tell the arrows are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd from the complete
> array of arrows - ie, they don't belong to those lines. I tried
> limiting the arrows that showed to the lines by the category method
> that worked before, but you can see how that worked out.
Well, the checkboxes work just fine. Perhaps you should implement the
same methods from the select box. There are perfectly good show()
and hide() functions that you seem to have forgotten about.
Print out your code, run the finger down and see what the checkbox
code actually does. If you can't grasp the action, you won't be able
to modify it for your select box.
Get a debugger for your browser. Step through the code for your
selectbox and see why only one arrowhead is shown (hint: the code only
asks for one to be shown...)
It has nothing to do with the Maps API and we have by now re-invented
the same processes several times over. Everyone has to learn, and
this a good way to do it. But I think it's time for you to get in at
the deep end now.
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