Wednesday, November 17, 2010

[Rails] Re: Rake db:seed complains about form not being multipart encoded

Managed to fix this thanks to the following question on stack

Just had to fix the code in my seeds file a bit. The following

activity = Activity.create! :name => 'Football', :icon =>, '/public/images/activity_icons/

On Nov 18, 1:57 am, stephenjamesmurdoch
<> wrote:
> I'm using CarrierWave to attach icons to my activities model. I have a
> bunch of seed data that I want to create every time I recreate my
> database.
> The following line from my seeds.rb file causes rake to throw and
> error:
> activity = Activity.create! :name => 'Football', :icon =>
> As you can see, I'm trying to upload a file from my public directory
> when I run rake db:seed.
> But when I do this, I get a complaint about my form not being
> multipart encoded.  I know that my form IS multipart encoded because
> manual uploads work fine and I've added the necessary code i.e. (:html
> => {:multipart => true}) to my form
> I'm guessing that this is not a CarrierWave issue since it would
> almost certainly happen if I was using paperclip or attachment_fu but
> perhaps some of you have dealt with this issue before?
> It seems to me that rake is not using the same form that is used for
> manual uploads (makes sense really) so is there a way to tell rake
> that this seed data should be considered multipart encoded?

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