Monday, November 15, 2010

Re: Dynamic user-filtered search

Ok, so I wrote some UNPROTECTED jquery/django code to pass filters to
the database. Through a combination of drop down boxes and user input
boxes (exactly like you would see in iTunes), I am using jquery to
construct the filter.

As an example, let's say the user selects in the first drop down:
"Year". For the second drop down: "is". The last is an input box
where the user enters "2005." This criteria is put into an array/

{"includes": [["year__iexact", "2005"]],
"excludes": []},

"includes"/"excludes" separates the criteria like "is", "is before"
from things like "is not"
"all" designates that the filter should "match all", not "match any"

This is converted to JSON:
and posted to django.

The view in django then puts the data into the filter:
incdict[ filter[0].encode('utf-8') ] = filter[1].encode('utf-8')

This becomes:
incdict[ 'year__iexact' ] = 2005

That is fed into the query:
query_set = Film.objects.filter(**incdict)

Ok, I hope that was clear. What I ask now is how to protect against
the unscrupulous user who seeps to bypass/exploit the input. Do I
need to escape special characters? Data validation? What is the best
way to protect the system?


On Nov 12, 7:27 am, Masklinn <> wrote:
> On 2010-11-12, at 13:20 , Ed wrote:
> > It seems simple from a SQL point of view, but I'm wondering what the
> > best implementation would be from to go from a django form to MySQL.
> > The above is an example.  In practice, I would want to dynamically
> > populate the filter criteria/fields. Any suggestions on a starting
> > point?
> Create a strict translator (remember that your users can and will try to bypass/exploit whatever you give them, including selects) from whatever your form returns to a dict, which will be sent to .filter as a **kwargs?

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