Friday, November 12, 2010

Re: [Lovers India] Thanks for co-operation

Proud 2 b an INDIAN......

On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 11:52 IST Vikas Tripathi wrote:

>*Thnx for the support dears*
>On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Naga Raju <> wrote:
>> Do not divide India into North India and SOuth India.we are all Indians.All
>> regions are great.No one is less than the other.Then why these
>> differences.Stop showing such differences.
>> Regards
>> Naga Raju................An Indian
>> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 11:52 AM, selva kumar <> wrote:
>>> Hi siddharthan,
>>> Why do you want to quit?
>>> I am also watching the posts and have also replied to some posts.
>>> Quitting here is not going to solve the problem.
>>> Just ignore such messages and such people. This how we have to live in
>>> India. We need tolerance, if we need to co-exist.
>>> I think people will understand now, why Periyar fought for such struggles.
>>> We have no option. This is not the front we should fight. The world is
>>> big, we will fight at different fronts. Never, never and never give up.
>>> I wish you great success and hope to meet you again with the same spirit.
>>> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 11:28 AM, siddharthanslf <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Dear Friends,
>>>> thanks for ur mails which made my inbox valuable one...
>>>> Now its time for me to quit...
>>> *No we are still here.*
>>>> Because here the mails are just for one language and they act as
>>>> monopoly,,,
>>> *Don't fight with ignorance.*
>>>> I jus want to inform one thing don't reply on tamils and their struggles
>>>> without knowing the history...
>>> *Some people are not interested in knowing their history itself.*
>>>> i may not be the representative of my language
>>> *Who said you are not? You are the representative of your language. You
>>> have the right. no one will give you the title. You are fighting for you.
>>> *
>>>> bt i got to respond when my language was insulted because i am a
>>>> tamilan...
>>>> the some hindi speaking members are thinking that India is just running
>>>> because of hindi speaking people..
>>> *Just take a list of personalities who are at the forefront of sports,
>>> science, technology, politics and administration. They will know what is the
>>> reality.*
>>>> i had to remember them India just a union of states...
>>> *Yes. But some difficulties with hindi speakers should not fed you up.
>>> There are people in north east, central India, Jammu, in remote places and
>>> hundreds of cultural minorities whose language and culture are different. We
>>> got this opportunity. We got education. But they were denied. We need to
>>> uplift them. We have to transform this society into multicultural.*
>>>> time will change...
>>> *Yes. Time will come. But we should be preparing ourselves until the time
>>> arrives.*
>>>> till that i have to be quite... If i too respond to those unnecessary
>>>> talks, it will not be fair...
>>> *You don't need to respond. Just ingore. Take what is good for us.*
>>>> bye my frnds take care...
>>>> catch me on
>>>> bye
>>>> bye
>>>> --
>>>> with regards,
>>>> siddharthan
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