Thursday, December 2, 2010

Re: MVP *without* UiBinder

Hi, I'm author of GWT Designer. ;-)

> ** no wyswug viewer & GWT Designer
> I have tried the GWT Designer, and I was referring by calling it
> Window Builder in my previous post. I know I can get the wyswug
> viewer, but seems like it only work if the gui is created thru GWT
> Designer. And by do so GWT Designer actually generate Java code
> instead of generating the UiBinder files. And I have not been able to
> see how to get it work on a set of UiBinder files. Please correct me
> if I am doing it wrong.

You may be need to use "Open with..." action to choose WindowBuilder

> ** no event click navigation from the ui.xml file
> This is a direct comparison between the UiBinder way and the GWT
> Designer. In GWT Designer, I can view the gui and use the mouse the
> navigate to associated event codes for any widgets. However, if I am
> working on the ui.xml file, I can't seem to easily bring up a list of
> event handler code thats associated with a particular field. I have to
> actually take the uifield name, open the java view implementation
> manually and look for the field there, and then do a text search to
> look for the method that is marked with @UiHandler("fieldname").
> Which  is cumbersome compare to GWT Designer.

This also work in same way as in Java version of GWT Designer.
and page with displaying events

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