Thursday, January 6, 2011

[Rails] Running methods on a class in gem

I have installed a gem "Rubygsm and dependencies"
I have the send sms working via the gem

The following code is from the gem core file for receiving an sms:

# call-seq:
# receive(callback_method, interval=5, join_thread=false)
# Starts a new thread, which polls the device every _interval_
# seconds to capture incoming SMS and call _callback_method_
# for each, and polls the device's internal storage for incoming
# SMS that we weren't notified about (some modems don't support
# that).
# class Receiver
# def incoming(msg)
# puts "From #{msg.from} at #{msg.sent}:", msg.text
# end
# end
# # create the instances,
# # and start receiving
# rcv =
# m = "/dev/ttyS0"
# m.receive rcv.method :incoming
# # block until ctrl+c
# while(true) { sleep 2 }
# Note: New messages may arrive at any time, even if this method's
# receiver thread isn't waiting to process them. They are not lost,
# but cached in @incoming until this method is called.
def receive(callback, interval=5, join_thread=false)
@polled = 0

The working code....

end # Modem
end # Gsm

Where do I setup the actions and where should I place the method calls
to the object in this class
All the hashes above are descriptions I believe on how to call the
methods but need guidance.

Can I define a class within a class, say messages? I tried this but I
dont think I can

I have run it in console in my app and get failures

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