Friday, February 4, 2011

[android-developers] Re: In app billing...

On Feb 4, 3:15 pm, Dianne Hackborn <> wrote:
> How about this: for existing apps, keep the separate paid vs. trial versions
> as you do now.  Just change things so that the trial version has in-app
> purchase to turn it into a full app.  Do your paid app is the same as the
> trial version, it just knows that it is already "unlocked."

I have to consider a cost/benefit analysis.

There is work for me to do to make the in app purchase work.

How much benefit does it provide to the customer? Right now, I have a
buy button that takes them to the Market listing for the PRO version.
I don't think going through in app purchases will be less buttons and
screens for the user; it might even be more. Will people buy through
the app that wouldn't buy if I redirected to a PRO app? And why?

How much support cost will there be? How many people will ask "Can you
explain to me again the difference between buying this thing called a
'license' inside the DEMO and buying the PRO version?" How many people
will expect the PRO version to somehow be better than the 'license'?
How many people will complain that their icon or app name didn't
change, and I'll have to explain that they have to reboot to get that
to happen. When Google Checkout takes *three hours* to authenticate
someone, people will think my app is buggy. Then again, when that
happens in the Android Market, they contact me anyway.

By rocking the boat I mean this: the downloads of my paid app would
probably drop by at least 75%. That would plummet the app from a top
position down to the noise level where no one would ever find it. The
number of downloads of my free app, meanwhile, would be unchanged and
it wouldn't rise at all.

Trying to transfer preferences from a DEMO to a paid app is a major
pain, true. But that's pain I've already done.

So far the cost benefit analysis says I lose money by doing this. I'll
keep it in mind for future apps.


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