How to assign form names in formset before rendering??
Hi all...
I'm working on building an oline examination system. Here is a view
which picks some questions randomly from the database and generates 10
I could able to display these questions on the web page. In that web
page there should be a formset which have options A, B, C, D. The name
of the form in that "formset" should be the unique question ID which I
How to assign form ID to each form in a "frameset" Before it renders
to the user??
Please give me your suggestions. I don't have any Idea on this.
Here is the view which calculates the random questions.
from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory
def start_exam(request, sub_code, template_name = 'accounts/
start_exam.html', answer_form=AnswerForm, current_app=None,
nq_in_exam = 10
if request.method == "POST":
//some logic goes here to process the submitted form.
questions = Question.objects.filter(subject_code = sub_code)
n = questions.count()
if (n < nq_in_exam):
return render_to_response(template_name)
m = int(math.floor(n/nq_in_exam))
position = 0
id_list = []
for object in Question.objects.filter(subject_code = sub_code):
for i in range(nq_in_exam):
position +=m
exam = Question.objects.filter(id__in = id_list)
formset = formset_factory(answer_form)
context = { 'formset': formset, 'questions':exam }
context.update(extra_context or {})
return render_to_response(template_name, context,
context_instance=RequestContext(request, current_app=current_app))
Here is the form which is to be in formset.
ANSWER_CHOICES = (('A','A'),('B','B'),('C','C'),('D','D'))
class AnswerForm(forms.Form):
options = forms.ChoiceField(choices = ANSWER_CHOICES, widget =
Here is the template logic I have written to render that page.
<form name = "exam_form" action ="." method ="POST">
{%for form in formset%}
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
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