Saturday, February 19, 2011

[Rails] Using Nokogiri to insert a <span> tag into existing text


I'm using Nokogiri to handle the following problem:

I have a piece of HTML, and for certain text nodes, I need to insert
<span> tags into the text of these nodes at a certain place.

What I am doing is finding the place where I want to insert the <span>,
let's say index X of the text node's text, and doing the following:

1) Setting the node's text to just what is before index X
2) Adding the <span> as a next sibling to the original node
3) Adding another next sibling to the original node that is another text
node, whose contents are the rest of the text in the original node.

I can pass a string with "<span>blah</span>" to Node#add_next_sibling
handle #2.

I'm having trouble with creating a new text node and passing it to
Node#add_next_sibling though.

1) Does anyone have an example of creating a new text node in

2) Is there a simpler way to do this than splitting up one text node
into 3 nodes?

Many thanks,

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