Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Re: habtm self which joining table

Based on your description of your problem, I assume that the following
requirements should be met:

1) A person may be related to one or more different person(s).
2) A person must be able to group related persons in none, one or more
relationship groups.
3) A person must be able to maintain the list of relationship groups.

Thus there would be a need for the following tables:

a) persons - maintain person related information.
b) relationships - requirement 1.
c) groups - requirement 3.
d) relationship_groups - requirement 2.

The model associations would then become:
Person habtm Person using Relationship
Person hasMany Group
Relationship habtm Group using RelationshipGroup

Hope this helps you on the way, enjoy,

On 8 Feb., 14:48, Dave <nec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Persons is the user table...
> Relations is the relation group and it belongs to person_id
> I then need a table that lists all persons that the RelationOwner has
> placed into it which consists of person_id(owner) relation_id
> person_id(person in the relationship)
> CREATE TABLE persons {
> name VARCHAR (20)
> }
> CREATE TABLE relations {
> person_id INT UNSIGNED
> PRIMARY KEY(id, person_id)
> }
> CREATE TABLE persons_relations_persons {
> relation_id INT UNSIGNED,
> persona_id INT UNSIGNED
> personb_id INT UNSIGNED
> PRIMARY KEY(relation_id, persona_id, personb_id)
> }
> Thoughts on best practice?

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