Sunday, April 17, 2011

Re: Addition of future elements and binding events

You can use GwtQuery, a gwt port of jQuery
The live() method is implemented so you can use it as you did it with
jQuery. Documentation :


On Apr 7, 2:40 pm, Gabe <> wrote:
> I guess what I'm looking for is some clarity and understanding on this
> process. I don't have code to post right now because I'm at
> work...working. (:
> Anyway, maybe someone can give me some insight based on the
> description of my problem.
> I'm working on animating multiple clouds (images) which have been
> added on top of other divs, all within an HTMLcontainer,
> using .setInnerHTML() on their parent container. This works. I always
> see the clouds if they are set to a large enough width/height - I'll
> explain in a sec. So, what I'm trying to do is once all the clouds
> have been set to their parents, I want each one to animate (grow) from
> 0px height/width to 100px height/width. I have built a cloud class
> that extends animation to cycle through all of the clouds to try and
> cause this effect, but prior to compiling only about half (Sometimes
> more or less) animate and no error is generated. Using the compiled
> Javascript, generally none of them animate and I get an error saying
> the element can not be found.
> I've usedjQuerybefore and have always used the .live() function to
> prepare for the appending of future elements. I'm assuming this is the
> issue and I guess I'm just looking for any comments/suggestions on how
> to implement this in GWT and if this is/isn't the correct approach to.
> I'd really appreciate any feedback.

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