Re: Put an "inline" at the top of admin form instead of bottom?
Create a templated named "change_form.html" in a subdirectory named
"<your_template_root>/admin/<app_name>/<model_name>/" with the
following contents, note the inline formsets are now above the
{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
{% block content %}<div id="content-main">
{% block object-tools %}
{% if change %}{% if not is_popup %}
<ul class="object-tools">
{% block object-tools-items %}
<li><a href="history/" class="historylink">{% trans "History" %}</a></li>
{% if has_absolute_url %}<li><a href="../../../r/{{
content_type_id }}/{{ object_id }}/" class="viewsitelink">{% trans
"View on site" %}</a></li>{% endif%}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
<form {% if has_file_field %}enctype="multipart/form-data" {% endif
%}action="{{ form_url }}" method="post" id="{{ opts.module_name
}}_form">{% csrf_token %}{% block form_top %}{% endblock %}
{% if is_popup %}<input type="hidden" name="_popup" value="1" />{% endif %}
{% if save_on_top %}{% submit_row %}{% endif %}
{% if errors %}
<p class="errornote">
{% blocktrans count errors|length as counter %}Please correct the
error below.{% plural %}Please correct the errors below.{%
endblocktrans %}
{{ adminform.form.non_field_errors }}
{% endif %}
{% for inline_admin_formset in inline_admin_formsets %}
{% include inline_admin_formset.opts.template %}
{% endfor %}
{% block after_related_objects %}{% endblock %}
{% for fieldset in adminform %}
{% include "admin/includes/fieldset.html" %}
{% endfor %}
{% block after_field_sets %}{% endblock %}
{% submit_row %}
{% if adminform and add %}
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("{{
adminform.first_field.id_for_label }}").focus();</script>
{% endif %}
{# JavaScript for prepopulated fields #}
{% prepopulated_fields_js %}
{% endblock %}
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