Saturday, May 7, 2011

[android-developers] Re: Multiple Tasks within an Application & Stack Overflow

On May 7, 5:44 pm, Dianne Hackborn <> wrote:
> I would suggest that you  don't do this.  Tasks are for things the user
> thinks of as applications -- things they launch from the home screen, see in
> the recent tasks list, etc.  If this is not what your application is,
> abusing the facility for interaction within the app is likely just to lead
> to trouble and pain.
> My first suggestion would be to look at using fragments.  Alternatively,
> there are Intent flags that allow you to move individual activities within
> your task's stack.

OK, thank you. We can't use fragments because we need API level 7
support. I'll look at the Activity re-ordering flags.

But can you tell me if there is a separate history for Task switching
(from my empirical testing there is), and whether or not that task
switching history can overflow (like Activity stack can), or whether
Android prevents it from overflowing by dropping old history?

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