Sunday, May 8, 2011

[android-developers] Re: Suspended my dev account without any explanation, Why?

Your advice to the OP that he seek legal counsel is certainly safe
advice. However, before he takes that route, he really should brush up
on IP law himself, so that he will understand what the legal counsel
will say to him. Besides: if he is an attentive reader, he can learn
most of what he needs to know from a good book on IP law in
computing, at a much lower expense.

Why, the book I learned it from (well enough to keep myself out of the
trouble he is now in) is now available for a dirt cheap price on
Amazon. It is "The Legal Environment of Computing" by Peter & James
Fitzsimons Knight.

That said, I have to admit: when a book is that cheap on Amazon, it is
usually because it is dated. But in this case, I really do believes
the fundamentals are the same, what has 'dated' the book is that it
does not cover the issues since then opened up by mashups and AMVs,
where licensed material is used and 'fair use' is claimed under
circumstances that would not have been considered plausible for 'fair
use' back when Peter & James Fitzsimons Knight wrote their book.

On May 6, 10:54 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Angry Developer <> wrote:
> > Hmm, but I see on market many themes like mine. They all will be
> > banned similarly?(for example - the ADW "Tron" theme from another
> > developer with 10000 downloads or ADW nexus S Gingerbread(!) theme -
> > also on top). Therefore, it is unclear to me why some of this similar
> > products are blocked, while others - not?
> This is clearly spelled out in the Android Market developer
> distribution agreement. You need to speak with qualified legal
> counsel, who can educate you on the agreement's terms and conditions.
> > For my themes  I used materials that are freely available. Namely, I
> > used the images found in "Google images ".
> You need to speak with qualified legal counsel, who can educate you on
> copyrights, trademarks, and piracy.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)||
> _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 3.4 Available!

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