Monday, May 30, 2011

[Rails] Re: Really bad problem with Webrick/Rails using 3.1 - Help?

Yeah, I don't think it has anything to do with the asset pipeline - it
is definitely a problem with the routes.

I made a change on purpose to cause the route to fail, and it causes
the effects that I am talking about. Here's some webrick verbiage.

Notice that it took "35147ms" to complete the request, which is faster
than usual. My experience, it has been around 60 seconds.

Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/json2.js
(0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.js
(0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery_ujs.js
(0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/
jquery.tokeninput.js (0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/
jquery.jcrop.js (0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/
jquery.fancybox.js (0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/
jquery.highlight.js (0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery-ui.js
(0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/font.js (0ms)
(pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/underscore.js
(0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/ICanHaz.min.js
(0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/javascripts/require.js
(0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/app/assets/javascripts/application.js
(0ms) (pid 11670)
Compiled ~/websites/training/vendor/assets/stylesheets/token-input-
facebook.css (0ms) (pid 11670)
Rendered my/learning_programs/show.html.erb within layouts/secure
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 35147ms

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method
`learning_programs_path' for #<#<Class:0x0000000531a650>:
2: <h2>Actions</h2>
3: <ul>
4: <li><%= link_to 'Edit',
edit_my_learning_program_path(@learning_program) %></li>
5: <li><%= link_to 'Back', learning_programs_path %></li>
6: </ul>
7: </div>

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