Sunday, May 15, 2011

[Rails] Re: Why is AR migrations using one file per migration?

On May 14, 8:58 pm, Nicolas Buduroi <> wrote:
> Hi, I'm currently in the process of rethinking some of the design decisions
> I've taken in my first attempt to add migrations support to Lobos, a Clojure
> schema manipulation library. I've based this work mostly on ActiveRecord,
> but now that I'm getting some feedback on it, I really wonder why Rails
> migrations are spread around into individual files. Wouldn't it be better to
> simply add the timestamp to the migrations name and put them all into one
> file?
Just off the top of my head, it is probably easier to write a
generator that creates a new migration file than one that edits an
existing file


> Here's the discussion that made me ask this question:

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