Friday, May 27, 2011

Re: Django development with iPad as target platform?

On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:25 PM, Shawn Milochik <> wrote:
> On 05/27/2011 10:21 AM, Thomas Weholt wrote:
>> I just got my hands on an iPad and was wondering if anybody has done
>> any django development where the iPad was the target
>> platform/browser/client?
>> Thanks in advance and expect some django-app aimed at ipad in the near
>> future ;-).
> As someone who had an iPad for over a year, I'd say there there's really
> nothing to "target." You have a very usable browser and screen size, and I
> didn't have problems with any sites that I can think of.

Whether there is something to target depends entirely on the site
you're writing. There are three *major* differences between an iPad
interface and a browser interface that I can think of off the top of
my head:

* iPads don't have a native concept of "hover" or "mouseover"
(because your finger can't hover, and you don't have a mouse)

* iPad's have touch events, not mouse events, so anything triggering
onMouseDown/Up etc, or using drag and drop won't work.

* No support for Flash.

Now, for many sites, this doesn't matter. A list of clickable links is
a list of clickable links, no matter where it's rendered. However, if
you've got dense IA or you want to deliver a web app with a rich UI
experience, these differences are huge.

And to answer the OP's question -- Yes, I've done some iPad app
development (both native app and web); as far as Django is concerned,
the iPad is just a fancy browser. The tech decisions you have to make
are entirely client side (JS/CSS frameworks and so on), not server

Russ Magee %-)

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