Monday, June 27, 2011

[android-developers] Re: Different resources, one xml file?

Woops, sorry for the duplicate post, I couldn't find my original one
for some reason.

Yeah I figured I could do it through Java code alright, but I'd prefer
not to. In reality I have a lot more resources than just a button and
a BG and setting all these in code and maintaining the list would be
far from ideal. I just wanted to check there wasn't an easier option
before I went ahead and implemented it.

On Jun 27, 9:56 am, muckwarrior <> wrote:
> I'm building an app, similar to a quiz app, which repeats
> functionality for different subjects. The layouts will be the same for
> each subject except that the resources used will different, e.g.
> Subject 1 will use ButtonImage 1 and Background colour 1, Subject 2
> uses ButtonImage 2 etc. etc.
> What I'm trying to avoid is duplicating the xml layouts. I initially
> assumed that I could use themes to avoid hardcoding the resourceIDs
> into the layout, but on further investigation that doesn't seem
> possible. Another approach I thought may have been possible was to use
> alternative resources folders and have a folder for each subject, but
> it doesn't seem possible to use custom qualifiers.
> Can anyone tell me is it possible to specify multiple resources
> without creating multiple xml layouts?

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