Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Re: R: Re: [Rails] ERROR:"Could not find activesupport-3.0.4 in any of the sources"

On Jun 1, 2:55 pm, Manuele Dones <> wrote:
> Here again... the same problem ;-)

> Is there a way to "update" my project to the newest versions of the gems? I
> mean, now my project seems to required an older versions of some gem, so is
> there a way to update it? I think this is important otherwise it's useless
> to update the gems if the proejcts still need and use the older versions..
> Is it clear? Thanks guys, see you.

You are not specifying the version of arel in your Gemfile (at least
you shouldn't be), just the version of rails.
You need to understand Gem dependencies a bit better.

Look at Gemfile.lock and you will see Gem dependencies - for example,
rails 3.0.7 depends on activerecord 3.0.7 which depends on arel 2.0.x.
( ~> 2.0.2 means you can use 2.0.3, 2.0.10, etc.)
Bundler will manage these dependencies for you. If you uninstall arel
2.0.10 and keep arel 2.1.x, your app won't start because of a missing

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