Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ALL CAPS input and Sentence case

Forgive me if this might be more of a python-centric or text-handling
question more than Django, but it does come up within the context of
web development, processing user input, etc in all web frameworks
including django. I did a quick search on the forum and couldn't find
an answer. (I've also googled, but didn't turn up anything
useful....). Maybe someone can direct me to the answer...

For user input, I would like to format what they enter into 'sentence
Example, if they input ALL CAPS for a description, I want to lowercase
that, but according to sentence rules (first word in sentence upper
case, rest lowercase up to the period).

I was hoping something like this exists as a convenience function/
module, but if not i guess i'll have to write it myself.


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