Friday, July 29, 2011

[Rails] Re: Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./rmagick

On Jul 29, 9:04 am, Pete <> wrote:
> I am running ruby 1.9.2p290 and Rails 3.0.9 on OSX Lion
> When I run bundle install, it installs into rmagick directory and
> creates subfolders for ruby/1.9.1/gems...
> Why is bundle installing gems under 1.9.1/gems ?

Well it's installed it into a folder called rmagick because you've
accidentally told it to do so by doing bundle install rmagick (bundle
install doesn't allow you to install specific gems, it looks like it
interprets an argument passed to it as a path. That setting is stored
in the app's .bundle/config)

The hierarchy inside that folder is (I believe) because bundler is
replicating rubygems layout. It's 1.9.1 rather than 1.9.2 because
1.9.1 is the api version number (much like how on 1.8.7, gems would
have gone in a folder called just 1.8)


> Thanks

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