Tuesday, August 16, 2011

[android-developers] 2-step verification nightmare

I have an Android Phone that cannot access the Android Market without
setting up a 2-step verification code.

You can't access Android Market without logging in. Your regular
google password does not work. So you have to get a 2-step
verification working first.

First thing is the Google website directions are really stupid because
they direct you to download the Google Authenticator from the Market -
But you can't access the market - so it is really impossible to follow
these directions.

So I went through the set up process on the computer and had the
verification code SMS'd to my Android Phone.

Then I tried logging into my Google account on the Phone in two ways
(that both fail)
(1) Used verification code for the password - that does work - it says
the password does not match
(2) Generated an application specific password on the computer and
used that to login from the phone - still does not match

What is the trick? Can't believe they make it this difficult

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