Tuesday, August 2, 2011

[android-developers] Issues with CheckBox setting checBox ID in a ListView

Dear All,

I have a ListView in one of my Tab:
Initially the Tab has empty ListView.
In the Tab there is a menu with menu item such as EDIT,REFRESH.
Firstly, Refresh is clicked and an sms is sent and via
broadcastreciever i recieved the sms in the format: 1\nApple\ Sweet
Apple\n2\nMango\nSweet Mango (id\n\fruitname\fruitcategory);
I somehow parse this data and set it into the model class and added to
an ArrayList.
Then i used a BaseAdapter for the ListView where the checkbox is
hidden initially.
The listview appears. Now when EDIT is clicked i need to show the
checkbox and the listview has a checkbox.

My Problem lies here:
On my baseAdapter on getView method i did this:
viewHolder.checkBox.setId(fruitsList.get(position).getId()); // getId
is frm the model class

When edit is clicked, my menu changes to Delete and cancel.
I am not being able to retrieve the id which i set in the checkBox?

Is this not possible?

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