Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Re: [android-developers] Re: Just received Lodsys letter...

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Katie Smith <> wrote:
> David,
> I'm sorry you are going through this.

Thanks, this is something I wish for noone...

> I put together a list of resources for those of you that have received
> letters from Lodsys. I will add to it as I find out more information.
> If you have the contact information for a developer advocate at
> Google, I suggest talking to them as well.
> Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) - Julie Samuels (
> She is helping to coordinate contacts between app developers. She
> might also be able to help you find a lawyer. (Not sure if you're out
> of the U.S. though.)

Thanks, I had already emailed the EFF and waiting for a response.
To be out of the USA will be a very different situation, I guess...

> Mike Lee's "Appsterdam Alliance" -
> (
> As you can see in this article, he is hoping to get developers
> together to defend themselves. If you contact him, he can get you in
> touch with his lawyer.

I'll mail him right now!

> Advice on how to respond -
> As for comments like "I for one hope that they (Lodsys) carry on
> behaving like extortionist gangsters. It's the surest path to patent
> reform as it relates to software. Thanks Lodsys!" (Christopher Van
> Kirk)... Maybe think a bit before you post something like that. It's
> really not helpful to anyone and you will be thinking differently when
> a FedEx from Lodsys shows up on your doorstep and you face a real risk
> of losing your business and more.

That's right. I've received many "advices" like that one and I can
only think those people would not be giving such advices if they were
the ones receiving the dammit Fedex package...

> -- Katie

Thank you, Katie.

> On Aug 17, 4:17 am, David Erosa García <> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I'm a "solo" developer from Spain and just received a letter fromlodsysclaiming infringment for 4 US patents...
>> I've been in shock since I received it an hour ago and just wanted to
>> know if any of you has any kind of advise for this situation...  I do
>> understand almost nothing of the lawyer-style language of the letter
>> :(
>> Regards.
> --
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