Saturday, September 3, 2011

[android-developers] Re: Honeycomb (Android 3.2) emulator slow

Mark Murphy schrieb:
> Set the Device RAM size to 1024.

Yes, why not, would it help?

> Replace the home screen with something faster.

What do you mean by that? I tried already

window scale 96dpi

Which makes the window smaller. But I have
the feeling the whole graphics is broken,
font look small and ugly then. I have already
seen small fonts that weren't ugly.

> And buy a Core i7 with Turbo Boost to 3.4GHz.

No, doesn't help. I have already 4 cores, and one
core goes up with the emulator. The emulator
does not use multiple cores.

> Or, buy a Honeycomb tablet

Were just looking at the prices. They still feel
a little bit high.


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