Facebook authentication in Cakephp -> can't get Facebook user
I'm trying to implement Facebook authentication in my app, but I
cannot get the user. Everytime this code is run, if($this->_userid ==
0) is true, which sends the application back to the redirect, which is
the index page of my application.
I'm using PHP SDK 3.0.1. Can anyone tell why $this->_userid never
function __construct($apikey = null, $secretkey = null) {
// include the vendor
App::import('vendor', '/facebook');
$this->_apikey = $apikey;
$this->_secretkey = $secretkey;
// instantiate it
$this->_instance = new Facebook(array('appId' => $this-
>_apikey, 'secret' => $this->_secretkey, 'cookie'=> true));
$this->_userid = $this->_instance->getUser();
// If the user is not connected to the application, redirect
the user to authentication page
if($this->_userid == 0) {
// If the user is not connected to the application, redirect
the user to authentication page
$login_url = $this->_instance->getLoginUrl($params =
array('redirect_uri' => REDIRECT_URI,'scope' =>
echo ("<script> top.location.href='".$login_url."'</
} else {
// if the user is already connected, then fetch access_token and
user's information or show some content to logged in user.
$access_token = $this->_instance->getAccessToken(); //
Gives you current user's access_token
$this->_userid = $this->_instance->api('/me'); // Gets
User's information based on permissions the user has granted to your
} catch(FacebookApiException $e){
$results = $e->getResult();
// Print results if you want to debug.
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