Friday, September 30, 2011

Re: [android-developers] Direction help?

Keep a centralized server where the data gets populated. The app retrieves the data from the data server based on the profile of the user and displays.

On 30 Sep 2011 22:51, "Sam Deleon" <> wrote:
> I'm new to android development, I have been reading tutorials online
> and also started reading a beginners book. I already have a app idea
> but I have a question that I searched for but can't find.
> I'm wanting to build a app that when first launched will come to a
> login screen, once logged in, the Data displayed will be specific to
> that user login.
> Think of it like Bank Apps or an even better way to think of it is,
> say you have 3 nurses, each with their own device, they all launch the
> same app, when they log in, their screens look the same but the list
> of patients are different for each nurse, and let's say the list was
> created by another person from another device, with a app that is tied
> to the nurses app but different in the way that is sets up scheduling
> and other stuff.
> I want to know if it's possible and if so if I should be more focused
> on learning something more than other stuff? I know I have lots to
> learn but would doing this type of app have more to do with databases
> rather than android itself?
> --
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