CBV "Router"
Hey Guys,
I'm trying to create a "router" as recommended in IRC for several
different views. My Views are UpdateViews, so they are the new CBVs. I
don't mind my router being a simple function based view, though.
Basically, a User can edit some data. This data changes based upon the
user's "class" ... although when I say that, it's not programmatically
what I mean. A user can have a Band object, OR they can have a
Musician object, or later on there'll be more choices.
I want there to be one URL to edit that data. For example, they could
go to http://www.example.com/edit-profile and based upon what type of
an object the user has, they will be presented a specific ModelView.
So if the user goes to that URL and they are a Musician, they will be
presented my MusicianProfileUpdateView. If they are a Band, they will
be presented my BandProfileUpdatedView. And so forth....
I'm just really not sure what the simplest way to do this is. My views
have quite a bit of custom logic and overrides so in a best case
scenario, I'd be able to do the following:
if Band.objects.filter(user = user).exists():
return BandProfileUpdateView
elif Musician.objects.filter(user = user).exists():
return MusicianProfileUpdateView
Currently, I just give them different URLs but I think it's a horrible
approach from a User-experience point of view. I'm open to any
suggestions, and if it's something pretty complex then feel free to
throw in a short snippet example.
Thanks :)
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