Friday, October 28, 2011

CBV "Router"

Hey Guys,

I'm trying to create a "router" as recommended in IRC for several
different views. My Views are UpdateViews, so they are the new CBVs. I
don't mind my router being a simple function based view, though.

Basically, a User can edit some data. This data changes based upon the
user's "class" ... although when I say that, it's not programmatically
what I mean. A user can have a Band object, OR they can have a
Musician object, or later on there'll be more choices.

I want there to be one URL to edit that data. For example, they could
go to and based upon what type of
an object the user has, they will be presented a specific ModelView.
So if the user goes to that URL and they are a Musician, they will be
presented my MusicianProfileUpdateView. If they are a Band, they will
be presented my BandProfileUpdatedView. And so forth....

I'm just really not sure what the simplest way to do this is. My views
have quite a bit of custom logic and overrides so in a best case
scenario, I'd be able to do the following:

if Band.objects.filter(user = user).exists():
return BandProfileUpdateView
elif Musician.objects.filter(user = user).exists():
return MusicianProfileUpdateView

Currently, I just give them different URLs but I think it's a horrible
approach from a User-experience point of view. I'm open to any
suggestions, and if it's something pretty complex then feel free to
throw in a short snippet example.

Thanks :)

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