Saturday, October 15, 2011

[Rails] Cannot run server/rake/spork/rspec or anything due to some failed tests


I ran into a very weird problem and after trying to solve it for like 3
hours now and Google not willing to help me I have to ask you guys.

I'm currently writing some Spec tests which fail because of some missing
seed data. So rspec spec/ fails with:
`create_fund': Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you
really wanted the id of nil, use object_id (RuntimeError)

Well, fine I said so I'll just run rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=test to seed
the database:
rake aborted!
Validation failed: Name has already been taken
`block in <top (required)>'

What the heck's got rake to do in the spec directory? I get the exact
same error when I start spork or rails s
When I run RAILS_ENV=test rake db:fixtures:load I also get "Called id
for nil..." which doesn't make sense to me?

In conclusion: Whatever I start/run it all fails inside some spec file
and I have absolutely no idea why everything is going into the spec
folder anyway?!

I don't even know where to start pasting files here so if anyone wants
to see any file, please tell me. I am kinda desperate now.

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